Bus to be or not to be?
With both vehicles off the road, we were stranded. What could be an intense and stressful time was far from that...
In the past, we would have had at the very least a few hours, though more likely a number of days of stress in thsi situation.
Sharmini had failed to tick a box on the change of address form leading to the car being unlicensed. This would either be the end of the road for this vehicle or it would be time and money to fix - both of which are in short supply.
And I had failed to check the work on the Troopy - leading to the same situation: either $4000 - $6000 repair bill or the end of the road. I hadn't done a job properly now we were stuck.
With no money and no way of going anywhere it was amazing to experience….peace. We really had no bad feeling or stress, no attacks or worry - we were both just content. Neither of us knew what would happen - or how we would rectify or pay for any repairs or a new vehicle…but it didn't matter.
If God wanted us to have a car - He would do something. The kids thought it was exciting, so the next few days we planned to just keep going with the normal routine. We did remind each other of a converstaion we had the week earlier though, about how it may be good to get a bus.
A 4wd wasn't absolutely vital for us if the bobcat was working (if we get bogged on the way out we use bob to get us out), and a bus would be cheaper to run…probably. We would also have extra seats to be able to take people to various places. We knew though, that with my neck / back I can't drive the older style commuter bus and the newer style was way out of our reach. Going into debt for a vehilce was not an option…
We had looked at the newer style commuter buses - the cheapest were around $17,000 with high kilometers (i.e 800,000+) after taxi use. Sharmini thought she would have a quick look to see what was available. There was one for $15,000 which was cheap - though still far above what we could afford.
She talked to the guy and then forwarded the number to me (this is a normal way we negotiate / enquire about items - Sharmini lines them up & weeds out the dealers & bad eggs…great help mate!). The guy sounded like a wheeler & dealer to me…and I have had vast experience with people like this. I have bought hundreds of vehicles and started and ran a wrecking yard for years - the people you meet are, shall we say, interesting. I was the same back then and it is fair to say that you can not trust anything that is said from some people selling a vehilce.
However, between us, we were able to get the price to a level that was too good to be true. And we both thought that God was promting us towards this vehicle. But we can't afford it Lord! We both decided to check our bank accounts - and amazingly we had enough cash! A number of 'out of the blue' payemnts had all arrived at the right time and while I knew that a lot of it was accounted for with upcoming bills - it made the bus a possibility.
We decided to go and look. A number of issues led us to being late so we only arrived after dark. The vehicle had suppossedly just gone over the pits - meaning that mechanically it should great….however within 10 minutes I found more than 5 things that even on their own would be enough to get it knocked back at the pits. Again, I have had a lot of experience in this field, probably taking 20-40 vehicles over the pits and probably more than 10 yellow stickers on my own vehicles.
It led to the same conclusion: this guy was a scammer, not to be trusted and there was likely a number more 'surpises' with this vehicle. We left him stating we would enquire about the cost to fix the problems and get back to him in the morning. We both felt it was from God - but every part of my own brain and experience was screaming "NO!!". I could imagine the motor blowing up, cracks in the chasis - all the things that I had seen (and done) in the past went through my mind.
The next day I made a lot of phone calls trying to cover every possibility. The parts for these things were incredibly expensive and there was a lot to go wrong! I even (for the first time in my life) took out a REVS check. Yep - after buying hundreds of vehicles I had always trusted my instinct and never got the wrong end of the deal - but I was sure I was right and that I mustn't be hearing from God. But the REVS check confirmed everything the guy had said.
I saw the paperwork - the vehicle had passed the pits. The issues to fix were expensive, though the seller took more than enough extra off the price to cover it. It was too good to be true…and still far more expensive than we had ever planned on spending on a car. We knew it would mean a couple of months of even tighter financing…but felt it was God and had no alternative in sight so we went to purchase it.
We picked it up and found anouther couple of small issues right away, but nothing to hinder the deal. We drove away and within 2 minutes the J man said 'hey dad there is some carpet'. We had been looking for carpet / lino to line a caravan that was needed for people to stay in…in fact someoen was coming for ministry who couldn't drive home at night so needed to stay - tomorrow!
We stopped to find the Friday night drinks for the carpet guys and a big pile of carpet - perfect for what we needed - commercial, short pile, carpet. They were happy for us to take the lot as it saved them tip fees. So, within 5 minutes of owning the bus, it was chock to roof with carpet.
We had another errand that didn't work out - and on the way back a deep shudder started to happen in the bus. I phoned the guy and arranged to meet him at his workshop. We arrived just in time for the bus to run out of fuel! A coemdy of errors, but he went to get fuel while we changed the wheels around and had a look under the bus while using his hoist. We also had a chance to share with his wife and child about Christ and our lifestyle.
We were so late leaving, we decided to go back and get more carpet. We took everything out of the bus and re-rolled everything in the pile. There was probably 200m2 all up! What an incredible blessing - and right on time! The drive home was comfortable and quiet - a stark difference to the old troopy!
