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20th Anniversary 2023

20th Anniversary 2023

Over SEVEN THOUSAND days with me darling, you really do deserve a medal. 
Putting up with my weird and crazy ways, and especially my many (really) bad days. 
Your strength and perseverance are immense, with you beside me I am blessed. 
Homely, caring, selfless and loving, and a close second, all your mothering. 
Our children’s character / stability a credit to your input, and of course their good looks!

I doubt any one else could last the distance, nor give me needed Godly resistance(!). 
Willing to sacrifice at so many levels, and diligently work on your ‘devils’. 
Absence of niceties, money or comfort, living on a higher plane is what you’ve taught. You huge heart always on display, desiring the best even for those who cause dismay. 
I know you would say you deserve death, but I hope you have peace and joy in every breath. 

Many said there was no way we could make it – but 20 years later ‘we still shaking it!’ Facing more valleys and trials than most, it is only in Jesus that we can boast. 
I have no idea what tomorrow will hold, but in Him we can continue to be bold. 
Thank you for clinging to Him, even when things have seemed so dim. 
You encourage and challenge me at every bend, reminding me that in Him there is no end. 

I love you darling, with nothing or with plenty: here’s to the next twenty! 



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