Not another Stolen Generation?
12/06/15 21:01
Not another Stolen Generation?
Today I met the second person who identified themselves as part of the 'stolen generation' after talking to them about Jesus & drug addiction…
Passover 2014 - the Expedition!
19/04/14 13:00
This year, we decided to go a bit further than just a meal...a midnight trek and camping out without tents! Crazy? Maybe - but fun? You bet! Read More...
Passover 2014 - the Meal!
18/04/14 23:00
It's Easter - a time where we often spend more time acting Jewish than Christian (sort of!). Today we had our 2nd 'Cedar Meal' or passover feast... Read More...
Nehemiah's Wall!
01/04/14 23:07
What started as a whimsical idea led to one of our longest, most fun and eye opening Jesus times yet! It involved building a wall - with one hand! Read More...
True Foundations
23/02/14 08:30
An activity to illustrate the need to be sure of our true foundations - not just what we think is true! This activity shows clearly that we can be wrong - very wrong - and the consequences are huge. But it was FUN! Read More...