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Category: <span>Preaching</span>

Category: Preaching

Everyday hypocrisy in worship

I recently read a post that talked about the hyperbole (and at times hypocrisy) of modern church ‘worship’. Essentially, songs that sing about us instead of Jesus, making empty promises and not following through.  We’ve been visiting a wide range of churches and it’s a pet hate of mine, singing about me in any shape or form: it only highlights how ridiculous I am, compared to the Great I AM.  Today, a song came on that was going around when I was first saved. In my excitement and zeal I *loved* this song. I sung it with gusto:  🎶  “EVERYDAY IT’S …

Be encouraged fellow pilgrim

Be encouraged fellow pilgrims…  Many of you know that for over a year I have been telling my children that they need to be sure about where God wants them as our culture is doomed. In fact, according to history, our cultures demise is sure in our life time let alone theirs.  But that said, I am not worried or discouraged – Jesus the King is on the throne, God’s will is being fulfilled and can not be thwarted. While our culture may be nearing the end of its road, this is not a new phenomenon.  The vast Herodian empire, …

Did Jesus have an agenda when hanging with sinners?

Interesting discussion guys – it’s a pleasure to read respectful discourse. It’s a topic I have regularly encountered and I see it as a vital one for the Church.  My history was that I only experienced God’s love in light of Him convicting me about sin and making obvious my need to repent while firmly in sins grip. I suddenly understood my whole life was blatantly against this God I didn’t think existed. It broke me to know that He loved me despite knowing in advance that I would chose so much against Him, contrary to His laws and against …

Fear of God is not Reverence

That stance / doctrine of ‘fear means reverence’ is at least partly to blame in my opinion. At times the word translated fear means terror, not ‘just’ fear, let alone reverence. No fear of God = no wisdom, no restraint, no repentance It has long been a grievance to me that people would focus on one element continually (love / grace / forgiveness) and quote things like ‘it’s God’s love that controls us (2 Corinthians 5:14), forgetting (or deliberately suppressing) the rest of the verse: “Since we believe that Christ died for all, we also believe that we have all …

Love-Without it we are nothing.

Love: Without it we are nothing. If I asked “what is love?” what comes to mind? Liking something – a thing or activity? Feeling attracted to a particular person? Wanting to be near someone? Being happy around them? Experiencing comfort while with them? Engaging in good conversation with them? Enjoying the same activities? Avoiding conflict / keeping the peace with someone? Is love something we can touch or taste or feel? Is it summed up by a phrase that is used sometimes: ‘that person completes me’? There are many things that are common answers as to what love is, but …