Vote Today!
Time to VOTE!
This could be the biggest election by way of noticeable results in a generation. Not for financial reasons…
Imagine where we could be in 5 years if the Greens get in...a world where the planet, plants and beasts are worth more than humans and where for humans anything is acceptable except the Creators chosen way...where every religion is fine and should be tolerated even if violent, except for Christianity - which must be silenced at all costs. In fact all opposing voices must be silenced - and all opposition to the current medical opinion must be punished. We're already on the slippery slope, tomorrow we find out where we are on that slope.
Please vote carefully - the consequences are larger and will occur sooner than you think.
Make the big 3 the last 3!
Big government and sponsorship is seeing huge advertising and ‘in-each others pockets’ like never before. There is only one way to combat this as a voter - vote the big 3 last!
I agree with freedom of speech
I agree with freedom of religion
I agree we need to help the poor
I agree with the right to defend
I agree with the need to protect our planet
I agree with the humane treatment of animals.
I agree that parliament should open with prayer
I do agree with equal parenting after divorce
I do agree that the persecuted need our help.
I do agree with the current definition of marriage
I do agree that the people should choose
I don’t agree with removing the free speech people in my family fought to keep.
I don’t agree with removing chaplains from our schools
I don’t agree with teaching sexual ideology and gender confusion to children
I don’t agree that illegal drugs should be made legal
I don’t agree that babies should be murdered - not for gender or disease
I don’t agree that euthanasia should be legal
I don’t agree with more identity attack and generations of pain through the
re-definition of marriage and the children who will suffer.
I don’t agree with overseas homosexual adoption of our children
I don’t agree with allowing unveiled invasion of our country in the guise of refugees nor the deaths at sea it produces.
In short I disagree with the Greens on all but the surface (ie yes to more funding to rehab, possibly more tax - but the core issues are determined against God’s Word.) I also could not vote for people who refer to ‘legal’ beastiality. I disagree with Labor and on all but the smallest thing I disagree with Liberal as it stands now.
Millie Fontana gives her story and why she disagrees with same sex ‘marriage’…