Christianity - think about it | Latest | WILD EDEN

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Christianity - think about it

Christianity - think about it!

More than a Journey…

Christianity is a journey, but a journey where the start and end destination are unimportant compared to the position you are in along the way. It is a journey where you walk with the Creator, while He changes you - gives you new desires and the power to follow those desires.

Each step of 'progress' is simply about you putting into action and practice what He has enabled and provided the grace for as He walks with you. He is not just holding your hand, but holding your very being safe and secure.

As you walk each day with Him, making good choices, following His leading, dealing with issues and sin, you become more and more aware (not just in knowledge but in experience), that you are actually
in Him and He, the Creator with unlimited power, is in you.

“The Creator, with unlimited power, is One with you!”

This incredible journey
can only start when you are sin free - not by doing good things or avoiding bad ones (futile religion) - only a total and complete cleansing will do.

The One Way to be totally washed clean is by trusting in a brutal historic act -

The One Way to be totally washed clean is by trusting in a brutal historic act - the sacrifice of the Son of God (Jesus) - seen on a Roman cross 2000 years ago. Even the man in charge (Pilate) saw Jesus’ innocence, but God had preplanned it.

His death can mean that
your death changes. Without Him you will experience death (both your body and then your soul in the second death after Judgement) - but with Him the death you will experience is good!

“The death you experience with Jesus is GOOD! “

The death of your sinful, selfish, lustful, perverse, carnal self is freeing in more ways than one. It results in life in the Spirit - true life! And from this place of complete forgiveness, God hears and responds to you!

Interestingly, you're not left as a alienated being on a distant planet - you are actually adopted into God's family with position, perks and even an inheritance that nothing can touch.

While much can be said of this - it is empty words until you experience it. It sounds too good to be true and also sounds like foolishness, but once you ‘taste’ it - you will be like millions before you - ready to die before denying Jesus!

The only 'con' in all this is that some of the people around you will criticise you and disown you unless their eyes are opened too. This becomes an opportunity for unconditional love, your own refinement and dealing with fear by speaking the truth despite rejection. Some activities and things you will need to turn away from as well…but these were bad for you anyway!

In short, Christianity is a valued position, a privilege that is offered to any He calls regardless of colour, creed, race, background or status. If you hear His calling, if your eyes are opened - if you suddenly understand what Jesus dieing on the cross means - cling to Him with everything you have, forsake everything and follow Him with reckless abandon.

He will never let you down.

Conclusion: Christianity, the truly enlightened persons position!

Lord, thankYou for what jesus accomplished on the cross - please show me today how real Your are and what You have done for me. May I experience Your love and truth today like never before.


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