Nehemiah's Wall! | Latest | WILD EDEN

Getting back to life...the way it was intended!

Nehemiah's Wall!

What started as a whimsical idea led to one of our longest, most fun and eye opening Jesus times yet! It involved building a wall - with one hand!

Nehemiah’s Wall

Topic: Building, while defending


Notes: The Bible verses are not included below, as it is very beneficial to read any verses from a Bible - or better yet, have the children read from their own. We recommend the New Living Translation (NLT) which is easy to read but very accurate. If you don't have one please let us know as we may be able to help.

Today was one of our longest, most rewarding and fun Jesus Times...Around 4 hours I think!

It started with discussion about playing pranks, April fools, integrity etc. Very interesting the kids views. But then Jehdeiah chose 'acting out a story'.

So I thought we would act out Nehemiah. You know - the bit where they rebuild the wall - but the army is attacking them so they have to work with a sword on their belt and one hand on a weapon.

It fit perfectly - last week (last time we did any work due to health & other issues) we had to stop halfway through a wall. Just like Nehemiah's wall - ours was at half height.
I talked to them about what it would be like & how we should think about the fear & how much longer it would take having to have to watch out for enemies etc and then fight, all while trying to build.

Well I left & started mixing in the bobcat & then they all came up. They all had swords on, made their own belts & had weapons. How cute...but as we started working I could see it wasn't just an idea / cute - they were determined to take it serious and LITERAL!

We prayed like we always do - and like Nehemiah - for safety and guidance and got stuck in...
They were shovelling ONE HANDED! Pulling things, lifting - all one handed. Their 'weapons' did not leave their sides at all.
Ao I couldn't resist - I got a whistle & said every time I blow this pretend an army is coming & go to the top of the hill & fight.

I won't go into everything - but by far the most amazing day walling yet. We finished the wall (foxes & all for those who know the story) and they loved every second. A few more changes to the rules & a more elaborate 'attack' game and it was lunch time.

I've got to say it's a lesson I won't forget for a while! IMG_0002 (1)

The story itself has so many lessons for us too:
Nehemiah and the people who went back - chose to go into a dangerous situation, filled with hard work, to follow what God wanted. they achieved a huge amount.
We can chose to do the same - and we should! God will always be there for us. But as we work to achieve what He wants us to, we may have to fight off the attacks of the enemy.

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Yet again, a great time together learning & living God's Word. Fun and productive...with a wall to show for it!

Conclusion: If God calls you to matter how hard...He can use you to fulfil it!

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