The Magic of Wisdom | Latest | WILD EDEN

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The Magic of Wisdom

The magic of the Christmas

Are you like the 'wise' men?

There are so many aspects to the story of 'Christmas' - and so many things we can learn for ourselves, not just the history of others. The planning started before the world even existed, and the result will last long after the world is gone.


Have you ever considered the 'wise men'? Most of us know them as the 3 splendidly dressed people giving a gift at the manger in the Nativity scene. Of course, this is not quite how it happened!

The Magic of Wisdom...

And how the two collide at Christmas!

There are so many aspects to the story of 'Christmas' - so many things that are heart warming, but there are also many things we can learn and apply to our own lives. It's not just the history or beliefs of others. According to the Bible, the planning of the Christmas story started before the world even existed, and the result will last long after the world is gone. But today we are going to look at the Wise Men of the story...


Have you ever considered these 'wise men'? Most of us know them as the 3 splendidly dressed people giving a gift at the manger in the Nativity scene. Of course, this is not quite how it happened...

Although the story and events start
far earlier, we are going to pick up the story line at Daniel.

Most of us have heard the story of Daniel and how he survived the lions den. But you may not know that without him, it is likely the wise men would never have been part of the Nativity scenes we love.

Daniel was taken to Babylon as a captive some 600 plus years before Jesus was born. Many men were taken by king Nebuchadnezzar from the Royal and noble families of Israel. The best of the best were taken - those who were smart, wise and strong. We are told that at least 4 of these men were devoted to God - Daniel of course, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah - we know them as Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego - their Babylonian names (Daniels was Belteshazzar).

God gave these 4 the ability to learn and they were selected for royal service as they impressed the King so much. While in service, the king found them 10 times more capable than all the other 'wise men' in his entire kingdom. There is much to this part of the story, however the vital bit to note for now is: they were devoted to God. They followed their conviction - God's ways - even though they faced death at times (the lions den and the fiery furnace amount them).

One day Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that bothered him, (actually that is an understatement - he was going to have all his wise men and enchanters killed as they couldn't interpret it!). But God gave Daniel the interpretation of the dream, so he was promoted to ruler over all of Babylon (and for this story more importantly) chief of all the wise men.

So who or what exactly were the wise men? The actual word used is "Magi". We are used to the interpretation of 'wise men' - but this doesn't really capture the meaning. Sure the Magi had knowledge and were wise - they were the people that the king turned to for guidance. But their main role, purpose or skill was to do with the spiritual matters of the day and of the future - this included studying and 'reading' the stars.

The ancients saw that what happens up there, happens down here. They could see a direct correlation between what the stars said and what had happened, or more importantly, what was
going to happen. It was a way of predicting the future. It was a way that worked, but it was forbidden by the God of Daniel. It's like God had put the future in a book, but we were not to read that book, but instead turn to Him and trust Him.

But the Babylonian King didn't care about what God allowed or didn't - he considered himself (a) God and set his own rules. The same was true of most pagan nations - and most of them had their own enchanters, magicians, wise men - Magi. They wanted to know what was to happen so they could be on the winning side of history.

But now Daniel was the head of this elite group of searchers. His belief in God and the ways of the Israelites firmly entrenched, he had an influence on these Magi who we do not hear about or from until a long time later.

Around 4BC, (600 years later), a King named Herod in Judea was confronted by some Magi from the East (Babylon is East of Judea) asking the question "where is the King of the Jews that has been born?". These are the '3 wise men' that we know so well. Of course we don't know how many there actually were - but we can be sure there was likely quite a large contingent of distinguished people in a caravan. The journey was long and likely did include camels and many learned people - it would have been an impressive group for sure!

But this was devastating news for Herod. Remember the stars reveal what is going to happen...this sign meant
Herod would no longer be king - at least in his eyes that is all he could see that it could mean! We are all guilty of interpreting life with us at the centre at times - and things that have nothing to do with us are often seen as directed at us - I digress... Herod made some pretty bad choices after this, and even ordered many, many babies to be killed - but the point is, these pagan, God-less magicians were looking for the Messiah!

