Latest | WILD EDEN

Getting back to life...the way it was intended!

How to not be bored in church

If you've been to church at some point, you've likely been bored at some point...this can make ALL the difference!


One Day - Bus Broke

Ted: The new name for our bus

A day in our life - no this is not made up...


You Stink

You Stink!

I have much to be ashamed of in my life…

Recently I read a little about a case in America where 13 children were supposedly abused and kept locked up in a suburban house. The story, as portrayed, was horrific and hard to read, let alone imagine through one of the children’s eyes…

I think there is much more to the story than has been reported - and the presented story has quite obvious flaw and inconsistencies*… (possibly to champion the public call for a ban on homeschooling or further deride Christianity). However, this is not the focus or object of this article.

I do have to say first though, that if the abuses reported are accurate, they have not been perpetrated by Christians as reported in the media. God has a very high value and recognition of children - definitely not one that condones abuse or neglect. Any claim to the contrary is a blatant lie or attempt to deceive.

The main grip occurred after reading one of the news reports from someone who attended a kindergarten with one of the children. They recounted that one of the children attended and was always in the same clothes and smelt bad. They recalled how the other children would mock them.

It would be years later that people would realise that she was not fed, had only one set of clothes, was chained to a bed and forced to sit in her own faeces (according to reports). For me, this evoked powerful emotions - and unfortunately, bad memories.


Rachael Denhollander Vitim or Victor

Rachael Denhollander

Victim or Victor?


Today, I read an excerpt from former gymnast Rachael Denhollander’s victim impact statement. It was moving and powerful to say the least. Having spent much time with survivors of sexual abuse her words reveal so much to both those struggling, those abusing and those in charge of making sure others are protected.

It is so incredibly sad that so many precious young lives had to be tainted so deeply before this case came to light. It always grips me when I see people who have been wounded by the people who were meant to love them.

The life-changing and dramatic impact that sexual abuse has on a person is hard to imagine, describe or come to terms with.

As an aside I want to encourage any reading this who are still struggling - help exists and healing is possible. Not denial, not endless groups and therapy - but real and lasting transformation where the guilt, shame and pain are gone. Where the reactions are manageable or even non existent. Where loving and being loved and vulnerable come easy.

In Rachel’s statement you will recognise a level of healing and restoration which is great - in my opinion only possible with Jesus Christ. While she was a victim, she is operating with valour and in many peoples eyes, is a victor!

I love the line she walks in forgiveness of her perpetrator, sharing the Gospel with him, though revealing the need for his earthly punishment. The woman has opened herself and her family up to incredible pressure and attack for the sake of others - true valour and selflessness.

Interestingly, when I have witnessed people in ministry get true resolve of their pain - the first response to the perpetrator is that of compassion. It is incredible - not a forced decide to forgive, release or ‘forget’ - but true compassion and love for them. When Jesus transforms, the natural reaction is to love.

If you are a survivor that struggles continually, continue cautiously - it contains triggering information (especially in the link to the full excerpt of her statement).

Conclusion: Jesus heals

May we all seek for God to heal us with The Truth (Jesus), so that His love would flow freely through us.

Click READ MORE to see the statement


Erly Kerly

How this simple drawing brought me to tears…

🎶You are my freedom - You are the reason…I kneel at Your throne once again. 🎶
🎶Where would I be without You…here in my life? 🎶

The words of this song were playing as I pulled out a picture given to me by my daughter last night…


Is this the best Emoji Gospel Ever?

Have a look at this Emoji Gospel - not your average angel and high five!

Love to hear your comments or suggestions...


Stolen Laptop

And how God can use it…

I was reminded today of an amazing run of events centred around a stolen laptop. I was reflecting on how amazing our situation is in regard to freight coming in and going out of our property for the small business we run. The unlikeness of it all is astounding.

It started with my need for a cheap laptop around 2001/3. I advertised in a paper ‘wanted’ for weeks and finally someone had something that sounded pretty good. I got my money and drove off in the trusty Torana to meet him.

It looked good I handed over the cash, but then I pulled out another $50 and waved it towards the guy.

“God told me to give you this”


Killing Rats

Poisoning Rats, Stealing Cars
And how it relates to you…

Do you know how many cars are stolen in California, USA each year? Well in 2016, over 86 thousand were stolen which equates to about 10 per hour!

