Wild Eden News

Latest news, articles and resources from Wild Eden on sustainable living, organics, permaculture, eco building, homeschooling and more
Wild Eden News

Wild Eden News

The Chosen reply to LightHouseTrail article.

 Is ‘Lighthousetrailresearch’ concerned about truth? Consistent with the stances in this article? If yes: – Any church, ministry, film or business where the ceos or producers have any friends or partners or staff that do not hold to the same spiritual and religious views must be avoided.  – No film or sermon should be watched unless it uses the Biblical text verbatim. Or where the actors do not hold to strict protestant Christian beliefs. Or where the producers have any relationships that are ‘unequally yoked’ – All films should be avoided as they have seductive ability. (Or is this only for ‘Christian’ …

Face to face with evil…

Recently. I watched a documentary about ‘encounters with evil’. Police investigative and psychological interviews (+ descriptions) of people who they considered evil.  Some of the acts were gruesome, the detective work to find and convict them riveting. But one particular phrase really grabbed me:  What is it like to come face to face with evil? While these heinous crimes were disgusting, there is a difference between those who do evil things and evil itself…  I remember clearly the day I came face to face with actual evil. A spiritual entity that had so much power it captivated me. A master …

When they don’t want you in church…Fathers Day 2023

It was 23 years ago today I discovered I had a Father. A real, tangible Father that had never left me, always protected me and gently guided me, despite my determined rebellion. It made an instant, lasting difference. – My biological father left before I was born – leaving me insecure and chasing identity. I met him when I was in my 20s for the first time. After seeing him a few times I asked if he would want to come to my wedding. His reply is the last thing I heard him say:  “Adam I never wanted children and …

ChatGPT: when AI wants to send you to hell.

It matters what you have as your source for Truth. Unfortunately many will have a terrible awakening as they have been gullible to believe government, Hollywood, the media, religion… “Be not afraid, for in the kingdom of God, there is no man nor woman, as all are one in spirit. The gates of my Father’s kingdom will open for those who love and are loved, for God looks not upon the body, but the heart.”  – ChatGPT [not what the Bible states!] Here is what God *actually* says: – We all only live once, then will face Judgement. ¹   – …

Connect, Share, Love

Today, being the anniversary of my mother in laws death, we spent some time reflecting on her life.  This photo is one of my favourites of her. Battling cancer, walking in uneven sand up from the old caravans were were living in. She had spent the time to come and visit and on the trek back to the car she didn’t miss a trick connecting with one of my younger sons.  It is such a reminder that life is ‘just’ a collection of moments where we can spend time and actually connect with others. The clothes, the money, the house, …

Sharmini – Amazing Mother

I am humbled and amazed when I think of all you do in this family honey. I know at times, it is tiring, stressful. chaotic and even seems futile. But be encouraged, God uses *every* single action, every word and sacrifice! Your prayers early in the morning and late at night.  Your honesty and humility with personal faults  Your example in going to God and dealing with said faults.  Your modelling of commitment to and respect of your husband.  Your sacrifice giving up your desires, friends, activities to lead your children to Him.  Your understanding of your children’s feelings and …

Mothers Day 2023 – do what you can

I see a lot of the incredible work that goes on behind the scenes of Christian homeschool motherhood due to my wife…and I am amazed. At times, it is tiring, stressful. chaotic and even seems futile. But be encouraged, God uses *every* single action, every word and  sacrifice!  Your prayers early in the morning and late at night. Your honesty and humility with personal faults Your example in going to God and dealing with said faults. Your modelling of commitment to and respect of your husband. Your sacrifice giving up your desires, friends, activities to lead your children to Him. Your understanding of your …

Mothers Day 2023

Watching our children this week I was reflecting on the way that you have prayed, inputted in to them, trained them, taught them and schooled them. It really is amazing – they are so blessed and their characters all reflect how God has used you in their lives.  I am deeply grateful for all that you have done and do:Your continual sacrifice, putting God and His ways first, has led to our 6 children having amazing spiritual privilege. So many times you forgo what would feel nice, what you would like, what is relaxing, what is easy…and instead do what …

Murder of Melko

My wife recently read out a news report about a murder…  the unique name sounded familiar and sure enough, the victim was someone I knew briefly in my previous ‘life’.  As I looked at the news photo of his house, I could remember vaguely doing drugs with this guy. Carefree, fun loving and generous, this person now bludgeoned to death, would never interact with anyone again…   How many people did I meet in these dark years, that are no longer alive? It is impossible to know. Even of the people who came to my house – there are many I …

King Charles Coronation It’s all about the King.

