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Tag: <span>homeschool</span>

Tag: homeschool

All ‘my’ success and how to imitate it…

Today I was thinking: ‘what have I actually achieved in life’ and a few things came to mind…  I: Turned $8 into $200,000 in less than 4 years (I started with a $8 TV from the tip)Started and ran my own business, doing what I loved with no loan or capital (sold parts off my Torana after a high speed chase left me on crutches, which grew into a full time business)Avoided jail despite breaking the law incessantly, getting raided repeatedly and being charged a number of times (including from high up cops lying in court to try to put me …

Homeschool Play: His story

Yesterday I watched an incredibly powerful play put on by a group of homeschoolers. It traced just a few events in history that had a dramatic effect on the world I grew up in and still live in today.  They are events that still clearly reveal that our current world would be in a *much* worse place if our current cultural attitudes were allowed to flourish.  It showed how certain practises (like torture killing of criminals, forced sale of young girls for sex), perceived as fine by the culture, were ended due to the influence on One person. The ramifications …

UN Homeschool pressure: Be Encouraged Christian Parent

Hello precious people!  After reading about the UN’s push for Western governments to clamp down on homeschooling i felt to write the below.  With our election just around the corner, with more parties signing on to the progressive agenda, things might seem futile. But don’t give up! While things may get more difficult God is in control – Jesus sits in the place of victory – He is King!  Your actions & work inputting His Truth into your precious ones will not be useless – His word never returns void. The foundation you give your children can hold them in …

Science Experiment Homeschool Template / Example

Just in case it is helpful to anyone here I thought I would put a sample of an experiment template that can be used. This combines elements of a younger students science experiment with those of a research paper to introduce higher aspects to those ready. We don’t use all of the headings for all ages of children but the experiments are normally pretty good. Yesterday we trialled 3 different woks (Commercial Induction, Breville Electric and Gas) to see which was the most cost effective. Very interesting (and some would say fun)! If anyone wants one in Pages / Word …

Our Amazing Neighbour Audrey

After a day on the road yesterday, this morning we could finally go and help the elderly lady next door… I am continually amazed at her. She’s 92, had 12 children, is now caring for her invalid husband, always happy and fiercely independent. Often we will see a bag hanging on our fence and she will have bought some presents or treats for the children. It is common to see her in the rain, chain-sawing wood for her fire. When we first moved here, she would forcefully refuse our offer to take the bins up to the gate for her, …

Raising children, a house or income?

A reflection and note to self about the importance of time… Are we raising children, a house or an income? People who are depressed (and especially those who are suicidal) are so focussed on themselves, they simply can not see that they have any worth – that others would care or that they are valuable to others.  This can be seen in a common theme in suicide notes “I want you to get on with life and be happy” – but they have just killed themselves when you read it – they can not see the sad effect they have …

Passover 2014 – the Meal

It’s Easter – a time where we often spend more time acting Jewish than Christian (sort of!). Today we had our 2nd ‘Cedar Meal’ or passover feast… Topic: Celebrating what God did and has done! Scripture(s): Exodus 1 – 14:4 Notes: The story of the Passover (and indeed all of Israel’s history) is incredible and riveting to adults and children. There is so much to learn about what they did (and how we do the same), the consequences they suffer (which we do too) and God’s character of love and forgiveness despite our constant bad choices. As there is a …