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Christmas / Jesus fact or Fiction?

Jesus - fact or fiction?
Xmas - for the rest of us!

Christmas time again. It means something different to everyone, with so many traditions, celebrations and goals for many. There will also be a handful of religious folks talking about ‘the birth of Jesus’.

Some take it for granted, some ignore it, some refute it and others celebrate it in a variety of ways. The story itself is quite in depth, but no good knowing the story if we don’t know if it’s a
reliable story.

Is it a myth, fairytale, allegory, religious belief etc - is there
any basis for truth in the narrative? We don’t want to be gullible and repeat the fallacy of so many


Head versus Heart - which one saves you?

Today is CHOOSE day! Jesus Time activity chosen was drawing.... Read More...

The Self Control of Jesus

If you have children, you probably have discovered that self control is a topic that is vital - continually. It can be helpful for the children too... Read More...