The Walls are DONE! | Latest | WILD EDEN

Getting back to life...the way it was intended!

The Walls are DONE!

The walls are DONE!!

2nd Large milestone…

It is with much thanks, appreciation, amazement and an underlying sadness that we can announce today that the walls of the house are FINISHED!! There is so much to say and a long road ahead, but this part of the project (we hope) was by far the hardest.



It is with much thanks, appreciation and amazement (but also an underlying sadness) that we can announce today that the walls of the house are FINISHED!! There is so much to say and a long road ahead, but this part of the project (we hope) was by far the hardest.

This year has been by far the hardest we have faced, with so many problems it is impossible to list them all. Obviously none of them mean a pinch compared to the tragic loss of our brother (in-law & uncle) Naveen. The last 4 months since his death has been gruelling to say the least, and only by the grace and strength of God have we managed to stay afloat emotionally, mentally and physically. He has carried the regret, guilt and pain so it is bearable most of the time - and as a family we have and are allowing ourselves to grieve and share openly as needed. This huge part of our lives is tender at the moment as we celebrate the walls but are sad / angry / shocked that he is not here to witness it and celebrate with us.

We have had to cling to God through this time like never before and grapple with many things in addition to this life changing event, and while this ‘valley’ is far from over - we want to celebrate the achievements along the way. Like an altar of praise on the valley floor - praise and reflection of how far we have come, what has been achieved and Who is with us…

So last night we had a time of bonuses and encouragement where I thanked and rewarded each member of the family for their incredible effort and sacrifice. It was precious and powerful, despite the fact that I could never give them what they are worth…!

Each person has been an incredibly valuable part of this team and has given (and given up) so much. From helping with meals for the workers to looking after babies to going without hot water or putting up with mice, cockroaches, snakes, a smelly toilet, cars breaking down, long hard days when sad, sick or cold, no luxuries or pampering or nights out, constant electricity or water issues and worse - to physically shovelling, lifting, bolting, driving, hammering, cleaning, sweeping and wire brushing (YUK!). The jobs seemed endless and the sacrifices have been large - but so have the blessings. We have grown together and closer to Him and have many, many miraculous events to reflect on (and maybe report!).

So many people have prayed - and we mean PRAYED

So many people have prayed - and we mean PRAYED. People who knew what we were going through and how bad we were struggling, pleaded before the throne of grace when we were too weak or angry at the One seated there. They requested angels to minister hope and grace - and to protect us in an incredibly dangerous living and building environment. They asked for His provision where we had none and for His strength to keep us going. They requested health, healing and miracles - He heard and answered! Please, don't stop!

At times people donated money - and it has always been amazing at the timing. At times we would find an envelope in the mailbox with cash and we had run out! Others donated for ministry they received from us and others just felt that God was speaking to them. He was! I remember one time walking to the gate to meet the Coles driver for our shopping. I suddenly remembered on the walk as he waited at the gate, that we had no money. They had emailed me saying our credit card was declined a few days before - they would get payment on the day. Well, the day was here - I clean forgot. What was I to do? I would have to tell the driver I couldn’t pay…how embarrassing! What would we eat? What would my wife think of me? I checked the bank on my phone as I got to the gate - there was money! How? The day before someone felt to donate…amazing. You know who you are - we are so grateful…I was especially grateful that day!

The blessing that this was to us cannot be over-stated…but it meant far more to us that the kids have seen over and over and over that God is faithful. And it is often the little things - the things we can't afford that He arranges for us at a garage sale or a gift, the timing is always so…well perfect! We have not gone without the necessities and we are learning to live in all situations.


To those who prayed - we thank you.
To those who helped physically - we thank you
To those brought meals while we were sick - we thank you
To those who sent scriptures or just checked that we were ok - we thank you
To those who donated money when we ran out - we thank you
To those who saw needs and filled them - we thank you
To Him who has given us more than we could ever imagine we thank You.

To our parents (who show love in widely different ways) we thank you. From the visits and time with the kids, to the meals and financial support / gifts it has been an incredible and humbling experience for both of us. Thank you to all 4 of you!

To Naveen who helped on numerous walls and was always so giving and thoughtful especially with tools - we miss you terribly and thank you.

To Stuart & Tanya (& family), Darren & Kathryn (& family), Rob, Jey, Joan, Shirley, Pat, Anne, Cathy, Eilis, Nikki, Dennis & Maxine, Chloe, Kelly, Carolyn, Troy & Ange (&family), Steve & Hazel, Rob & Barbara, Lesley, Janine, Judy, Janine, Les, Susie for meals / food, Thank you!

To Sunita, Michael & Ruth (& family), Stuart & Tanya (& family), Julie, Rob, Pauline, Bec for presents - especially for the kids they have been so blessed & grateful, Thank you!

To Jean Paul, Darren, Stuart, Clinton, Frank, Thomas, Jerome, Blair for physical help - Thank you!

To Clinton for the continual picking things up, form work manufacturing and ministry - Thank you!

To Mark for plumbing advice, help and tools - Thank you!

To Richard for building advice & expertise - Thank you!

To Sue for doing the washing - Thank you!

To Paul & Norma for clothes for the funeral for the kids - Thank you!

To Terri & Belinda running around getting clothes for us - Thank you!

To Judy our local ‘nurse’ - for body and spirit - Thank you!

To Shane and Paul for looking after us with prices - Thank you!

