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First time in church…

First time in church…

One of the first times I went into a church off my own back, something *very* weird happened…

I was a drug and alcohol addict, on a road trip to end my life. I had been in a remote location (Peak Charles) from somewhere between 1 and 3 weeks. Strangely, I had no come-down, no headaches, no vomiting and no shakes, which baffled me.

I did what any good addict would do: I drove 3 hours to the nearest pub (Norseman). I bought a jug of beer, but didn’t even get through my second glass. It affected me so strangely, I was convinced it was laced with something and for the first time in my life, left alcohol I had paid for without drinking it.

Walking out of the pub, a number of strange things happened that led me to sitting here, Sunday morning, in a little old church in Kalgoorlie. It was boring, quiet and I didn’t really understand what was happening or what was being said.

But one thing was clear: at one point a thought went through my head:

“I need to give money to God” !!!

!!! I mean what?! I don’t believe God exists. If ‘he’ does, I hate ‘him’. I hate religious people. Why, would I, money desperate, rip off merchant, in any reality, give *anything* to a church or ‘god’????

But the thought burnt in my mind. I had just read in the Bible, that if we give to God, if we put His Kingdom first, He will provide for us.

Yeah right! My scoffing attitude and logical brain knew that everything I had I earned, it came from much effort, planning, scheming NOT from some fake god!
So let’s put this to the test! I will be dead shortly, so why not?!

Kalgoorlie Church Wesern AustraliaI have no recollection if this Kalgoorlie was the church I attended or not…

I remember clearly thinking ‘god if you’re there, I am giving this to you NOT this church.’ I put everything that was in my wallet into the offering box thing.

[It turns out that this was the last service of the pastor who had served there for years and years. He gave me some preaching tapes that ended up answering a key question I had – what a co-incidence!]

But there was more – I had this niggling thought that I wasn’t really putting God to the test as I was still getting money from the government.
The next morning I rang the Centrelink, the girl likely never had a conversation before or since like that:

“I would like to cancel my payments”
“Because I think Jesus is telling me to!”
“what do you mean?”
“Well I’ve been ripping you guys off for years – I was claiming while earning money and running a business”
“um…if that’s true you will need to pay it back. We may have to charge you”
“That’s fine, just cancel my payments” 

And with that, I hung up, knowing that now I only had enough food / fuel to last a week or so… 

Over 20 years later, I can see clearly how God has provided for me from that very day. Hundreds of times I have sensed that He wanted me to give money away, help others, serve others, when I had no money or ability to do so. 

But every time, He provided a way. Over time, He provided so much we have been able to build a house(!).  

If you sense God wants you to do something that lines up with the Bible – do it! Following Jesus isn’t about a huge list of rules and regulations but a living relationship with the King of the universe. 

At time He will want you to do things that don’t seem to make sense. Step out & be amazed at what He does through you… 

Lord, give us the desire and strength to follow You. Help us to step out and be used for You so that others would discover the infinite benefit of knowing You. 

Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it. James 4:17 (NLT)

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. Matthew 6:32-33 (NLT)

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