The next morning however, as we tried to fix a small issue, a much more serious issue reared it's head. The headlights stopped working - completely! We needed to use the vehicle that night so I decided to call the guy who sold us the bus. No answer. I tried about 15 times over the course of the day…there had not been one time my calls were unanswered before purchasing! We had been ripped off for sure!
I started getting annoyed at myself and was convinced we had made the wrong decision. Kicking myself, while trying franticly to figure out the issue. It made no sense! I spent hours on the phone to Toyota service agents, parts interpreters and mechanics. After none of them could shed light on the issue I paid for a subscription to a site to download a maunal to be able to find the location of the correct fuses / wiring. This thing has 5 fuses boxes - some of them with ~30-40 fuses! Which one??
The websites were no help either, only the latest Windows supported (we use Mac, though had a Windows machine for emergencies that we dusted off…to no avail), so it all just amounted to a further waste of time.
It wasn't until late in the afternoon I decided to take the fuses out (again) while the boys were watching the headlights. I had been testing connections for hours with their help…then there was a flicker! It turns out the fuses were corroded. They looked fine and tested fine, however the light corrosion stopped them completing the circuit.
All that stress & doubt…over a couple of $1 fuses! It is amazing how I doubt sometimes…especially when God has been specific and faithful.
A few days later I received a call from the man we bought the bus off - he had left his phone in someone's car. He gave me his work number and email address, offering further help and even the supply of parts on his account. I was worrying over nothing - yet again thinking my own thoughts & wisdom was more reliable than God's!
We still have a few jobs to do on this vehicle to get it up to scratch, but all in all we have now got it to the stage of an amazing, economical and very (for us) plush, ride!
Jobs we still need to do, when finance permits:
Steering Rack
LSD Diff (it gets bogged every time we try to leave the property)
Bull bar
Various electrical enhancements.
UPDATE: The indicators and horn have stopped working - after we installed a reverse warning buzzer. We suspect a fuse, but again don't know which ones to replace…they all look fine. But at least this time I know not to stress!
But the amazing thing: WE HAVE A BUS!!
It is amazing to drive, economical and doesn't aggravate my neck & back! Each time we drive it we are amazed and thankful - God is so faithful and giving. We never expected such an amazing result and especially not so fast!
Thank you Lord - not just for a vehicle, but for the fact that we can trust You in all things. You know best, help us to realise that freely and clearly discern Your voice and will. Let us always be thankful - but also always use what You provide for Your glory and purpose.
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God j transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s k will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect
(Romans 12:2 NLTSB)
Sharmini had failed to tick a box on the change of address form leading to the car being unlicensed. This would either be the end of the road for this vehicle or it would be time and money to fix - both of which are in short supply.
And I had failed to check the work on the Troopy - leading to the same situation: either $4000 - $6000 repair bill or the end of the road. I hadn't done a job properly now we were stuck.
With no money and no way of going anywhere it was amazing to experience….peace. We really had no bad feeling or stress, no attacks or worry - we were both just content. Neither of us knew what would happen - or how we would rectify or pay for any repairs or a new vehicle…but it didn't matter.
If God wanted us to have a car - He would do something. The kids thought it was exciting, so the next few days we planned to just keep going with the normal routine. We did remind each other of a converstaion we had the week earlier though, about how it may be good to get a bus.
A 4wd wasn't absolutely vital for us if the bobcat was working (if we get bogged on the way out we use bob to get us out), and a bus would be cheaper to run…probably. We would also have extra seats to be able to take people to various places. We knew though, that with my neck / back I can't drive the older style commuter bus and the newer style was way out of our reach. Going into debt for a vehilce was not an option…
We had looked at the newer style commuter buses - the cheapest were around $17,000 with high kilometers (i.e 800,000+) after taxi use. Sharmini thought she would have a quick look to see what was available. There was one for $15,000 which was cheap - though still far above what we could afford.
She talked to the guy and then forwarded the number to me (this is a normal way we negotiate / enquire about items - Sharmini lines them up & weeds out the dealers & bad eggs…great help mate!). The guy sounded like a wheeler & dealer to me…and I have had vast experience with people like this. I have bought hundreds of vehicles and started and ran a wrecking yard for years - the people you meet are, shall we say, interesting. I was the same back then and it is fair to say that you can not trust anything that is said from some people selling a vehilce.
However, between us, we were able to get the price to a level that was too good to be true. And we both thought that God was promting us towards this vehicle. But we can't afford it Lord! We both decided to check our bank accounts - and amazingly we had enough cash! A number of 'out of the blue' payemnts had all arrived at the right time and while I knew that a lot of it was accounted for with upcoming bills - it made the bus a possibility.
We decided to go and look. A number of issues led us to being late so we only arrived after dark. The vehicle had suppossedly just gone over the pits - meaning that mechanically it should great….however within 10 minutes I found more than 5 things that even on their own would be enough to get it knocked back at the pits. Again, I have had a lot of experience in this field, probably taking 20-40 vehicles over the pits and probably more than 10 yellow stickers on my own vehicles.
