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Category: <span>Ministry / TPM</span>

Category: Ministry / TPM

Connect, Share, Love

Today, being the anniversary of my mother in laws death, we spent some time reflecting on her life.  This photo is one of my favourites of her. Battling cancer, walking in uneven sand up from the old caravans were were living in. She had spent the time to come and visit and on the trek back to the car she didn’t miss a trick connecting with one of my younger sons.  It is such a reminder that life is ‘just’ a collection of moments where we can spend time and actually connect with others. The clothes, the money, the house, …

If you have never known your dad…

If, for whatever reason, you don’t have a good relationship with your dad, I understand.  Not in a cliche, pseudo-psychological way, but in a real, understanding and experiential way.  I know how much of the below is totally hidden, almost all of the time; but inwardly these thoughts lurk and at times, they rear their head. Through even the most epic lifestyle, most hardcore addiction or best suppression techniques some of these things break into our reality. Sometimes repeatedly.   I know how you: – tell yourself it doesn’t matter, – yearn for it to not be your fault,  – put your …

lies, Lies, LIES! … and how they affect us.

Recently, we had a situation with our children that escalated to a point of tears that is quite rare. After working through the complexity of the situation, it became clear that the cause of it ALL for everyone involved, was LIES… I have to say up front: “I HATE LIES!”  Seriously, at so many levels, lies have affected my life: Believing I was unlovable led me in to (and out of) many unneeded relationships. LIE! Believing I needed to earn people’s approval led me to becoming a workaholic. LIE! Believing there was no God led me to having no respect for people …

One of the saddest photos in the world?

This photo does two things to my heart… It is a photo taken just after my 9yo son & I left emergency after a very difficult night. He had suffered a serious concussion and had amnesia and a possible brain bleed. I was sick, over tired and very sore but somehow – miraculously – we had just been released. All seemed to be going well…

How to stop speeding? (Or any addictive behaviour)

There are a number of factors to addictive behaviour – but the root of them all is the same: sin and pain.   Sin: is breaking God’s law – Lying, stealing, hating, lust, envy, idolatry etc. Anything we rely on outside of God is sin. Alcohol, drugs, sex, relationships, other people, food – the list of idols is long! Pain: pain increases a persons drive to look for comfort or release. Being in pain though (physical, emotional or mental) does not make sin ok – there are no free passes. But it does make it more difficult to break a …

A Clean Skin admits: “I smoked drugs”

Admitting that to the police was probably not the best thing to do… I was reminded this morning of the first time I was arrested for dealing drugs, some ‘trivial’ events stood out in my mind. It wasn’t so much the police, the handcuffs, the being locked in the paddy wagon. But the actions of a ‘clean skin’ – a person who had never used drugs but was present and essentially dobbed himself in. Let me back up a bit. This morning I had a ministry session… When weakness is strength… I had been feeling slightly tense and irritable yesterday – …

Rachael Denhollander Vitim or Victor

Rachael DenhollanderVictim or Victor? Today, I read an excerpt from former gymnast Rachael Denhollander’s victim impact statement. It was moving and powerful to say the least. Having spent much time with survivors of sexual abuse her words reveal so much to both those struggling, those abusing and those in charge of making sure others are protected. It is so incredibly sad that so many precious young lives had to be tainted so deeply before this case came to light. It always grips me when I see people who have been wounded by the people who were meant to love them. The life-changing …