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Nativity #13 Mind your BEES WAX  

Nativity #13 Mind your BEES WAX  

Made from bees wax, this set is incredibly hard to store, especially when living in old caravans! 

For this reason, this set reminds me of the miraculous provision of God… For around 15 of of nearly 20 years together, Sharmini and myself have lived in old caravans. Stinking hot in summer, freezing cold in winter. For periods, no power, running water or toilet, it seemed unlikely we would ever have ‘modern conveniences’, let alone a house that could store wax figures! 

But here we are, 20 years later, virtually no income, me severely limited in the physical and we live in this huge house! Maybe one day it will even get finished?! 

I recall so many times throughout the last 10 years, convinced that our work would be in vain, believing that we would never see a house where one now sits. I believed God had called us to build and so we did: seemingly on auto pilot, we said no to many things, and just kept slogging away as money and health permitted. 

I guess it is similar to the bees who work so tirelessly to build their hive, do they have an idea of what completion would be like? Do these busy bees have any idea of the bigger picture: their Creator who is responsible for their existence and selfless work ethic?

One thing is for sure: the more you study the humble bumble bee, the more you realise the Creator of this universe is incredibly complex, ingenious, thoughtful and artistic. 

The bees build so much more precisely than we did(!) The product that their hive is built from, the make themselves! If you have ever built something (or tried to!) you know how monumental this is… 

And this brings us to what could be the most powerful reality that this set represents to me: Jesus was not ‘made’ from anything. He wasn’t carved like the idols of all the false religions out there. In fact, He wasn’t even ‘just’ born… 

He has existed forever! Take this Bible verse that destroys many people’s perceptions: 

(Talking about Jesus)


God created everything through him,
and nothing was created except through him.
The Word gave life to everything that was created,
and his life brought light to everyone.


– John 1:3-4 (NLT) 

Did you catch that? Jesus either wasn’t created (meaning He is God), or, He created Himself (meaning He is God). 

Don’t be fooled by people who try to convince you otherwise: Jesus is far more than ‘just’ a historic figure, moral teacher, religious leader…He is King! 

King of the bees
King of people
King of Australia
King of the West
King of kings
– King of Christmas – 
King of the universe 
King of Creation
King of the future
King of heaven 
King of ALL! 

It would be wise to align yourself with Him this Christmas. You are either with Him or without Him. The later ends in eternal doom…He offers the *only* Way. 

IMG 7219

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