How many are made known to the public in real time? Virtually none. But in 1981, the police went to great lengths to inform the public that they needed to find the thief of a certain car - even going as far as getting radio coverage.

It wasn’t the value of the car, and the thief hadn’t murdered anyone? Why the special attention?


Dear Homosexual Friend

Dear Homosexual Friend: It’s futile.

Why marriage re-definition won’t work.…

Nobody likes to be rejected, bullied or excluded. We all want be loved, accepted and included. It’s part of being human - we desire these things and feel good when they happen.

Growing up we should learn it in our family and we experience the effects (good and bad) in groups in kindy, the playground and school. We are normally told it is the right thing to do: include people in games and activities, share with people - accept and love them.

Read on to find out why it won’t work...


Homosexual Faith in Marriage

Homosexual Faith in Marriage

The real reason homosexuals want marriage re-defined…and how we can relate.

The current debate has settled down to the ‘re-definition of marriage’, a definition that includes any two men and two women. If you talk to people who want this change they will be very careful to try to point out that ‘love is love’, ‘it doesn’t affect anyone’ and ‘it is about equal rights’.

But this doesn’t make sense - a huge number of people
will be affected (even if you ignore the links to sex education, transgenderism, freedom of speech and religious rights), what is labelled love isn’t always love and homosexual rights have been instituted for years. Homosexuals have all the rights of a married couple in Australia.

The only thing missing is a piece of paper that says ‘Certificate of Marriage’.

A question comes to mind - what good is this piece of paper to them? Marriage is an institution that has always been opposed to homosexual inclusivity - so why would they want to be part of it?

Do they believe deeply in marriage and hold it as sacred?

I recall an article doing the rounds a while ago where a lesbian woman had married a homosexual man to try to bring light to the ‘inequality of marriage’. But to me this stunt simply shows the disdain they have for this institution. They had no ‘love’ for each other, no commitment for life to the other, and had no plans to ‘exclude all others’ from their relationship or beds.

Is it a sign of a triumph? This could be true for a number of people in this camp, but I think it goes far deeper. As a small skirmish as part of a larger war, this battle is only of contextual importance - in a few years this will just be a small stepping stone to the complete desecration of the public notion of marriage.

But personally for the individual - the homosexual barracking for this change - what does it mean to them? Not all of them are the militant, arrogant, violent people we see swearing, spitting and threatening. But they are people deeply wounded and hurting - struggling through a painful life and at times seen as the enemy when all they want or need is a friend or unconditional love.

Click to read more about how we can relate.


Smoking the Seeds

Smoking the Seeds:

When you REALLY don’t want to be a dad…

“Today, my wife and 6 amazing kids are wanting to bless me. Today it’s Fathers Day AND (more importantly) my 17th Christian birthday. 17 years ago today my old, empty ‘exciting’ life ended on a trip I went on to kill myself. But God had others ideas…”

A common belief in many of the circles I encountered was that smoking the seeds of the marijuana plant would make you sterile. I, for one, never wanted children so never removed them from any male heads I happened across - in fact quite the opposite.

I remember mulling up (chopping) seeds and leaf and smoking it just for fun on top of my usual sessions. I had embraced marijuana quickly and completely - now selling it to a number of people on my nightly rounds.


At each stop I would smoke more - with ready made joints along the way. Upon arriving ‘home’ (wherever I would be staying that night) it would often be copious amounts on top of what had already been consumed that night.

Although a lot of it is a blur - there were many, many crazy and illegal happenings with no regard for the next day, let alone years down the track. One thing was for sure: I never wanted kids - and anything that helped prevent this was welcome...


Christianity - think about it

Christianity - think about it!

More than a Journey…

Christianity is a journey, but a journey where the start and end destination are unimportant compared to the position you are in along the way. It is a journey where you walk with the Creator, while He changes you - gives you new desires and the power to follow those desires.

Each step of 'progress' is simply about you putting into action and practice what He has enabled and provided the grace for as He walks with you. He is not just holding your hand, but holding your very being safe and secure.

As you walk each day with Him, making good choices, following His leading, dealing with issues and sin, you become more and more aware (not just in knowledge but in experience), that you are actually
in Him and He, the Creator with unlimited power, is in you.

“The Creator, with unlimited power, is One with you!”

This incredible journey
can only start when you are sin free - not by doing good things or avoiding bad ones (futile religion) - only a total and complete cleansing will do.

