Happy Fathers Day! | Latest | WILD EDEN

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Happy Fathers Day!

HAPPY Fathers Day 2014!

Today I got my favourite breakfast - Nasi Lemak - but it was nothing compared to what happened next!

After reading my cards, the children lined up and sang the Growing Kids song 'my daddy is so awesome'. They did the actions & had apparently been preparing for weeks.

I was emotional listening and watching them. The words of that song go like this:

"My Daddy is so awesome
He leads our family,
My dad loves my mummy
and He loves me.

He reminds me that we have a great family
And he shows love to mummy
and he's always hugging me
He gives us encouragement and is careful what to say
And if I fail he always says I love you anyway

He understands my privacy
and the treasures of my heart
He points to God as my source
That's where all trusting starts

I love you daddy! "
Family Harvest Ministries

I was humbled by a few thoughts in this song this morning:

- I am a dad.
I could never explain fully the turmoil I have gone through regarding becoming a dad. A couple of times in my life I faced the prospect with an inner desire but also a petrifying urge to run and not look back. A lot of the fears and pains of childhood had to be supressed or dealt with at varying levels to face the prospect and walk in that path. I am truly thankful that God has enabled and walks with me in this.

- I am a daddy.
Not just a father or dad - but a daddy. There is such a difference and it blows me away that they consider me a daddy. I know how driven, harsh and demanding I used to be and how angry and violent I was when things didn't go my way. But God has and is changing me to be a soft hearted kind and forgiving daddy!

- There are many parts of this song where I think 'wow yes I am like that, God has changed and is changing me'. He indeed is
showing me who He is as a father and that is filtering down to my children! Not just a display or head knowledge but a real and continual experience with Him. What an amazing reality that the Father of Creation, the source of love actually cares indivudally for me! 14 years walking with Him today - never a dull moment!

- I have a long way to go in encouraging and being careful what I say. At times my words do the opposite of what I would like and what God does with me and what he would want from me for my children. I have recently had the priviledge of hearing God speak to my children, giving them His truth despite the pain my words / actions have brought. He is there for them and is able to use me despite me! Simply incredible!!

- Trusting God is vital and a true response of faith in the essence and character of who God is. The failure to do so is always based in things we believe that are not true. If I am angry at my children or withdraw from them - why would I expect them to think God is any different even if I say it all the time? They will learn continually by
experience that God is angry or distant. We all do the same from the things we have experienced when young from our father figure. Again if we face these things honestly with God, He can deal with them and free us and the people around us from the consequences. Then and only then will we be able to be free from their control.

- God is so awesome.

Thank you Lord & Happy Fathers Day!
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