How to not be bored in church | Latest | WILD EDEN

Getting back to life...the way it was intended!

How to not be bored in church

If you've been to church at some point, you've likely been bored at some point...this can make ALL the difference!

This makes ALL the difference …

So this Easter we attended a local Anglican dawn service overlooking the beach and river in Guilderton...

Easter Full Moon Dawn Guilderton
The moon as we headed to Guilderton for a dawn service.

I remember looking down at the camp grounds as the sun was rising, thinking of all the people still asleep, many like I would have been in years past, passed out and hung over.

It was windy and cold, and here I was with a group of mostly elderly people, singing (out of tune) screechy hymns that I didn’t know to a quiet backing track CD. I remember thinking that this could be seen as very boring - and indeed it actually should be to me - Why wasn't it?

I remember later walking over the dunes and seeing quite a number of people fishing in various ways, lined up along the beach.
Later still we saw people driving with motorbikes and quads on their way to have some fun.

Why was I here? Why did I have the urge to yell to the people below to try to somehow invite them up here? What could they possibly want that was here?

Later, at another church service down in Padbury, the leader asked us all to have a moment of silence and reflective prayer.

Again I found myself in what should be a boring situation... Surrounded by mostly elderly people, crammed into a small building, again aware of my lack of singing ability. As soon as it went quiet I could hear the delighted screams and shouts of children in the park next door having fun.

I remembered a time when I was first in a church - uncomfortable, there with ulterior motives and I felt fear, panic even - but couldn’t understand why. I wasn’t aware in that moment of the triggers of my past nor the true reality of my surroundings.

And so here I am, again wondering why am I here. This very park was again frequented by myself drunk and hung over on many, many occasions. Sundays, let alone Easter, were simply bigger party days than the rest.

What was, what is the difference?

An analogy instantly came to mind:

Imagine sitting in a room full of people smoking or using drugs. You see them laughing & carrying on stupidly - it seems so out of place. You don’t understand. It is uncomfortable. Weird. You want to leave and wouldn't choose to come here...
But the second you take the drug, you understand - you feel the same things, you act the same way - you understand what they are raving about. You
experience what they have been trying to explain.

Please note - I do NOT say use drugs! This is an analogy - and believe me when I say that although drugs seem fun, you will be surrounded by false people who do not care for you and the choices you will make will end in harm for yourself and those you care about.

So here, in this place, the physical surroundings are strange, the people are different, the music is old, it is weird.
But the reality is, we are not
just in a physical place. We are in a place that is worshipping a very real God. And if we are not saved, we are under His wrath, His anger, His judgement. We have sin and this sin is enough to condemn us to hell forever. No wonder I felt scared the first time I went!

But when we respond to God’s conviction and enlightenment, putting our trust in Jesus, we discover His love, grace and forgiveness. An experience that I will never forget and will likely never stop writing about. The culmination of all of this is seen in a person - the person of Jesus Christ.

What is the difference?
Jesus - plain & simple - He is the difference.

If this were some weird religion where you had to come & dress a certain way, do this to be deemed ok, right or good - I would HATE being here. I would be thinking about doing the exact things that the people outside were.

I would be longing for it to end, uncomfortable and imagining or remembering the things that would still seem so important, fun or captivating.

But now? Those things seem useless, pathetic, dull. Here, in this place, I am aware of the forgiveness of God. The reality of a Saviour that is ALIVE not dead. A relationship with Him, based on Him & what He has done, not what I own, what I have done, haven’t done or can’t. Based on His love for me and on what Jesus did on the cross.

He died for me. I am forgiven. He rose again. I have life. I can feel His presence. He loves me. Unbelievable! Amazing.

Jesus - the real, the living Jesus, the loving Jesus, the 'was dead but now is alive' Jesus - He is the reason this place seems so amazing. Without Him, this place would be as bad as what it seems from the outside. But it isn’t. It is amazing, vibrant, exciting, intimate and despite the huge differences, the love between these people is tangible.

Jesus. is. alive!

He is the reason that church - any church - can be amazing not boring*.

For those who have already experienced and walk in the above, I leave you with another thought from that day.
As I looked at the people fishing along the beach, God dropped a question in my mind…

I could see these people were up early, they had prepared, they had the equipment needed, they had trained and practised, they had the bait, they had the tools needed to prepare the catch, they were ready and willing to sit, stand, work for hours. They were dedicated. For what? Fish.

The words of Jesus popped into my mind “I will make you fishers of men”. “[insert your name here!], how much effort are you putting in to catching men?”

Fishing @ Guilderton Western Australia Easter

Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:19-20 (NLT)

Conclusion: Jesus is alive and makes a HUGE difference to any situation!

Lord, may Your Spirit open the eyes of those who read this, the people we know, the people in our families, the people we talk to about You. May we experience continually the love and peace that comes from the knowledge of Your forgiveness. And may we respond to Your Spirit to spread Your word and truth to those who need it.


*this is not true of churches that teach false doctrine. Jesus, the truth, is displeased when false teaching is present and will often want you to speak up - but that is a whole other story. Again - once you know the Truth (the person Jesus), the truth (as doctrine) is easier to discern. He is real...just keep that in mind Winking

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