The One Way to be totally washed clean is by trusting in a brutal historic act -


Selling Solar Power...getting the Son!

Don’t you hate it when you get those cold callers trying to sell you things? I don’t, here’s why:


Happiness is not an act of the will.

Happiness - we all want it, but it's not an act of the will...

For me, I became a slave to chasing it. So elusive, I spent every effort and cent to get or maintain it. My brain and body suffered until I finally came to the same conclusion as a famous king - that life was meaningless.

Thankfully I was missing information...

So THIS just happened IN CHURCH!


So THIS just happened IN CHURCH…

So here I am singing in a church I rarely attend, singing out of tune and at times singing the wrong words.

Some words I don’t remember, others I disagree with and my pet hate - singing about God (He, Him) when we can sing
to Him (You). ‘Our God He reigns forever’ - I sing as ‘my God, You reign forever’ etc.

I am aware to a certain degree of my surroundings, my wife, my children, people in rows behind us - but.........


How to find the Silver Lining

Pasted Graphic

How to find the silver (not just the lining)…

When you find it - you KNOW!
This may explain a lot of what you are going through right now - and hopefully encourage you...


The Magic of Wisdom

The magic of the Christmas

Are you like the 'wise' men?

There are so many aspects to the story of 'Christmas' - and so many things we can learn for ourselves, not just the history of others. The planning started before the world even existed, and the result will last long after the world is gone.


Have you ever considered the 'wise men'? Most of us know them as the 3 splendidly dressed people giving a gift at the manger in the Nativity scene. Of course, this is not quite how it happened!


Joy to the world

Joy to the world!

Why Jesus' birth
doesn't bring joy…

We sing the famous carol around Christmas time "Joy to he world, the Lord has come". But when you talk to most people, the fact that Jesus was born means nothing - it’s boring, fiction or even just marks the start of an oppressing (or false) religion.

Hardly a reason for 'joy'!

“What? - a man was born so I can't have fun & have to go to church?"
"He wants to end my joy"

And that is the reality for many - in fact all who are not born of God's Spirit - the birth of Jesus is
not a reason for joy.

Is the carol wrong? And, the carol is based on the Bible...

Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them. They were terrified, but the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Saviour—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!
Luke 2:9-11 (NLT)

The angel of the Lord said the birth of Jesus would bring
joy to all people. How can this be? But Jesus' birth is only recognised as Good News to some. So is the Bible wrong? Why is the birth of Jesus a joyful thing? Or at least why should it be?

You know, as a criminal drug addict, I knew




to everyone, especially you…

Happy Holidays... HOLIDAYS? What are we in 'Merica?

The 'holiday' is actually about a guy called JESUS. You know: born in a stable, born sin-free, lived to love, healed the sick, made the lame to walk, raised the dead? Was tortured & killed by crucifixion. Then after 3 days He rose from the dead, surprising everyone. The most amazing thing though - He did it for
you & me.

He didn't have to & most of us believe He didn't need to - but the truth is, every person that has sinned, would be in huge trouble if He hadn't. Have you ever sinned? Told a lie? Stolen anything? Lusted? Hated anyone? Jesus said if you look with lust you are guilty of adultery, and to hate is the same as murder!

We all know that these things are wrong, but normally try to justify them. The problem is, our attempts at justifying only fool us. And sin is not against other people, but against God. And the hard to accept and everyone wants to avoid truth is that God will judge every single one of us by the 10 commandments. Oh O!

Religions all have the same incorrect 'solution' = do. Do this, do that. Do it some more, pay some money, then don't do it again. But we all do. We are on the Titanic, heading for the ice berg...but dancing in ignorant 'bliss'.

Jesus told us a different Him. Trust that He was sent by God to pay the price for your sin. Without Him you are helpless. Trust it and He makes you a son of God! he opens your eyes & you get to *know* Jesus. wow.

Follow Jesus - only He has the key to Eternal Life.

Want to know more - feel free to ask.

Conclusion: We need Jesus

Lord, May we all understand who You are and what is important to You. Please remove our blindness so that we can see our sinfulness - and also your mercy. Let us experience the joy of being forgiven, not because we deserve it, but because Jesus paid our fine.

If you would like a Bible for free - no strings attached - please let us know. If you read it, God will speak to you and guide you. He promises to.