Herod's magi were also aware of the
event in the skies that had happened. Let's pause here. It is likely that most people in the ancient world saw this star and noticed it. The stars appearance was widely recognisable. People in those times had no lights, lived outdoors, slept on their roofs at night, walked at night in the dark, they used the stars and planets to navigate - they knew the skies and this event in the skies was not normal. They knew what asteroids and comets were - but this was the brightest star ever (literally it was). We now know that this star was in fact two planets coming together in very close conjunction. It would have appeared as one super-bright star for a period of time from Babylon and Judea.

The people saw the star, but they didn't know what the star meant. Nor did Herod's Magi. But the Magi from the East, the Magi that had many generations ago been influenced by Daniel -
they knew.

These Magi were looking for this stars arrival. When they saw it they knew - and they acted. This star showed them where the King was born. 9 months earlier, the actual 'writing' in the stars was King King King! Many things were 'written' in the stars at this time. Things that indicated this child was no normal King and that He was born of a virgin and that He was a lion*. Again a fascinating amount of information about this is available - but the point for today is that the Magi were ready and acted.

So after this initial declaration that a king would be born, the Magi were ready. 9 months later they saw the King planet come together with the mother planet (Jupiter & Venus)m creating this super-bright star. After this Jupiter continues on it's course, then reverses (due to retrograde motion). Through careful observation and calculation, they could work out that the place it 'stops' as it changes direction is right over Bethlehem 3BC December 25th.

The Magi prepared gifts and travelled (yes afar!!) to give thee gifts to the new born Jesus. This wasn't a quick drive - but a dedicated journey that required sacrifice. The gifts they gave were
very costly. Sure the gifts were symbolic Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh - indicating He was King, His life was incense and He would die - He was a sacrifice - but the point for today was that the Magi gave them.


The Magi wanted to be on the right side of history...they wanted to be recognised by
this King. They knew other kings - they submitted to other kings, but this King - they made preparation in their hearts for Him and that showed in their actions. The spend time, money and status, they lowered themselves and worshipped Him.

What about you? Have you made room for
this King? If you are intrigued by the story - you should be. But if there is something more in your heart or mind (maybe something you can't quite define or put your finger on), don't ignore it - maybe God is calling you. Maybe He has planted the seed of faith and is opening your eyes to the Star of Christmas.

Be like the Magi - bow down and worship the King of Kings this matter who you are, no matter where you are - no matter your background or history, no matter what you have done. Give up the life you think is yours - give it to Him. This is One King you do
not want to be on the wrong side of!

Conclusion: Those Magi were wise - we can be too!

Lord, Help us recognise and submit to Jesus this Christmas. Thank you for the most incredible act of love and mercy ever - the birth of Your Son to save us. May we submit to Him, worship Him and follow Him, no matter what.

This will be updated with a script & roles for a short play for the kids soon...hopefully Happy


We three kings of Orient are
Bearing gifts we traverse afar
Field and fountain, moor and mountain
Following yonder star

O Star of wonder, star of night
Star with royal beauty bright
Westward leading, still proceeding
Guide us to thy Perfect Light

Born a King on Bethlehem’s plain
Gold I bring to crown Him again
King forever, ceasing never
Over us all to reign

Frankincense to offer have I
Incense owns a Deity nigh
Prayer and praising, all men raising
Worship Him, God most high

Myrrh is mine, its bitter perfume
Breathes of life of gathering gloom
Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying
Sealed in the stone-cold tomb

Glorious now behold Him arise
King and God and Sacrifice
Alleluia, Alleluia
Earth to heav’n replies

Lyrics and music to We Three Kings are writtten by the reverend John Henry Hopkins, Jr.
Hopkins wrote We Three Kings in 1857 and the christmas carol was publish in Carols, Hymns and Songs in 1863.

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