Getting back to life...the way it was intended!



to everyone, especially you…

Happy Holidays... HOLIDAYS? What are we in 'Merica?

The 'holiday' is actually about a guy called JESUS. You know: born in a stable, born sin-free, lived to love, healed the sick, made the lame to walk, raised the dead? Was tortured & killed by crucifixion. Then after 3 days He rose from the dead, surprising everyone. The most amazing thing though - He did it for
you & me.

He didn't have to & most of us believe He didn't need to - but the truth is, every person that has sinned, would be in huge trouble if He hadn't. Have you ever sinned? Told a lie? Stolen anything? Lusted? Hated anyone? Jesus said if you look with lust you are guilty of adultery, and to hate is the same as murder!

We all know that these things are wrong, but normally try to justify them. The problem is, our attempts at justifying only fool us. And sin is not against other people, but against God. And the hard to accept and everyone wants to avoid truth is that God will judge every single one of us by the 10 commandments. Oh O!

Religions all have the same incorrect 'solution' = do. Do this, do that. Do it some more, pay some money, then don't do it again. But we all do. We are on the Titanic, heading for the ice berg...but dancing in ignorant 'bliss'.

Jesus told us a different way...trust Him. Trust that He was sent by God to pay the price for your sin. Without Him you are helpless. Trust it and He makes you a son of God! he opens your eyes & you get to *know* Jesus. wow.

Follow Jesus - only He has the key to Eternal Life.

Want to know more - feel free to ask.

Conclusion: We need Jesus

Lord, May we all understand who You are and what is important to You. Please remove our blindness so that we can see our sinfulness - and also your mercy. Let us experience the joy of being forgiven, not because we deserve it, but because Jesus paid our fine.

If you would like a Bible for free - no strings attached - please let us know. If you read it, God will speak to you and guide you. He promises to.

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