Joy to the world
Joy to the world!
Why Jesus' birth doesn't bring joy…
We sing the famous carol around Christmas time "Joy to he world, the Lord has come". But when you talk to most people, the fact that Jesus was born means nothing - it’s boring, fiction or even just marks the start of an oppressing (or false) religion.
Hardly a reason for 'joy'!
“What? - a man was born so I can't have fun & have to go to church?"
"He wants to end my joy"
And that is the reality for many - in fact all who are not born of God's Spirit - the birth of Jesus is not a reason for joy.
Is the carol wrong? And, the carol is based on the Bible...
Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them. They were terrified, but the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Saviour—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!
Luke 2:9-11 (NLT)
The angel of the Lord said the birth of Jesus would bring joy to all people. How can this be? But Jesus' birth is only recognised as Good News to some. So is the Bible wrong? Why is the birth of Jesus a joyful thing? Or at least why should it be?
You know, as a criminal drug addict, I knew
Joy to the world!
Why Jesus' birth isn't a happy event…
We sing the famous carol around Christmas time "Joy to he world, the Lord has come". But when you talk to most people, the fact that Jesus was born means nothing - it’s boring, fiction or even just marks the start of an oppressing (or false) religion.
Hardly a reason for 'joy'!
“What? - a man was born so I can't have fun & have to go to church?"
"He wants to end my joy"
And that is the reality for many - in fact all who are not born of God's Spirit - the birth of Jesus is not a reason for joy.
Is the carol wrong? And, the carol is based on the Bible...
Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them. They were terrified, but the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Saviour—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!
Luke 2:9-11 (NLT)
The angel of the Lord said the birth of Jesus would bring joy to all people. How can this be? But Jesus' birth is only recognised as Good News to some. So is the Bible wrong? Why is the birth of Jesus a joyful thing? Or at least why should it be?
You know, as a criminal drug addict, I knew the law, I knew I was breaking the law. I knew stealing was wrong, I knew drugs were wrong, I knew dealing was wrong, I knew speeding was wrong - but I didn't care.
Things changed though when I faced the judge! Charged with crimes, the prosecutor intent and police having evidence against me - things were different. Very different. Knowing your guilt and knowing you are caught makes a HUGE difference. Talk to anyone in jail, they’ll tell you!
And knowing the fine, the penalty, the consequences, brought the reality of my predicament. Facing a $50 fine was very different to the prospect of jail time. If I were truthful in those moments, I would have to admit that I had fear.
I was facing jail - the law of my country said I was wrong and I had been caught. Sometimes red handed. I was facing the judge and I was guilty. The judge on some occasions declared me (correctly) as guilty. He issued the consequences and I hated them. That feeling is unforgettable.
Now at that moment - after he passed sentence - had someone said ‘there is a person willing to pay your fine or do your time’ - I WOULD HAVE HAD JOY!! Lots of it. The knowledge of my wrong doing and the consequences of those actions gave me an appreciation for my need.
The same is true with the birth of Jesus. Those who know their sin, know that their sin leaves them condemned before the Just Judge of the World, are in a place to be able to understand that Jesus' birth could be a very big deal!
If I understand I have sinned and I am condemned to hell, under God's wrath - but Jesus came to pay the fine, to die in my place - it would create JOY!
Imagine the very Son of God, living in Heaven, in total holiness and unity with God the Father, leaving all that and being born as a human to suffer and die on a cross so I can go free and be one with God? Wow! Joy to the to me!
Jesus was born in Bethlehem - it's established historical fact. Why did He do it? He didn't do it to abolish slavery, poverty or inequality - He came to pay the price of sin. Your price, my price.
Realise today that if you have sinned even once (lying, stealing, lust, hatred, blaspheme) you are condemned, under God's wrath. He is the just judge and will send all sinners to hell. But Jesus was born so you and I do not have to be condemned. He purchased our freedom.
How do we receive this Eternal gift? Repent and believe.
Turn away from sin, put your trust in Jesus. Sure a helpless babe born in a manger, but also the Creator of all, capable of paying for every sin you have committed. Yes even those hidden ones.
Trust Jesus, He was born to save you!
Joy to you. Joy to me. JOY to the WORLD!!
I pray that you would have JOY* this Christmas.
Conclusion: The birth of Jesus brings joy to the world, but without the law, we (/they) miss it.
PRAYER: Lord, convict us of our sin. Convince us of Your righteousness and the coming judgement. Let the joy that comes from being forgiven be real to us this Christmas. And thank You for Your love shown in Jesus.
*not happiness