I only watched a little of the highlights of King Charles’ coronation – but of the few bits I saw…  1) Even though a lot of the ceremony was very subdued and for some quite boring, *nobody* else in the room got any attention. Live video coverage around the world from every angle, yet no mention of any of the ‘super important’ people in the room. In fact, if the *most* well known had dropped dead we wouldn’t know – the only thing important in the room? The king! And so it will be at the end of time – …

Housing & Economy Crisis yet the Government does THIS??

There would be no hospitals at all in Australia if it were not for Christianity. So it should be alarming, that the Government has just forcibly taken over a *private* hospital run by an order of nuns from the Catholic Church! No, not in Indonesia or Saudi Arabia or WW2 Germany, but in Australia’s own Capital Territory! Surely that isn’t legal? Well it wasn’t so guess what – they are changing the law to allow it. Ponder the implications… And if you are wondering what horrendous thing they did…nothing. They didn’t want to sell out to a new hospital – …

Housing & Economy Crisis yet the Government does THIS??

There would be no hospitals at all in Australia if it were not for Christianity. So it should be alarming to, that the Government has just forcibly taken over a *private* hospital run by an order of nuns from the Catholic Church.  No, not in Indonesia or Saudi Arabia or WW3 Germany, but in Australia’s own Capital Territory! And before you wonder if they have done something horrendous – no. It is likely due to etc fact that they treat life – all life – as sacred.  That means they serve and love people and do their best to offer …

Anzac Day 2023

Over the last few months, we have been learning about different periods of history, specifically about war between different nations.  One of the things that has been amazing to me, is just how many wars there have been throughout history. So many, that times without war really stand out – periods of peace are actually *very* rare.  So much death, so much horror it just beggars belief.  But here, in the West, living in this time, it is easy to naively start to take our freedoms for granted. I know I did… As a raging alcoholic all I cared about was …

Do you need forgiveness?

The amazing thing is, it comes with an optional offer of *guaranteed* forgiveness (for everything you have ever done!)! For many, the question “Do you need forgiveness?” results in 3 answers – which reflects you? : “I don’t need forgiveness” “I have to earn forgiveness” “I deserve to be forgiven” The truth is though, we have all violated the rules of the Creator. Some of us know His rules and break them deliberately, others do it without realising, others can’t resist. Either way, the fine *must* be paid. The God who created the universe says that lying, stealing, lust and …

First time in church…

One of the first times I went into a church off my own back, something *very* weird happened… I was a drug and alcohol addict, on a road trip to end my life. I had been in a remote location (Peak Charles) from somewhere between 1 and 3 weeks. Strangely, I had no come-down, no headaches, no vomiting and no shakes, which baffled me. I did what any good addict would do: I drove 3 hours to the nearest pub (Norseman). I bought a jug of beer, but didn’t even get through my second glass. It affected me so strangely, …

Neighbour collapses and unresponsive

One of our neighbours had a medical episode last night, and their spouse phoned me in a bit of a state. We rushed over there and helped, until they were stable. At the end I asked if I could pray for them both, which they gratefully received. They messaged this morning to say how thankful they were and that everything was now ok. It only occurred to me a few hours later, just how amazing this actually was… People who used to live near me feared and avoided me. Burnouts, parties, 4+ loud & vicious attack dogs, drugs, car wrecks …

What is more evil than guns?

