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What is more evil than guns?

What is more evil than guns?

It has been incredible, that, after the latest USA shooting in a school, there has been *very* little talk of how evil guns are. It’s a stark contrast to the normal news cycle after a shooting, so I thought I’d look at why… 

Surprise, surprise, it comes down to what they are trying to get you to believe. And it turns out there is something more evil than guns (or gun laws) they want you to blame. 

No, no NO certainly NOT transgender people (or transgender activist / terrorists) – don’t be CRAZY! That must not be your conclusion, no matter what. There has to be something far worse. 

You will find it in response from most main stream (legacy) media outlets, the vast majority of social (armchair) warriors, and many ‘progressive’ (marxist) politicians. You may have heard it over and over, but haven’t actually noticed.


What is more evil than guns or transgender terrorists? It is Christians! You know, the actual victims in this horrendous event.  You would never know that reading people’s responses – you may come to believe it is those aligned with the terrorist who are the victims:

Love Wins Transgender Terrorist Audrey Hale murders 7 people labelled victim WE

This is a shameful new low from those who supposedly understand victimisation, but be warned –  it is only the start.

Marxism, communism, fascism, progressives, can not tolerate Truth so they have to eradicate it’s source. 

It’s not enough to:

Control the narrative on social media with blocking, banning, censoring
Interpret the events on legacy media 
Drown out and attack people at other rallies 
Tear down monuments
Erase names off institutions 
Re-write history based on biased lenses 
Reprogram children from a young age in kindy
Re-frame reality to children in cartoons
Go against parents wishes and offer body mutilation to minors
Force the wider community to not just accept but champion vile acts

The list goes on – but they will not stop when there is an estalished Truth they disagree with. 

And as the same as all throughout history, Christians will be targeted because they have this Truth. Many will be wronged, many will continue to die and be tortured. It has happened repeatedly, it is happening now – by far, the most persecuted group on the planet. 

But then, at some point, these same persecuted ones will rise up to save the nation, culture or people who tried to eradicate them. (Christian, pay attention! Where does God want you? Position yourself and proclaim His Truth while you still can!) 

Fear not though – the Truth can not be contained or chained. He still rules and reigns from Heaven. He is still changing lives, still empowering His people, still protecting, still leading, still guiding, still providing. 

Once He opens someone’s eyes, they will quickly see how blind they have been. As always the Truth of the Gospel is the answer to every person, our culture and humanity at large.

Jesus has died, Jesus is Risen, Jesus is coming back again. 

Share it far and wide! 

Lord Jesus, please open our eyes and use us to speak Your Truth in love to those who are blind. Help us to continually see Your Truth and share it with those who need it. Let us experience Your love and reflect it on everyone, including those who direct anger and hatred towards us. Have Your way in us and our nation. 

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