To our neighbours for putting up with the late night noise - and the regular gifts left hanging on the fence - Thank you!

To our current and previous churches, to Rob and Jon and the faithful loving people in both for your prayers and support - Thank you!!

To those who supported us at Naveen's funeral we can’t thank you enough. We needed it. A special shout out to Jim & Nikki, Clinton, Tanya, Eilis, Nikki, Kathryn and Jerome for helping with children too. We are humbled and brought to tears at the love & support we remember through this difficult time.

So many of you are un-named here and desire it that way - but you know who you are and so does God. We pray that you are blessed the way only He can bless and that you are encouraged by the progress we make and the lives that will hopefully be affected in the future.


It is truly astonishing that, as an unskilled family with no money and a serious physical ‘ailment’, that we have been able to build the huge walls of a 300sqm house that we hope to house us for a period, others in the long term and His presence forever.

To say that we have only just made it is an understatement. Some of the tools are literally falling apart - the biggest is poor old ‘bob’ which has done amazing amounts of work - but now uses twice as much hydraulic fluid than it does diesel! We have tried to fix it but it has become too hard for my back and we have had to simply pray and coax her through the last few weeks. Hammers are broken, wire brushes are bristle-less, we have run out of many things…BUT WE DID IT!!

Wire brushes - with not much wire left! We've gone through ~20!

We have constructed walls up to 4.2m high in stabilised rammed earth. What would normally have been 80 - 100 sections we have completed in 46 ramming days over the last 12 months. Some of these days were started at 6am and didn’t finish until 10pm working with torches and headlamps, but - THEY ARE DONE!!

Hammers with no handles, heads and worse!
We have had to make our own forms, pins and equipment and although at times it has been overwhelming, each time, somehow, we have managed. As time has gone on and we have made new, easier or safer ways of doing things, right up to the last wall where we finally had a place to hold some of the hand rammers and the J man thought of a way to lower the forms that didn’t use my back at all! We have learnt perseverance (we hope!!) and are constantly reminded that the end goal is not the important bit - it really is the journey.

The walls are not perfect by any means, there are visual flaws here and there, but like us, their imperfections are part of the character and at times beauty. It’s amazing to think how God views Christians like this - through Jesus - He sees beauty and perfection because of what Jesus did. The pressure is off us…and while we tried to make the walls as neat as we could, the main goal was that they serve their purpose (again like us!)…which is to hold the roof up (for us is to worship & serve God!).

And success! The walls are true and strong - and beautiful (in our eyes!). Ready for a roof…nearly.
This huge milestone marks a very big change too - not only will things be a lot easier on my back (which is terrible at the moment) but there will be many, many smaller jobs that others can help with if they are able or want to. We have been careful to keep the ramming just as a few select helpers due to the extreme danger involved.

The jobs we will be focussing on next are:

Filling holes - We are left with thousands of small holes (from the formwork process) that we need to fill with a mortar mix. It is easy, but tedious. (anyone can do this!)

The roof truss and bond beam - metal tubing that is bolted down to the top of the walls for the roof to screw down onto. For the truss we plan to weld a frame that will sit inside a routed jarrah log (8.1m long!) (welding)

The roof(!!!) - this is just large sheets of foam filled zin. They just need lifting (by hand) into place and then they are tek screwed down.

Windows & Doors - at this stage planning to weld simple non-opening window frames for the roof and have aluminium windows made for the rest. Metal door frames will be purchased unless someone who can make wood frames is able to help.

Electricity - we will be doing a lot of this ourselves and have an electrician that we liaise with. If anyone has these qualification that can help that would save us heaps!

Bathroom - We will probably need help wit the tiling doe to my back, unless the kids are good at it - we will try! We may use rammed earth in one bathroom for the bath itself, but we will have to install a professionally made one in the ensuite due to space restraints.

Kitchen - At this stage we will just use some IKEA cupboards which we dismantled from a renovation years ago where they gave it away if we removed it. Any bench-top people would be handy! We will be trying to source a large oven secondhand and range hood.

Toilets - We will be installing 2 composting toilets and one waterless urinal.

Sewerage - we will be installing a grease trap, filtration system and leach drains ourselves (no septics needed).

Carport / Garage - we will work on the design of this to lower construction costs, likely using a couple of rammed earth pillars.

Rear Patio & Verandah - again the design may be changed - we planned to do wood decking, however due to cost we may change this to a concrete design.

If you can help (or know anyone who might be able to) we would appreciate it - but definitely don’t expect it. We don't like to ask or want to be a burden - our hearts are to bless others, not use them. God is however changing us to be
able to accept help, which has been hard in the past. We hope to have a pizza & pad party shortly to bless people, share the vision and pray over the project…and we may even arrange a busy bee for those who would like to help.

In the mean time we will continue to be thankful for all He has done and for what so many of you have helped to achieve. THANK YOU!

Conclusion: It’s amazing what God can achieve through people…no matter the task, obstacles or your own ‘lack’. As a body, helping each other great things can de done!

Lord, we are so thankful for all You have done for us. We are so thankful that You really do know the end from the beginning - despite us getting focussed on the present and loosing hope - You always have the best for Your people in mind. Help us in our unbelief - and remind us to look at where You are in the storm - right next to us. We give you our hearts and our thanks today as we look at some walls that seem so feeble to many but to us indicate a miracle working ever-loving Father. Thank you.



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