Doing God's Will? | Latest | WILD EDEN

Getting back to life...the way it was intended!

Doing God's Will?

Sometimes when you're too busy to do anything you need to...
Today after teaching about letting God excite us as we do His work, and the difference between the general will and specific will of God, and a session asking Him what He wanted - He answered. So we drove 15km to hand out a few tracts and talk to 3 different people about Him, sin, forgiveness like we thought He wanted us to...

We met a couple from Switzerland, who had stayed with a friend for five days and had now just embarked on an around Australia trip - they stopped to look at the map and were met by us. They were very receptive to the things of God and ended up taking a Bible after a discussion trying to break through the language barrier.

Another couple, elderly Australians at the same car park were very happy with their life. Retired and travelling around Australia, they thought they were very good average people and had a firm belief that God did not exist. We were able to question them regarding sin, death, forgiveness, the Bible and such important things.

Both times, one of the children elected to come and participate in or watch the interaction. They could immediately see that this is not just an empty belief but is indeed the truth of life. I won't go into depth here, but suffice to say it was a *very* productive and revealing exercise for them.

Anyway, after a brief four wheel drive through a river bed we dropped off the postage and got some hot chips. When I came outside all the kids were extremely excited. While left in the car they had called a man over and started to talk to him about God and gave him a tract saying it had the way to Eternal Life! How exciting both for them but also for us!

Once home, the kids prayed with compassion for God's Spirit to convict people, protect them and empower us to do His will.

We are learning as a family through teaching and experience that following God is not only our commanded duty, but the most rewarding and beneficial thing to do as well.

There is another amazing part to this story...but we have to leave that for another day.

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