The Magic of Wisdom
The magic of the Christmas
Are you like the 'wise' men?
There are so many aspects to the story of 'Christmas' - and so many things we can learn for ourselves, not just the history of others. The planning started before the world even existed, and the result will last long after the world is gone.
Have you ever considered the 'wise men'? Most of us know them as the 3 splendidly dressed people giving a gift at the manger in the Nativity scene. Of course, this is not quite how it happened!
Joy to the world
Joy to the world!
Why Jesus' birth doesn't bring joy…
We sing the famous carol around Christmas time "Joy to he world, the Lord has come". But when you talk to most people, the fact that Jesus was born means nothing - it’s boring, fiction or even just marks the start of an oppressing (or false) religion.
Hardly a reason for 'joy'!
“What? - a man was born so I can't have fun & have to go to church?"
"He wants to end my joy"
And that is the reality for many - in fact all who are not born of God's Spirit - the birth of Jesus is not a reason for joy.
Is the carol wrong? And, the carol is based on the Bible...
Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them. They were terrified, but the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Saviour—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!
Luke 2:9-11 (NLT)
The angel of the Lord said the birth of Jesus would bring joy to all people. How can this be? But Jesus' birth is only recognised as Good News to some. So is the Bible wrong? Why is the birth of Jesus a joyful thing? Or at least why should it be?
You know, as a criminal drug addict, I knew
to everyone, especially you…
Happy Holidays... HOLIDAYS? What are we in 'Merica?
The 'holiday' is actually about a guy called JESUS. You know: born in a stable, born sin-free, lived to love, healed the sick, made the lame to walk, raised the dead? Was tortured & killed by crucifixion. Then after 3 days He rose from the dead, surprising everyone. The most amazing thing though - He did it for you & me.
He didn't have to & most of us believe He didn't need to - but the truth is, every person that has sinned, would be in huge trouble if He hadn't. Have you ever sinned? Told a lie? Stolen anything? Lusted? Hated anyone? Jesus said if you look with lust you are guilty of adultery, and to hate is the same as murder!
We all know that these things are wrong, but normally try to justify them. The problem is, our attempts at justifying only fool us. And sin is not against other people, but against God. And the hard to accept and everyone wants to avoid truth is that God will judge every single one of us by the 10 commandments. Oh O!
Religions all have the same incorrect 'solution' = do. Do this, do that. Do it some more, pay some money, then don't do it again. But we all do. We are on the Titanic, heading for the ice berg...but dancing in ignorant 'bliss'.
Jesus told us a different Him. Trust that He was sent by God to pay the price for your sin. Without Him you are helpless. Trust it and He makes you a son of God! he opens your eyes & you get to *know* Jesus. wow.
Follow Jesus - only He has the key to Eternal Life.
Want to know more - feel free to ask.
Conclusion: We need Jesus
PRAYER: Lord, May we all understand who You are and what is important to You. Please remove our blindness so that we can see our sinfulness - and also your mercy. Let us experience the joy of being forgiven, not because we deserve it, but because Jesus paid our fine.
NOTES: If you would like a Bible for free - no strings attached - please let us know. If you read it, God will speak to you and guide you. He promises to.
Christmas / Jesus fact or Fiction?
Jesus - fact or fiction?
Xmas - for the rest of us!
Christmas time again. It means something different to everyone, with so many traditions, celebrations and goals for many. There will also be a handful of religious folks talking about ‘the birth of Jesus’.
Some take it for granted, some ignore it, some refute it and others celebrate it in a variety of ways. The story itself is quite in depth, but no good knowing the story if we don’t know if it’s a reliable story.
Is it a myth, fairytale, allegory, religious belief etc - is there any basis for truth in the narrative? We don’t want to be gullible and repeat the fallacy of so many