How to not be bored in church
If you've been to church at some point, you've likely been bored at some point...this can make ALL the difference!
One Day - Bus Broke
You Stink
You Stink!
I have much to be ashamed of in my life…
Recently I read a little about a case in America where 13 children were supposedly abused and kept locked up in a suburban house. The story, as portrayed, was horrific and hard to read, let alone imagine through one of the children’s eyes…
I think there is much more to the story than has been reported - and the presented story has quite obvious flaw and inconsistencies*… (possibly to champion the public call for a ban on homeschooling or further deride Christianity). However, this is not the focus or object of this article.
I do have to say first though, that if the abuses reported are accurate, they have not been perpetrated by Christians as reported in the media. God has a very high value and recognition of children - definitely not one that condones abuse or neglect. Any claim to the contrary is a blatant lie or attempt to deceive.
The main grip occurred after reading one of the news reports from someone who attended a kindergarten with one of the children. They recounted that one of the children attended and was always in the same clothes and smelt bad. They recalled how the other children would mock them.
It would be years later that people would realise that she was not fed, had only one set of clothes, was chained to a bed and forced to sit in her own faeces (according to reports). For me, this evoked powerful emotions - and unfortunately, bad memories.
Rachael Denhollander Vitim or Victor
Rachael Denhollander
Victim or Victor?
Today, I read an excerpt from former gymnast Rachael Denhollander’s victim impact statement. It was moving and powerful to say the least. Having spent much time with survivors of sexual abuse her words reveal so much to both those struggling, those abusing and those in charge of making sure others are protected.
It is so incredibly sad that so many precious young lives had to be tainted so deeply before this case came to light. It always grips me when I see people who have been wounded by the people who were meant to love them.
The life-changing and dramatic impact that sexual abuse has on a person is hard to imagine, describe or come to terms with.
As an aside I want to encourage any reading this who are still struggling - help exists and healing is possible. Not denial, not endless groups and therapy - but real and lasting transformation where the guilt, shame and pain are gone. Where the reactions are manageable or even non existent. Where loving and being loved and vulnerable come easy.
In Rachel’s statement you will recognise a level of healing and restoration which is great - in my opinion only possible with Jesus Christ. While she was a victim, she is operating with valour and in many peoples eyes, is a victor!
I love the line she walks in forgiveness of her perpetrator, sharing the Gospel with him, though revealing the need for his earthly punishment. The woman has opened herself and her family up to incredible pressure and attack for the sake of others - true valour and selflessness.
Interestingly, when I have witnessed people in ministry get true resolve of their pain - the first response to the perpetrator is that of compassion. It is incredible - not a forced decide to forgive, release or ‘forget’ - but true compassion and love for them. When Jesus transforms, the natural reaction is to love.
If you are a survivor that struggles continually, continue cautiously - it contains triggering information (especially in the link to the full excerpt of her statement).
Conclusion: Jesus heals
PRAYER: May we all seek for God to heal us with The Truth (Jesus), so that His love would flow freely through us.
Click READ MORE to see the statement
Erly Kerly
How this simple drawing brought me to tears…
🎶You are my freedom - You are the reason…I kneel at Your throne once again. 🎶
🎶Where would I be without You…here in my life? 🎶
The words of this song were playing as I pulled out a picture given to me by my daughter last night…
Is this the best Emoji Gospel Ever?
Have a look at this Emoji Gospel - not your average angel and high five! 😇🙏🏼
Love to hear your comments or suggestions...👍🏼