Erly Kerly
How this simple drawing brought me to tears…
🎶You are my freedom - You are the reason…I kneel at Your throne once again. 🎶
🎶Where would I be without You…here in my life? 🎶
The words of this song were playing as I pulled out a picture given to me by my daughter last night…
Smoking the Seeds
Smoking the Seeds:
When you REALLY don’t want to be a dad…
“Today, my wife and 6 amazing kids are wanting to bless me. Today it’s Fathers Day AND (more importantly) my 17th Christian birthday. 17 years ago today my old, empty ‘exciting’ life ended on a trip I went on to kill myself. But God had others ideas…”
A common belief in many of the circles I encountered was that smoking the seeds of the marijuana plant would make you sterile. I, for one, never wanted children so never removed them from any male heads I happened across - in fact quite the opposite.
I remember mulling up (chopping) seeds and leaf and smoking it just for fun on top of my usual sessions. I had embraced marijuana quickly and completely - now selling it to a number of people on my nightly rounds.
At each stop I would smoke more - with ready made joints along the way. Upon arriving ‘home’ (wherever I would be staying that night) it would often be copious amounts on top of what had already been consumed that night.
Although a lot of it is a blur - there were many, many crazy and illegal happenings with no regard for the next day, let alone years down the track. One thing was for sure: I never wanted kids - and anything that helped prevent this was welcome...
So THIS just happened IN CHURCH!
So THIS just happened IN CHURCH…
So here I am singing in a church I rarely attend, singing out of tune and at times singing the wrong words.
Some words I don’t remember, others I disagree with and my pet hate - singing about God (He, Him) when we can sing to Him (You). ‘Our God He reigns forever’ - I sing as ‘my God, You reign forever’ etc.
I am aware to a certain degree of my surroundings, my wife, my children, people in rows behind us - but.........
Fathers Day 2016
16 years Alive!
It’s hard to believe that tomorrow I will be 16 years alive… To think that I haven’t been dead for 16 years, or served 16 years behind bars (the only two alternatives I could see), instead I have an amazing wife and 6 incredible children. I don’t deserve her and I don’t deserve their love…
Happy Fathers Day!
HAPPY Fathers Day 2014!
Today I got my favourite breakfast - Nasi Lemak - but it was nothing compared to what happened next!