Fathers Day 2016


16 years Alive!

It’s hard to believe that tomorrow I will be 16 years alive… To think that I haven’t been dead for 16 years, or served 16 years behind bars (the only two alternatives I could see), instead I have an amazing wife and 6 incredible children. I don’t deserve her and I don’t deserve their love…


The ROOF!!


The roof is one of the largest costs of the whole project - and has taken a great deal of arranging to get here in one piece. After so much hassle and hold-up, we were told with short notice it would be here early - on a raining Saturday - the 6 months anniversary of Naveens death.

That day until today has been a blur…


Vote Today!

Time to VOTE!


This could be the biggest election by way of noticeable results in a generation. Not for financial reasons…


The Walls are DONE!

The walls are DONE!!

2nd Large milestone…

It is with much thanks, appreciation, amazement and an underlying sadness that we can announce today that the walls of the house are FINISHED!! There is so much to say and a long road ahead, but this part of the project (we hope) was by far the hardest.



My Uncle Naveen - the J Man

A short but meaningful remembrance by our 11 year old son…



He was my favourite uncle ,he was always willing to do this or get that for me and my family

He loved to give, he was always fixing things and making work easier

He was very interactive and we felt quite comfortable to wrestle,or have a water fight,or tug of…


My Brother in Law - Naveen

A shortish Eulogy of Naveen. I have and will add to this as memories surface. It's more for me / us to reflect and remember this incredible man, but feel free to read Happy

I’m Adam - Naveen’s brother in law.

As with many in-law relationships - they're not chosen, and can be more testing. But even this showed Naveen’s great character.

Our relationship started off with indifference but quickly developed into opposition- a few run ins left bad feeling. I clearly remember him running through the house swearing at me & calling me names with all the heart of a lion! He was not one to back down...

Lawyers proove that the ressurection didn't happen

It's amazing what you find when you
really look!

These two lawyers looked, and looked properly.

Prepare to have your faith rocked Happy


Christmas / Jesus fact or Fiction?

Jesus - fact or fiction?
Xmas - for the rest of us!

Christmas time again. It means something different to everyone, with so many traditions, celebrations and goals for many. There will also be a handful of religious folks talking about ‘the birth of Jesus’.

Some take it for granted, some ignore it, some refute it and others celebrate it in a variety of ways. The story itself is quite in depth, but no good knowing the story if we don’t know if it’s a
reliable story.

Is it a myth, fairytale, allegory, religious belief etc - is there
any basis for truth in the narrative? We don’t want to be gullible and repeat the fallacy of so many


Jack Lives Here?


JACK LIVES HERE: I had this sticker on my car, and in the bar. I loved Jack Daniels (like loved Jacks!) - but I didn’t know something that was of vital importance…



Am I a Bigot? Adam Keegan

A few beliefs of mine about self, society, race and more - which lead to a serious question:

Am I a Bigot?

I believe….


Government Vacination and Parental Blame

Anti-Vaxers, Government Persuation and Parental Blame:

Where does the responsibility lie?

A different take on the current vaccine debate - one that doesn't seem to be discussed much and one that makes all the difference to the children…


Not another Stolen Generation?

Not another Stolen Generation?

Today I met the second person who identified themselves as part of the 'stolen generation' after talking to them about Jesus & drug addiction…


Look the other way

Look the Other Way

I saw today a post where someone had put the words:

“as a Christian I would never enforce my view on anyone”

I could hardly believe my eyes - is
this why so many professing Christians are unwilling to stand up and say no to abortion or the re-definition of marriage?

If I were walking down the park and saw a group of boys throwing stones at a Magpie, using a stick to stab a cute kitten, throwing acid at a dog or using a crossbow to shoot a Kangaroo - should I walk or look away?

What if a group of men come to try to rape my wife - should I not enforce my will, my opinion, my
belief that ‘rape is wrong’, that ‘my wife should be defended’? Should I sit back passively and model a more loving, nicer way to live - a more tolerant ‘religion’ and share my love with these men when they are finished?

How absurd! Unfortunately, many liberal churches and christians are falling into this culture trap - and many have already a suffered because of the consequences. We have videos, games and media that display what was (and should be) classed as pornographic and unthinkable, but now normal on bus stops, in games and on prime time TV. Computer games where theft and killing are the main aim and constant programs that mock Christians / Christian values, but play political correctness to all others....


