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19 Years…and counting

19 Years…and counting

The last 19 years has brought a huge range of highs and some incredibly difficult lows. Looking back, it’s hard to pick a favourite… 

Was it seeing you in all your preened beauty walking down the aisle?
Or watching you climb the gate with a big smile as we were about to leave for church, after having a cold bucket shower due to water issues?
Seeing you race our kids in wellies filled with water?
Seeing you passionately share your testimony with people who need Jesus?
Hearing you and the kids laughing as you tried to do roll backs in the Torana? 
What about the countless times you sacrificed your time and desires to teach or train or discipline our children? 
Being surprised at the regular ways that you think up to bless and help people – even those who have deliberately excluded you for years? 
Picking up strangers babies and loving on them so the mum could get some needed input at church

The list is endless, but one that stands out and sums up so much: 

I remember waking up, but drifting in & out of consciousness. The pain was extreme and all the tubes & plugs & monitors were incredibly uncomfortable. I know you had been praying – the very fact I was alive ling enough was testament to that. 

But here you were, ignoring the protocol and what the nurses would think, climbing in among the tubes & lying with me in the bed. Hugging each other, listening to the lady in the next bed (who had just heard she only had days to live), screaming and yelling and crying. Praying together for this precious lady and then the next day both being able to share with her different aspects of the love of Jesus. 

And only now mentioning that your car had broken down on the way to see me. 

Your love of Jesus, your thoughtfulness, your selflessness, your staying power, your wisdom, your forgiveness, your sense of fun – I love you honey. I am blessed & honoured to be walking (or limping 😆) this journey with you. 

You are an amazing person – as always, God knew exactly what He was doing. 


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