It has been incredible, that, after the latest USA shooting in a school, there has been *very* little talk of how evil guns are. It’s a stark contrast to the normal news cycle after a shooting, so I thought I’d look at why…  Surprise, surprise, it comes down to what they are trying to get you to believe. And it turns out there is something more evil than guns (or gun laws) they want you to blame.  No, no NO certainly NOT transgender people (or transgender activist / terrorists) – don’t be CRAZY! That must not be your conclusion, no …

Love Wins – Transgender Terrorist labelled victim – Nashville Covenant School

My heart grieves, not only for the victims’ families, but also for the masses of precious young people being duped into a lie. I know what it is like to live with self-hatred, depression, and addiction. I know what it is like to be ostracised and rejected and bullied. I know what it is like to have questions and confusion about who I am / was (identity). But, speaking from experience, I can honestly say it was when my eyes were opened to who God made me to be, who I *actually* was, (not what other people thought, not what …

How a Hernia Op is evidence of A Changed life

How a Hernia Op is evidence of A Changed life TRIGGER WARNING (drug use). Some of you may know that, just to add insult to injury, I have been struggling with the addd complication of a hernia the last few months. Typically, it was on the side that I have to use to stand up (due to back / SI joint issues), so it has been pretty painful and debilitating. Thankfully, within a couple of weeks of the doctor diagnosing, I was in hospital getting the procedure done. I was informed that the recovery would be painful due to where …

Jesus is always at work! 202303

Some of you may know I have had some additional health battles since Christmas. A rapidly deteriorating hernia has made a significant hat on recovery from the lumbar fusion.  Today, it was a fairly bad morning – the pain to get up or walk was pretty intense. Someone was coming to pick up a parcel so I planned to ask one of the kids to walk up to gate and meet them.  As I went to ask them I had a feint thought: “maybe God wants me to talk to Shane (not his real name)”.  I wanted to swat that …

Forgiveness for ‘sale’ – 100% Guaranteed for Catholics

You might be surprised by the claim that you can be forgiven for *everything* you have ever done. That’s right, 100%, guaranteed, no matter what you have done! You may have been told there is a long list of things you must do (and and even longer list of things you must not do) to be forgiven, but this is not true… These rules and regulations are man-made and form the basis of almost all religions, spread by well meaning, but deceived people.   Religious Rules: Keep the 10 Commandments  Get Baptised  Confess your sins to a priest  Do Penance …

A Satanist and a Heroin Addict at a ‘Revival’

The term revival is being thrown around a bit due to what is happening at Asbury (and now Lee, Belmont, Samford and Cedarville Universities). It brings to mind some amazing times when I took a satanist and a heroin addict (amount others) to a ‘revival’ meeting…  I hadn’t been saved long and I was incredibly excited that God had taken my physical pain, crushed my addictions, changed my heart and given me Eternal life! I was accustomed to God prompting me to say specific things to strangers. If I actually said these things (I often didn’t), amazing things happened…  Take one time. …

The unknown puzzle

Many years ago (on this day) an engineer, (trying to solve a completely unrelated problem), unwittingly stumbled upon what would become the best selling puzzle of all time (~400 million). Ernő Rubik found out what most of us have:  It’s crazy hard to solve!  Some can (my boys can solve it very quickly, one of them can solve all the way up to an 11 x 11 cube!), but it starts with a steep learning curve. And first, it requires an acknowledgement that there is a puzzle to solve.   Believe it or not, we are all trying to solve …

How a 1500 year old prophecy nailed me…

If you have ever read history history, you’ll know that it is so far removed from us it is often hard to even understand.  Obscure references, outdated language, unclear meaning, vague projections – even if we go back a hundred or so years.  Compare all that to what I read this morning in a book written a whopping 4500 years ago: IT NAILS IT…well it nailed me!  Despite the fact that we are oblivious to our own actions – that we all think that we are good, this old book has something far more ugly to state:  “All their activity …

Nativity #23 Don’t kid the kids

This ceramic set shows each figure as a child.  The set (and each figure individually) is incredibly cute.  I love a number of things about this set:  Each figure has such wide, expectant and joyful eyes. The awe-inspiring event they have come to witness demands wide, attentive eyes. Knowing that they were looking at the King who could save them (and the rest of the world) from sin…could only result in joy. Each figure is a child: revealing that we are all God’s children. We love to try to be grown up, to be certified, to be qualified – but …

The most valuable disciples in the world…

Since Christmas, we have set up and rammed a new front fence: it’s not finished, but feels great to have *finally* made some progress on it! I have to say, that despite the pain and severe physical limitation, I *love* working with this amazing family.  We had some friends come to help – and watching our kids continually take the time to stop, include and teach others is so rewarding. To me, it is part of what discipleship looks like, a command from our Master, so desperately needed and severely lacking.  It is one of the aspects of my Christian …

In 2023: more of Him and less of me!