Bus to be or not to be?

With both vehicles off the road, we were stranded. What could be an intense and stressful time was far from that... Read More...

Protecting life, getting strife!

Protecting Life - getting 'Strife'!

Part way through a hectic and problematic week, a trip to Perth turns 'sour' - but it is just the beginning...

Pasted Graphic


Some verses to help

Some brief notes on a conversation and some scripture verses that can help with evangelism… Read More...

Two Blokes walk into church

Two Blokes Walk into Church

One walks to the front, sits down....


Beer, Cones, Spirits

Beer, Cones and Spirits

Sometime early in 1999

One day in my sisters community housing flat in Balga I had a group of friends over - drinking & smoking cones in my room - I never smoked any. I had become what some would call ‘paranoid’ when smoking dope…



The Joy of Following

Sometimes following can be...

Trials - now or later?

Are you going through a hard time? A lot are right now and might not be what you think... Read More...

Baby 5 Birth!

What an epic 24 hours! I know that we don't live a ‘normal’ suburban life - but the last 24 hours has been more crazy than normal… Read More...

Falsely Accused

This guy recently shared something with me that many don't understand... (PG) Read More...

Happy Fathers Day!

HAPPY Fathers Day 2014!

Today I got my favourite breakfast - Nasi Lemak - but it was nothing compared to what happened next!


Ever had this happen to you?

Many of you will know what I am talking about - but if you don't I really hope one day you will...remember this! Read More...

Raising children, a house or income?

A reflection and note to self about the importance of time Read More...

What every business needs?

Today we tidied a small part of the office - but a very vital one... Read More...

Hospital visit Baby 5 visit 3

Today we had another visit to the hospital...what would it be like THIS time? Read More...

Everybody worships something...

Every human on the planet's what we worship that makes the difference. Read More...

Jesus - the Rock of Ages, Foundation for Life

Today we had our compaction test...after a huge week with many trials and joys, the results were not what we expected. Read More...

God of Mercy?

Jesus time this morning we acted like Pharisees...and found that sometimes it's not an act! Read More...

Composting Toilet Base...God's involved in waste!

Today we battled the rain to finish the base for the composting toilets. While we never planned to have anything under the toilets, a series of 'coincidences' led to a rather remarkable outcome... Read More...

Head versus Heart - which one saves you?

Today is CHOOSE day! Jesus Time activity chosen was drawing.... Read More...

Does God protect the foolish?

Yesterday, one of the boys fell 3m out of a tree... Read More...

The Self Control of Jesus

If you have children, you probably have discovered that self control is a topic that is vital - continually. It can be helpful for the children too... Read More...

Passover 2014 - the Expedition!

This year, we decided to go a bit further than just a meal...a midnight trek and camping out without tents! Crazy? Maybe - but fun? You bet! Read More...

Passover 2014 - the Meal!

It's Easter - a time where we often spend more time acting Jewish than Christian (sort of!). Today we had our 2nd 'Cedar Meal' or passover feast... Read More...

April Fools

Another April Fools Day - and a great way to remind us of how important some things are... Read More...

Nehemiah's Wall!

What started as a whimsical idea led to one of our longest, most fun and eye opening Jesus times yet! It involved building a wall - with one hand! Read More...

When will it end?!

At times this building project seem like it will never end... Read More...

Temple of Deception

This story about the Temple of Luxor illustrates perfectly the fact that a lot of us rely of 'truth' that is in fact false... Read More...

True Foundations

An activity to illustrate the need to be sure of our true foundations - not just what we think is true! This activity shows clearly that we can be wrong - very wrong - and the consequences are huge. But it was FUN! Read More...

Doing God's Will?

Sometimes when you're too busy to do anything you need to... Read More...

The Wrong Crowd

We recently had to kill this feral cat...but did it get in with the wrong crowd?

This article looks at why cats get feral and kids can too! Read More...

Thank you Dad 2013 End of Year

A brief summary of 2013 - the ups and downs and thanks for it all.


The Slavery of Sugar

You may think that sugar is addictive...and you'd be right - but this article looks at another, more amazing link to sugar and slavery.


A property in Sovereign Hill?

We had looked in Sovereign Hill - but the properties were too small, the prices too high and the land too... Read More...

Jesus Time - Living devotionals

Jesus Time is what we call our devotional times - they are very different to what most would do... Read More...