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Tag: <span>belief</span>

Tag: belief

lies, Lies, LIES! … and how they affect us.

Recently, we had a situation with our children that escalated to a point of tears that is quite rare. After working through the complexity of the situation, it became clear that the cause of it ALL for everyone involved, was LIES… I have to say up front: “I HATE LIES!”  Seriously, at so many levels, lies have affected my life: Believing I was unlovable led me in to (and out of) many unneeded relationships. LIE! Believing I needed to earn people’s approval led me to becoming a workaholic. LIE! Believing there was no God led me to having no respect for people …

Sermon 200119 3 Aspects of Saving Faith / True Belief

Below are the notes form the first time I preached at Two Rocks Baptist Fellowship. Far from a standard sermon I felt to share an overview on Repentance and Faith. It was the second in a series to set the foundational theme for discipleship A.B.I.D.E. (in Christ)