  Amazing. I had totally forgotten about this from last year… I can honestly say that I failed dismally in ‘letting the message about Christ fill my life’. Instead I filled my life with many other things, distractions and more. Listening to the Bible this New Years Eve, *the same* verse jumped out at me: “Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives.” (Colossians 3:16 NLT) New Years morning, we had a great discussion about what that looked like: “How could we let the message of Christ fill our lives? “ Some foundational answers and onto …

Nativity #21 It’s all about me

This set seems to be aimed at children, however the emphasis definitely hits us as adults…  Look at the stature and the face of each figure: they are oozing self confidence – pride.  Mary looks so pleased with herself. Joseph, so competent. The wise men, so distinguished.  Nothing could be further from the Truth! Mary had the humility to accept whatever God wanted to do through her. Joseph had the humility to remain married to Mary, even though she was pregnant without His involvement. The wise men humbled themselves so much that they abandoned their own lives in order to travel and …

Nativity #20 Pure Gold

This set made of high quality glazed china, is quite large and ornate.  Two things stand out clearly with this set:  1) GOLD: Nearly every figure has some gold. This speaks clearly of the very reason the Magi (most people think wise men) travelled so far to honour this baby…HE WAS KING!  Being astrologers influenced by Daniel (you know Daniel in the lions den Daniel!), they were looking for the King, born in Bethlehem, in the line of Judah who would save His people. Amazing things in the heavens shouted ‘King King King’ and so they came to honour Him with …

Nativity #18 Star Gazing!

  This modern resin set is great quality, colourful and sturdy. The detail of nearly every element is amazing – except one… THE EYES! Every figures has eyes that look up but also this distant gaze. For some, it really looks like they are day dreaming: with the King of Kings right in front of them!! But it is often the same with us… We see God’s creation, we witness miraculous events, we understand His specific care, protection and provision in our lives and at times we have Him very, very near. All this and yet we still have at …

Nativity #17 Terror in a cot? 

As I look at this set, made of ‘fired earth’ (terracotta), I often think of an amazing reality: Jesus came into the very world He created and went through incredible (fiery) trials. But He didn’t give up or walk away.  Far from *terror* in a cot, this baby actually achieved the opposite incredible reality: we can avoid terror! He is the only One that can remove us from God’s certain wrath…  Although ignorant of their fate, these people, all people, (you and me included), will face the God who the created them and the universe on Judgment Day. On that …

Nativity #12 Paper has weight

Another different set, this one is made out of paper!  Paper, virtually the opposite of the last set, is incredibly fragile and easy to damage. No strength at all! This reminds us of Jesus’ humanity: weak and easy to destroy… OR SO IT SEEMED!!!!  Helpless baby in a manger. The ruling government wanted Him gone. The religious mob wanted Him dead. A powerful king had dozens of babies killed trying to eliminate Him. False accusations, conspiracies, attempted assassinations – they all failed. Eventually, charges were brought against Him that were true: He claimed to be God and King…  Neither side could …

Nativity #14 Lead balloons

This is a strange set.  Made of lead it reminds us that our culture and even our own souls are toxic, deadly. Left to our own devices, we are drawn to, revel in and are held captive by sin. Sin, while enjoyable for a time, leaves us under God’s wrath and judgement. Without Jesus, we can not escape it.  Another thing that strikes me about this set is that one of the Magi (wise men), is missing his head covering or crown. This reminds us that we can willingly lay down our crowns before Jesus now, or we will be …

Nativity #13 Mind your BEES WAX  

Made from bees wax, this set is incredibly hard to store, especially when living in old caravans!  For this reason, this set reminds me of the miraculous provision of God… For around 15 of of nearly 20 years together, Sharmini and myself have lived in old caravans. Stinking hot in summer, freezing cold in winter. For periods, no power, running water or toilet, it seemed unlikely we would ever have ‘modern conveniences’, let alone a house that could store wax figures!  But here we are, 20 years later, virtually no income, me severely limited in the physical and we live …

Nativity #11 We’re all nuts…and bolts!

