Some verses to help
19/12/14 14:28 Filed in: Articles | Evangelism
Some brief notes on a conversation and some scripture verses that can help with evangelism… Read More...
Two Blokes walk into church
08/12/14 16:02 Filed in: Jesus Time
Beer, Cones, Spirits
01/12/14 00:12 Filed in: Articles
Beer, Cones and Spirits
Sometime early in 1999
One day in my sisters community housing flat in Balga I had a group of friends over - drinking & smoking cones in my room - I never smoked any. I had become what some would call ‘paranoid’ when smoking dope…
The Joy of Following
Sometimes following can be...
Trials - now or later?
Are you going through a hard time? A lot are right now and might not be what you think... Read More...
Baby 5 Birth!
What an epic 24 hours! I know that we don't live a ‘normal’ suburban life - but the last 24 hours has been more crazy than normal… Read More...
Falsely Accused
15/09/14 11:51 Filed in: Articles
This guy recently shared something with me that many don't understand... (PG) Read More...
Happy Fathers Day!
07/09/14 10:00 Filed in: Articles
HAPPY Fathers Day 2014!
Today I got my favourite breakfast - Nasi Lemak - but it was nothing compared to what happened next!
Ever had this happen to you?
06/09/14 11:09 Filed in: Articles
Many of you will know what I am talking about - but if you don't I really hope one day you will...remember this! Read More...
Raising children, a house or income?
A reflection and note to self about the importance of time Read More...
What every business needs?
Today we tidied a small part of the office - but a very vital one... Read More...
Hospital visit Baby 5 visit 3
Today we had another visit to the hospital...what would it be like THIS time? Read More...
Everybody worships something...
20/07/14 14:04 Filed in: Articles | Jesus Time
Every human on the planet's what we worship that makes the difference. Read More...
Jesus - the Rock of Ages, Foundation for Life
Today we had our compaction test...after a huge week with many trials and joys, the results were not what we expected. Read More...
God of Mercy?
17/06/14 11:13 Filed in: Jesus Time
Jesus time this morning we acted like Pharisees...and found that sometimes it's not an act! Read More...
Composting Toilet Base...God's involved in waste!
Today we battled the rain to finish the base for the composting toilets. While we never planned to have anything under the toilets, a series of 'coincidences' led to a rather remarkable outcome... Read More...
Head versus Heart - which one saves you?
27/05/14 19:30 Filed in: Jesus Time | Faith
Today is CHOOSE day! Jesus Time activity chosen was drawing.... Read More...
Does God protect the foolish?
Yesterday, one of the boys fell 3m out of a tree... Read More...
The Self Control of Jesus
21/04/14 10:00 Filed in: Jesus Time | Articles
If you have children, you probably have discovered that self control is a topic that is vital - continually. It can be helpful for the children too... Read More...
Passover 2014 - the Expedition!
This year, we decided to go a bit further than just a meal...a midnight trek and camping out without tents! Crazy? Maybe - but fun? You bet! Read More...
Passover 2014 - the Meal!
It's Easter - a time where we often spend more time acting Jewish than Christian (sort of!). Today we had our 2nd 'Cedar Meal' or passover feast... Read More...
April Fools
Another April Fools Day - and a great way to remind us of how important some things are... Read More...
Nehemiah's Wall!
What started as a whimsical idea led to one of our longest, most fun and eye opening Jesus times yet! It involved building a wall - with one hand! Read More...
When will it end?!
29/03/14 10:00 Filed in: Building
At times this building project seem like it will never end... Read More...
Temple of Deception
This story about the Temple of Luxor illustrates perfectly the fact that a lot of us rely of 'truth' that is in fact false... Read More...
True Foundations
23/02/14 08:30 Filed in: Jesus Time | Homeschool
An activity to illustrate the need to be sure of our true foundations - not just what we think is true! This activity shows clearly that we can be wrong - very wrong - and the consequences are huge. But it was FUN! Read More...
Doing God's Will?
29/01/14 14:00 Filed in: Jesus Time
Sometimes when you're too busy to do anything you need to... Read More...
The Wrong Crowd
We recently had to kill this feral cat...but did it get in with the wrong crowd?
This article looks at why cats get feral and kids can too! Read More...
This article looks at why cats get feral and kids can too! Read More...