Stolen Laptop | Latest | WILD EDEN

Getting back to life...the way it was intended!

Stolen Laptop

And how God can use it…

I was reminded today of an amazing run of events centred around a stolen laptop. I was reflecting on how amazing our situation is in regard to freight coming in and going out of our property for the small business we run. The unlikeness of it all is astounding.

It started with my need for a cheap laptop around 2001/3. I advertised in a paper ‘wanted’ for weeks and finally someone had something that sounded pretty good. I got my money and drove off in the trusty Torana to meet him.

It looked good I handed over the cash, but then I pulled out another $50 and waved it towards the guy.

“God told me to give you this”

As you can imagine - I had his complete attention. I told Him about the love God has for him, talked about sin, theft, hell. I don’t recall exactly what I said, in this moment nothing was out of the ordinary or memorable, this sort of conversation was pretty standard at this point in my life.

I took the laptop home and tried to boot it up but it showed an Australia Post logo. That’s weird. I played around - and in trying to figure out how to load it I found a business card of an Australia Post person - we will call him Gordon. ‘oh no’. My heart sank.

I phoned the number and Gordon answered - ‘you haven’t had a laptop stolen have you?’
I explained I had it and gave him my address. He was there shortly to pick it up. I explained about why I had given the guy extra money, and why I was being honest and returning it (always an opportunity to share about Jesus!).

He was amazed and very thankful.

Shortly afterwards I received a call from the police. They wanted to do a video recorded interview about the matter.

At some point, probably a day or two later I sat with a number of police in a video interview and was able to share the Gospel with them. They were saying if I hadn’t given the laptop back they would arrest me.

The situation was a little unusual as I was in a police station for something I hadn’t done - a great change! But this wasn’t the amazing bit.

Years later we felt to move to a small uninhabited piece of land to start a drug rehab of sorts - and the land had no services. Trying to run a business when the post office was a 35 minute drive away was going to be challenging.

We made phone calls and were told there was nothing that could be done - but they gave me the contact of the person in charge. I don’t remember if I spoke or emailed but I do remember that I noticed his name. That’s right - it was Gordon. The man who years ago had received a laptop back from a weird Jesus freak.

And within a week, we had a post office delivery service - right to our ‘gate’. An old fridge where large parcels / fruit boxes / going in and coming out would be picked up / dropped off!

And our situation with freight today in a different part of the country? We get paid to have peoples freight dropped here and for outgoing freight…including our own. It all came about as Sharmini was promoted to meet the previous agent, despite not wanting to. Amazing how God often asks for obedience when we least feel like it!

So she went up and lent an ear, with the lady pouring out her heart about current struggles. Without going into detail, one of the struggles was she couldn’t get anyone to take on the freight parcels…the rest is history!

If we had sat down in either situation and tried to get the best solution possible we
never would have come up with anything as good as we had / have.

He really does provide in ways we have not yet dreamed of!

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.
Matthew 6:33-34 (NLT)

Conclusion: He really does provide, He really does care. He really does know best!

Lord, give us the desire to follow Your Spirit and do what pleases You. May we put You and Your Kingdom above the pressing ‘needs’ of today.

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