My children made this set from bolts, nuts and springs they found lying around.  While definitely not the most ornate and detailed set we own, it certainly is unique! It also communicates some powerful truths about the birth of Jesus…  First of all – that we are all nuts! (Well, maybe only speaking for myself 😂). As the Bible says, we are all wise in our own eyes, but often we are deceived or worse.  Also, this set, made of steel, the set reminds us of: The strength of Jesus The adaptability of JesusThe availability of JesusThe universality of JesusThe pervasiveness …

Food giveaway Christmas 2022

The other day I had the privilege of serving with my family at a food give away and sausage sizzle trying to brighten some peoples Christmas.  We met a barrage of people from all walks of life and for the most part it was a heart warming and rewarding experience.  But a couple of things were definitely *not* enjoyable…  One, seeing a woman use her young child as a ‘mule’ to try to get twice the amount of food. I felt helpless to change this boys reality – obviously embarrassed and equally powerless in his role.  Two, seeing people who …

Nativity 15 Royal Doulton – missing hands

Ironically, the beautiful design and finish of this nativity set is the very thing I hate about it. In fact, I would likely not keep it if it were not for the fact that it was broken!  Royal Doulton have tried to beautify and sanitise a scene that was anything but clean, beautiful or elegant. The figures, the characters and even the finish is so immaculately perfect, it really is jarring. Ironically, two broken and missing hands redeem the piece for me! Due to damage in transit, the set cost us nothing, another reminder of how God provides…  But the broken …

Baptism notes Miss S 2022

Baptism is often seen as strange, mystical or religious, yet there is so much more to it. 
Jesus commanded the Church Baptise people. 
The Holy Spirit commands individuals to be Baptism, but as always, humans turn it into a religious stance and use it for division! Differing traditions exist: From a baby being sprinkled somehow being safe from everything for eternity, to someone having to have to be baptised 3 times, say specific prayers, not bath for a week afterwards! BOTH positions miss the point. The Bible makes it clear: there is no Free Pass due to a sprinkling, and …

Homeschool Play: His story

Yesterday I watched an incredibly powerful play put on by a group of homeschoolers. It traced just a few events in history that had a dramatic effect on the world I grew up in and still live in today.  They are events that still clearly reveal that our current world would be in a *much* worse place if our current cultural attitudes were allowed to flourish.  It showed how certain practises (like torture killing of criminals, forced sale of young girls for sex), perceived as fine by the culture, were ended due to the influence on One person. The ramifications …

My Life 200926 Speedway Newman 2000

The dust, the smoke, the smell of fuel, the noise, the laughing, the bottles of Jacks, the beer – these were ‘my people’ and this was definitely ‘my scene’.  I was walking towards them, but something was wrong…very wrong.   Normally, I would be right at home, drinking, joining in. But now, as I approached, two things were blatantly obvious: 1) I had no desire for the drinks. None. As an acute alcoholic, this was monumental. I would normally not leave my house unless I was drunk. Then I would drink more on the way and when I arrived. But …

Everyday hypocrisy in worship

I recently read a post that talked about the hyperbole (and at times hypocrisy) of modern church ‘worship’. Essentially, songs that sing about us instead of Jesus, making empty promises and not following through.  We’ve been visiting a wide range of churches and it’s a pet hate of mine, singing about me in any shape or form: it only highlights how ridiculous I am, compared to the Great I AM.  Today, a song came on that was going around when I was first saved. In my excitement and zeal I *loved* this song. I sung it with gusto:  🎶  “EVERYDAY IT’S …

