Passover 2014 - the Expedition!
Passover Expedition!
Topic: What would it be like to leave slavery in Egypt?
Scripture(s): Exodus 1 - 14:4
Notes: The story of the Passover (and indeed all of Israel’s history) is a great way to engage with children and teach them in depth character and spiritual lessons. There is so much to learn about what the people of old did (and how we do the same), the consequences they suffered (which we do too) and God’s character of love and forgiveness despite their (our) constant bad choices.
Start slowly if you are going to use some of these stories, maybe just act out or role play one bit at a time. Over the years we have done different parts of different stories at Jesus time - the below is an expression of a lot of teaching and engaging with this story - the more they know of the story - the more they will be able to re-live it. Have fun!
What an amazing night! Apart from the fact I woke with a full blown migraine, this was a total success and I’m pretty sure I enjoyed it as much as the kids!
When I woke them up, I got right into the role (talk about re-living childhood!)... "are you alive J man (my first born son) - yes dad. Are you alive - I went to all of them with urgency and they all were very emphatically alive!
"the Egyptians are all wailing & crying - their first borns are dead!”
“The angel of death has been - we’re safe but the Egyptians have not been spared”
"They're telling us to leave, we have to go right now - let's go!" They all got up, fully dressed and clambered towards the door of the caravan - sleeping bags in hand. As they stepped out I started
urging them to pick up the money.
"They want us to take the money and go - they're paying us! Quick grab everything you can!"
I will never forget what this looked like, bleary eyed children, half asleep, so determined to go on this expedition - but picking up every coin they could find as quickly as possible. It was hilarious but also quite gripping - this really was an amazing way of engaging with the story!
As the hundred or so coins were being depleted I started rounding them towards the paddock we were going to head out to...and away we went. Torches lighting the way - we talked about how sad it was for the Egyptians and how the pillar of fire might have been better than the LED torches - but also more scary!
"Come on keep going we need to be quick - they might want us to come back, hurry hurry!".
We hiked around our property probably less than 500m in total then came to a large pit we had dug weeks ago with the bobcat.
We set up the sleeping bags in the pit - I hoped that we would get straight to sleep…fat chance! They were wide awake now and WIRED! Some of them just looking at the stars & talking, others determined to make a more comfortable 'bed'. Some counting the money. As it was getting close to 1am I said:
"Shhh guys - the Philistines will hear us!' - what a mistake! Now we had sorties going out to plunder the Philistines & steal shovels so they could set up a better camp!
After a while we settled in - some flat on the ground - some in very uncomfortable looking, feet up / head down half buried in a hole…
It was before sun up that I heard "come on dad we need to get moving again - the Egyptians will be here soon - we need to hike to the Red Sea" - oh boy! They wanted to walk to Moore River (SEVEN kms away!). Unfortunately I wasn’t able to but their actions showed just how much they have learned and engaged in this story.
We tried to get back into a semi normal day and due to migraine I had to rest (😞) so that was the end of this Passover for this year. Since we did this little expedition though, we have not heard them talk about much else! We have read more of the “Tabernacle book” (Roses Guide to the Tabernacle) which we have been going through bit by bit for over a year now. Due to this experience, they have engaged with the book at a new level.
This has been yet another amazing, but simple and free activity that is building memories, intimacy, trust and a foundation for their Bible knowledge.
I can't recommend it highly enough.
Next year - the river!
Conclusion: When God rescues you out of slavery, it is exciting but also scary!
Keep Walking!