A property in Sovereign Hill?
Woodridge was well established but we couldn't afford it. Sovereign Hill was smaller lots (2.5 acres) and scrubby like bush, Guilderton was more holiday tpe housesout of our price range. Redfield Park looked ok - easier council rules, larger 5 acres properties and a lower price.
We foud one property that was very overgrown and there were numerous problems with the house - but we could afford it. When this fell through and a few months of looking at other possibilities, we gave up. Nothing was perfect.
Then one day Sharmini got a phone call from an agent. He had a 7 acre property in Sovereign Hill. But we knew Sovereign Hill - it wasn't really that nice. But when we talked about it - a sense of excitement came so we packed up & left right away to have a look. When we got to the property, we absolutely loved it!
A diamond shaped, north facing, sloping block with lots of tall blackboys and lined with gum trees - it was perfect! The only bad thing? The price!

We paid as much for the property as what we wanted to pay for a house and land! But the property was perfect and we felt this is what God wanted. After Eneabba, I was skeptical and doubted that we should start out on another big project. I prayed and God confirmed it to me with the words "it will be good for your family Adam". This was different from last time - it wasn't all about other people - but it was for my family.
I still had to settle a number of issues for myself. The biggest was that we couldn't afford it! The Bible verse about not starting to build without having the money came to mind. Going into debt was also something I didn't want to & thought was not right. But as I read the Bible I saw that I could do it and it was actually God's plan for us. The second we got the loan - our finances freed up. the business sold more products - and somehow we had more money than before!

But as I studied the passages I found that God was wanting me to 'consider the cost’ not ‘ensure I had the money’. It is amazing how our culture and worldview can influence what we think the Bible says! The cost for us was a huge amount of effort and time - and everything we own.
If we couldn’t afford it, then one day we may have to walk off the property - loose all our material belongings. But if this was good for us - if this was the cost we were willing to pay to follow God - so be it!
"If we loose everything, so be it"
As time went on, I could see it was God's plan for us. I started to prepare the family and asked them if they were on board. This took a while as I reinforced over and over the consequences and cost. Some mornings I would come out and say “we won’t have this if we buy the property - we won’t be able to afford it”. I knew all too well that running water, hot water and electricity are luxuries you really can’t expect at times living on a property setting up like this, let alone new couches, furniture or toys!
After this process was complete - we negotiated and secured the property. Someone kindly offered to sponsor the loan so that the finances were ready right away which helped dramatically in a fast purchase. We had already been living a very frugal life and had been saving frantically so we had the needed cash deposit.
And an amazing thing happened: As soon as we got the loan - our finances freed up! (?)
The business sold more products - and somehow we had more money than before...it made no logical sense!
Initially our idea was to pay the property off over ten years and slowly build as we could afford or time would allow.
It became evident quickly however, that this would cost too much in the long run - both in interest and travel time: there must be another solution...we decided to jump all in!
We started to move up to this incredible property - first off with all the fruit trees we had dug out form around Perth - then with our building materials, then caravans so we could stay for short periods while building... the journey was under way!