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Tag: <span>demons</span>

Tag: demons

Face to face with evil…

Recently. I watched a documentary about ‘encounters with evil’. Police investigative and psychological interviews (+ descriptions) of people who they considered evil.  Some of the acts were gruesome, the detective work to find and convict them riveting. But one particular phrase really grabbed me:  What is it like to come face to face with evil? While these heinous crimes were disgusting, there is a difference between those who do evil things and evil itself…  I remember clearly the day I came face to face with actual evil. A spiritual entity that had so much power it captivated me. A master …

Beer, Cones, Spirits

Sometime early in 1999… One day in my sisters community housing flat in Balga I had a group of friends over – drinking & smoking cones in my room – I never smoked any. I had become what some would call ‘paranoid’ when smoking dope… (Some names have been changed to protect identities.) I was a chronic user to start with, dealing and having cones / buckets at every stop when selling / picking up, joints along the way and then social sessions too. To put it in perspective I remember one night after standard sessions during the day and …