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Tag: <span>New Year</span>

Tag: New Year

In 2023: more of Him and less of me!

  Amazing. I had totally forgotten about this from last year… I can honestly say that I failed dismally in ‘letting the message about Christ fill my life’. Instead I filled my life with many other things, distractions and more. Listening to the Bible this New Years Eve, *the same* verse jumped out at me: “Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives.” (Colossians 3:16 NLT) New Years morning, we had a great discussion about what that looked like: “How could we let the message of Christ fill our lives? “ Some foundational answers and onto …

In 2021, Think about Number ONE!

What a crazy year! No one would have believed that in Western countries, the police would be forcing people in and out of lockdowns. That the government would be issuing rules to ban families to see each other. That a sickness would spread through the world, reportedly causing millions to die, yet the symptoms of which often need a government purchased test from the country of origin of that said disease to be detected. The list of worldwide events this year that are incredibly significant and impact is nearly endless. But I am guessing that for many reading this, there …

Building Progress: A Month of Serving

The last few weeks have been CRAZY with a capital K. Often we have deadlines with working on the house, jobs or building, however this last 6 weeks or so has been mainly about entertaining and blessing people – birthdays, Christmas, New Years and more. Today, being my birthday I would have liked to have had time to reflect, but this is the best I could manage: