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Be encouraged fellow pilgrim

Be encouraged fellow pilgrim

Be encouraged fellow pilgrims… 

Many of you know that for over a year I have been telling my children that they need to be sure about where God wants them as our culture is doomed. In fact, according to history, our cultures demise is sure in our life time let alone theirs. 

But that said, I am not worried or discouraged – Jesus the King is on the throne, God’s will is being fulfilled and can not be thwarted. While our culture may be nearing the end of its road, this is not a new phenomenon. 

The vast Herodian empire, with its’ 47 acre palace and modern conveniences, seemed impossible to conquer, yet is now just historic ruins. The sprawling Roman Empire, with its vast ‘superior’ knowledge, once the pinnacle of the world, has nothing left on the world stage. These are not isolated cases! 

Throughout history, when a nation shakes it’s fist at God, abandons the basics of His design for society 1Pre-Marital Chastity, Strict Monogamy and Rational Thinking , the result is *always* the same: destruction within 3 generations (100 years). For the West that is 2060 – 2070 at the latest, though most will agree it seems to be approaching far earlier than that. 

We are living in a culture that is closing in on itself: the division and battle lines are not even rational! Our laws are starting to reflect peoples perception of victimhood over actual wrong. Our children are being mentally and physically abused against their parents’ desires. Our governments are intent on creating division and fuelling racism. Our gatekeepers of knowledge are censoring basic facts, history, research and common sense.

The small pockets of society where help or change has occurred (chaplains, Christian schools, prayer ministry etc) are threatened with legal action. And even our churches are infected with our cultures love of money or inflicted with division over non essential issues and methodology. 

Despite all this, be encouraged fellow pilgrim… 

No matter what happens to our culture, whether its’ demise is short or takes decades, there is a place and purpose for you. Our Father has not been surprised or caught off guard by any of what you have seen nor by what is to come. 

Whether He protects and raises a remnant or whether we are ruled by invaders, He can use you for His kingdom if you are willing. What wealth, position or possessions you amass means absolutely nothing 2in fact will count against you (James 5:3) .

But what you are willing to do for Him will make an eternal difference in others’ lives. Don’t believe me? Read 1 Corinthians 15:58 – take God at His word & step out into what He can use you for. Teach your children *and show them how* to do the same!! They are your most valuable disciples…be intentional.

His kingdom grows and thrives despite what the nations are intent to implement. In fact, you might be surprised to know that He laughs at their plans: 

Why are the nations so angry?
Why do they waste their time with futile plans?
The kings of the earth prepare for battle;
the rulers plot together
against the LORD
and against his anointed one.
“Let us break their chains,” they cry,
“and free ourselves from slavery to God.”
But the one who rules in heaven laughs.
The Lord scoffs at them.

Psalms 2:1-4 (NLT)

All around are people intent to ‘break free from the chains of slavery to God’… They are unaware that these very chains keep them safe. These very chains would give them fulfilment. These very chains could be their eternal lifeline to God. 

As someone who was once in their deceived state, addicted to sin and bound by pride, filled with a hatred of ‘god’…I was deeply depressed. I hated being addicted and living in constant physical and mental torment. Sin was *nothing* like it presented itself to be. 

Breaking free from God is not what people are hoping for – you have the Answer to their problems. You have the Answer to their hopelessness, their addiction, their depression and their deception. 

Be encouraged fellow pilgrim!

Go forth and share what He has done for you, declare far and wide that the King of Kings not only rules, is in control and will return, but is accessible now to even the most destitute and rebellious. Thankfully. 

As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon possessed begged to go with him. 19 But Jesus said, “No, go home to your family, and tell them everything the Lord has done for you and how merciful he has been.”20 So the man started off to visit the Ten Towns of that region and began to proclaim the great things Jesus had done for him; and everyone was amazed at what he told them.

Mark 5:18-20 (NLT) 

Lord, give us the desire to be obedient to Your will. Give us conviction to share Your truth. Give us Your heart for those who are deceived and desperate around us. Give us Your love for even the most prickly, just like us. Thank You for not giving up on us. 


  • 1
    Pre-Marital Chastity, Strict Monogamy and Rational Thinking
  • 2
    in fact will count against you (James 5:3)

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