It led to the same conclusion: this guy was a scammer, not to be trusted and there was likely a number more 'surpises' with this vehicle. We left him stating we would enquire about the cost to fix the problems and get back to him in the morning. We both felt it was from God - but every part of my own brain and experience was screaming "NO!!". I could imagine the motor blowing up, cracks in the chasis - all the things that I had seen (and done) in the past went through my mind.
The next day I made a lot of phone calls trying to cover every possibility. The parts for these things were incredibly expensive and there was a lot to go wrong! I even (for the first time in my life) took out a REVS check. Yep - after buying hundreds of vehicles I had always trusted my instinct and never got the wrong end of the deal - but I was sure I was right and that I mustn't be hearing from God. But the REVS check confirmed everything the guy had said.
I saw the paperwork - the vehicle had passed the pits. The issues to fix were expensive, though the seller took more than enough extra off the price to cover it. It was too good to be true…and still far more expensive than we had ever planned on spending on a car. We knew it would mean a couple of months of even tighter financing…but felt it was God and had no alternative in sight so we went to purchase it.
We picked it up and found anouther couple of small issues right away, but nothing to hinder the deal. We drove away and within 2 minutes the J man said 'hey dad there is some carpet'. We had been looking for carpet / lino to line a caravan that was needed for people to stay in…in fact someoen was coming for ministry who couldn't drive home at night so needed to stay - tomorrow!
We stopped to find the Friday night drinks for the carpet guys and a big pile of carpet - perfect for what we needed - commercial, short pile, carpet. They were happy for us to take the lot as it saved them tip fees. So, within 5 minutes of owning the bus, it was chock to roof with carpet.
We had another errand that didn't work out - and on the way back a deep shudder started to happen in the bus. I phoned the guy and arranged to meet him at his workshop. We arrived just in time for the bus to run out of fuel! A coemdy of errors, but he went to get fuel while we changed the wheels around and had a look under the bus while using his hoist. We also had a chance to share with his wife and child about Christ and our lifestyle.
We were so late leaving, we decided to go back and get more carpet. We took everything out of the bus and re-rolled everything in the pile. There was probably 200m2 all up! What an incredible blessing - and right on time! The drive home was comfortable and quiet - a stark difference to the old troopy!
The next morning however, as we tried to fix a small issue, a much more serious issue reared it's head. The headlights stopped working - completely! We needed to use the vehicle that night so I decided to call the guy who sold us the bus. No answer. I tried about 15 times over the course of the day…there had not been one time my calls were unanswered before purchasing! We had been ripped off for sure!
I started getting annoyed at myself and was convinced we had made the wrong decision. Kicking myself, while trying franticly to figure out the issue. It made no sense! I spent hours on the phone to Toyota service agents, parts interpreters and mechanics. After none of them could shed light on the issue I paid for a subscription to a site to download a maunal to be able to find the location of the correct fuses / wiring. This thing has 5 fuses boxes - some of them with ~30-40 fuses! Which one??
The websites were no help either, only the latest Windows supported (we use Mac, though had a Windows machine for emergencies that we dusted off…to no avail), so it all just amounted to a further waste of time.
It wasn't until late in the afternoon I decided to take the fuses out (again) while the boys were watching the headlights. I had been testing connections for hours with their help…then there was a flicker! It turns out the fuses were corroded. They looked fine and tested fine, however the light corrosion stopped them completing the circuit.
All that stress & doubt…over a couple of $1 fuses! It is amazing how I doubt sometimes…especially when God has been specific and faithful.
A few days later I received a call from the man we bought the bus off - he had left his phone in someone's car. He gave me his work number and email address, offering further help and even the supply of parts on his account. I was worrying over nothing - yet again thinking my own thoughts & wisdom was more reliable than God's!
We still have a few jobs to do on this vehicle to get it up to scratch, but all in all we have now got it to the stage of an amazing, economical and very (for us) plush, ride!
Jobs we still need to do, when finance permits:
Steering Rack
LSD Diff (it gets bogged every time we try to leave the property)
Bull bar
Various electrical enhancements.
UPDATE: The indicators and horn have stopped working - after we installed a reverse warning buzzer. We suspect a fuse, but again don't know which ones to replace…they all look fine. But at least this time I know not to stress!
But the amazing thing: WE HAVE A BUS!!
It is amazing to drive, economical and doesn't aggravate my neck & back! Each time we drive it we are amazed and thankful - God is so faithful and giving. We never expected such an amazing result and especially not so fast!
Thank you Lord - not just for a vehicle, but for the fact that we can trust You in all things. You know best, help us to realise that freely and clearly discern Your voice and will. Let us always be thankful - but also always use what You provide for Your glory and purpose.
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God j transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s k will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect
(Romans 12:2 NLTSB)
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