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Tag: <span>serving</span>

Tag: serving

Our Amazing Neighbour Audrey

After a day on the road yesterday, this morning we could finally go and help the elderly lady next door… I am continually amazed at her. She’s 92, had 12 children, is now caring for her invalid husband, always happy and fiercely independent. Often we will see a bag hanging on our fence and she will have bought some presents or treats for the children. It is common to see her in the rain, chain-sawing wood for her fire. When we first moved here, she would forcefully refuse our offer to take the bins up to the gate for her, …

Building Progress: A Month of Serving

The last few weeks have been CRAZY with a capital K. Often we have deadlines with working on the house, jobs or building, however this last 6 weeks or so has been mainly about entertaining and blessing people – birthdays, Christmas, New Years and more. Today, being my birthday I would have liked to have had time to reflect, but this is the best I could manage: