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Two bullets collide Gallipoli Hoax

Two bullets collide Gallipoli Hoax

The below photo has been doing the roads again, supposedly two bulltes that collided in mid air. A quick glance at the left bullet indicates this is another example of people being gullible (no rifling marks are all). If these were actually from Gallipoli, it is nearly certain the left hand bullet was stationary, likely still in a soldier’s belt or magazine. 

Regardless, the supposed statistics for such an event piqued my interest… 

Two Bullets Collide Gallipoli Hoax

One edited meme showed that it was a “1 in a billion” chance! While I doubt it was anywhere near that remote (tens of thousands of guns aimed at each other at relatively close quarters), it got me thinking. 

Even if it were so incredible remote a chance, the figure would be written: 

1 in 1 x 10⁹, (that is 9 zeros) 

That figure, while astonishing, is *nothing* compared to the probability of the codes existing behind the just a few verse of the Bible having the system of numbers they do: 

1 in 1 x 10⁵⁰

That’s right, FIFTY zeros! Now *that* is a huge number and considered outside the realm of possibility by science. But it gets bigger… 

Of the 1000+ pin-point accurate prophecies in the Bible, there are 322 prophecies about the Messiah (Jesus) that have been fulfilled. The odds for *just 48* being fulfilled by Jesus? 1 in 1 x 10 ¹⁵⁷! 

Absolutely incredible – you would be wise to take notice of what the Bible says and follow it (not religion). 

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