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Tag: <span>Government</span>

Tag: Government

Housing & Economy Crisis yet the Government does THIS??

There would be no hospitals at all in Australia if it were not for Christianity. So it should be alarming, that the Government has just forcibly taken over a *private* hospital run by an order of nuns from the Catholic Church! No, not in Indonesia or Saudi Arabia or WW2 Germany, but in Australia’s own Capital Territory! Surely that isn’t legal? Well it wasn’t so guess what – they are changing the law to allow it. Ponder the implications… And if you are wondering what horrendous thing they did…nothing. They didn’t want to sell out to a new hospital – …

Housing & Economy Crisis yet the Government does THIS??

There would be no hospitals at all in Australia if it were not for Christianity. So it should be alarming to, that the Government has just forcibly taken over a *private* hospital run by an order of nuns from the Catholic Church.  No, not in Indonesia or Saudi Arabia or WW3 Germany, but in Australia’s own Capital Territory! And before you wonder if they have done something horrendous – no. It is likely due to etc fact that they treat life – all life – as sacred.  That means they serve and love people and do their best to offer …