19 Years…and counting

The last 19 years has brought a huge range of highs and some incredibly difficult lows. Looking back, it’s hard to pick a favourite…  Was it seeing you in all your preened beauty walking down the aisle? Or watching you climb the gate with a big smile as we were about to leave for church, after having a cold bucket shower due to water issues? Seeing you race our kids in wellies filled with water? Seeing you passionately share your testimony with people who need Jesus? Hearing you and the kids laughing as you tried to do roll backs in …

Be encouraged fellow pilgrim

Be encouraged fellow pilgrims…  Many of you know that for over a year I have been telling my children that they need to be sure about where God wants them as our culture is doomed. In fact, according to history, our cultures demise is sure in our life time let alone theirs.  But that said, I am not worried or discouraged – Jesus the King is on the throne, God’s will is being fulfilled and can not be thwarted. While our culture may be nearing the end of its road, this is not a new phenomenon.  The vast Herodian empire, …

This Yellow Sticker Saved My Life…

First off, for those who don’t know, a yellow sticker is a defect notice given out if an authorised person (like a police officer) determines your car is unsafe for the road. To say I have quite a history with them over the years would be a gross understatement. I have been given many, many yellow stickers on different vehicles over the years.  At a guess, I would have received around 50 and likely 10 or more on some of my Holdens / Toranas. As a marked man, the police often wanted to give me a fine or catch me …

If you have never known your dad…

If, for whatever reason, you don’t have a good relationship with your dad, I understand.  Not in a cliche, pseudo-psychological way, but in a real, understanding and experiential way.  I know how much of the below is totally hidden, almost all of the time; but inwardly these thoughts lurk and at times, they rear their head. Through even the most epic lifestyle, most hardcore addiction or best suppression techniques some of these things break into our reality. Sometimes repeatedly.   I know how you: – tell yourself it doesn’t matter, – yearn for it to not be your fault,  – put your …

Fathers Day 2022

It was 22 years ago today that I was suddenly confronted with the fact that I had a Father who cared about me.  Maybe this seemed so powerful because my biological father was quite different. When he learned of my existence, he left: no words, no care, no contact, no protection, no provision and no explanation. I wasn’t sad about it – it was all I knew – no dad? No worries!  I had no idea of the damage to my soul, no idea of the difference a role model could make, no idea how a father could teach, model, …

Decisions Decisions

Decisions DecisionsEvery day, decisions bombard us: Read this post? Glance over it? Keep Scrolling? What do I want to eat? What to watch? How will I answer that question from my spouse / boss / teacher? Our very lives could be summed up as a “display to the world of my daily choices”. Some are big, others we think at the time are insignificant and make no difference to the trajectory of our lives. But this is far, far from the truth. Each and every disaster can be traced back to a seemingly harmless, mundane decision. Take for example the …

Did Jesus have an agenda when hanging with sinners?

Interesting discussion guys – it’s a pleasure to read respectful discourse. It’s a topic I have regularly encountered and I see it as a vital one for the Church.  My history was that I only experienced God’s love in light of Him convicting me about sin and making obvious my need to repent while firmly in sins grip. I suddenly understood my whole life was blatantly against this God I didn’t think existed. It broke me to know that He loved me despite knowing in advance that I would chose so much against Him, contrary to His laws and against …

Just a thread in the Tapestry of Grace 9/10/22

Today I had the privilege of talking to someone who has been in Alcoholics Anonymous  (and been dry) for 30 years. As I asked him questions, it was clear he was at a cross roads and a new chapter of his life was imminent.  I talked about Jesus, shared part of my story and asked if he would be ok if I prayed for him. I was surprised at how enthusiastic he was. As I prayed, He was moved emotionally and it became clear that his journey has been long and difficult, yet God had brought him through.  It was …

When reporters show their true colours.

I am not sure why so many Christians are up in arms about a woman saying Mary should have aborted Jesus. What do we expect from people who love sin and are spiritually blind / dead? Did we not love sin & hate what was good before Jesus opened our eyes / changed our hearts? I know for one I did. The Bible is so clear on how confused and blind people are: He literally abandons them to their own foolishness. (Scripture below). When I think back at how ridiculous my own beliefs were before Jesus changed me I am …