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Government Vacination and Parental Blame

Anti-Vaxers, Government Persuation and Parental Blame:

Where does the responsibility lie?

A different take on the current vaccine debate - one that doesn't seem to be discussed much and one that makes all the difference to the children…

Government Vaccination and Parental Blame:

Where does the responsibility lie…

It’s everywhere at the moment, the discussion about vaccines and government, and rightly so. But, as often, I have a different take to most. I am no expert in any field let alone the medical one, but I do have a concern that I haven’t really seen addressed.

Over the last few months I have watched in amazement as the media has made a calculated attack on the decision to refuse vaccines for children in Australia.

Public sentiment had started to escalate: ‘vaccines were not necessarily as safe and vital as many had assumed’. As someone who is active in sales to this ‘alternative’ group, I have seen the tide start to turn and the numbers of people questioning medical assumptions and practices climb dramatically in recent years.

Many reports were available stating that sickness, autism or even death had resulted from routine vaccinations. Reports about the toxic nature of vaccines were floating around as were reports debunking the 'herd safety' myth

But a few months ago, articles started appearing with a very negative take on those who might object to vaccines. Then report after report of emotional pleas from people who had ‘suffered due to supposed refusal of vaccines’.

I am not trying to detract from their stories - not in any way. It is horrible to suffer ill health (and even worse to watch a child suffer) and
nobody wants this for themselves or their children. The people who opt for vaccines don’t want this the people who object don’t want this either.

But the continual repetition of a handful of cases of people who contracted a sickness is not helpful to the actual discussion. It is however, a very powerful way of manipulating public opinion and this has been obvious. And the disgusting hatred that is blatant in some of these stories now is sickening - with people saying they hope certain people contract diseases and accusing them of being ‘[vulgarity] morons’ .

Social media has magnified this phenomenon, but it has been around since Sigmund Freuds' uncle used similar tactics for monetary gain and persuading women to smoke cigarettes. Many do not realise that the television shows they watch are crafted to evoke emotional response and condition the observer in many things - especially moral values.

The advertisements we are bombarded with daily are designed to do the same - they appeal to the subconscious level of your brain, which starts to believe you will
feel good (or strong, powerful, important, loved etc) if you buy this or that or go to this place or have this hair do etc. But, perhaps more subtly, there is another ‘by-product’ - underlying moral attitudes.

Everything from the news to the sitcom to the ‘reality’ show - and everything in between - has underlying suggestions about what is or is not acceptable. From the sitcom with the homosexual who is the life of the party to the seemingly innocent conversations or interactions with a woman in her bedroom to the judgmental Christian, all slowly influence your brain to say that homosexuality is normal, it is ok to be in another woman bedroom and that if you’re a Christian you will be hated if you judge. All very small examples and obviously the reality is much more serious - but you get the picture!

Now, as a Christian, I have free will in this country to complain about the values being portrayed or simply not watch said shows / adverts. Unfortunately, many allow these values to go unchecked in our society, then they act surprised when the next generation fully believe the agendas set previously and base their convictions on
emotional responses rather than factual data.

Enter the vaccine ‘debate’. These emotional stories of the child who got this or that disease are gut wrenching - they really are. But they do not form a strong argument for everyone using vaccines. For that you would want to look at the death, disease or other rates in areas before and after vaccines BUT also
take into consideration other influencing factors.

For example - many I have talked to use the figures in particular tribes of the ‘success’ of vaccines. “When this vaccine was introduced, the death rate dropped from 60% to 5% overnight” and other supposed statistics. While on the surface it would seen one would be a fool to argue with these types of statistics (assuming they are in fact true!), they may not mean much at all.

What about simple things like the fact that when vaccines are introduced by doctors in third world countries - so are education programs about the importance of
hygiene. Do the towns folk change any activity or methods - or it is just the vaccine responsible for these outstanding results? Do they start washing their hands? Do they start using clean water provided by the aid organisation that brought the vaccines? Do they stop drinking water they bath in? Do they stop excreting on the banks of the river where they collect water to use for cooking?

No matter what society you are in, in which century, hygiene is of vital importance. Interestingly, it was in only in our recent history that medical experts ‘discovered’ that running water should be used for hygiene while performing baby deliveries.

Previously, the doctor would operate on someone, then wash his hands in a bowl of water, then deliver a baby. People could not understand why the mortality rate was so ridiculously high (up to 30% of the babies died!). If only they had read about hygiene! There was a book that told them to use running water - they ignored it…the Bible if you’re interested. That’s right written thousands of years earlier, the Bible was clear

How many babies died? How many parents went through anguish? Their story was untold, their grief just as real. Fast forward to today. The same is true of those who have not had access to vaccines or who have refused them. Terrible grief and suffering. But the same is true of those who
have had vaccines and suffered consequences.

Now, yet again, it is obvious the effect the media has had on the masses. Look in the newspaper, talk to people at the childcare centre, look on social media - the opinion of the masses is turning sour on those who even question the validity of vaccines. We have angry activists insisting that the very debate does not happen. Venues have had to refuse certain individuals, due to the retaliation of a vocal few, adding to the misinformation and lack of ‘the other side’.

And now the Government has weighed in. Many would assume that they were the instigators, and that the media blitz is (at least partly) due to their agenda. Do people care? I, for one do, and others have started petitions to put their name down as those who do also.

And is there anything to this? Probably. I do a lot of reading (though nowhere near what I would like!!) and have seen suggestions and reports that would scare many (to do with vaccines, their use, their chemical make up, the long term results and the end goal). The underlying structure of the current medical field is quite frankly disturbing. We have dangerous chemicals like Formaldehyde, listed as a poison that should never be put into a persons body, appearing in vaccines! We have lists of people with adverse and lasting reactions to vaccines with no repercussions to the vaccine industry and yet we have people facing jail who promote alternatives with no side effects, no danger and lists of success stories. There is also
very clear contradictions in what is released in the media.

For instance, the latest news report I read on the topic:
“Parents who vaccinate their children should have confidence that they can take their children to childcare without the fear that their children will be at risk of contracting a serious or potentially life-threatening illness because of the conscientious objections of others,’’ Mr Abbott said.

If you can’t see the obvious problem with this statement, I suggest you re-read it.
If you don’t have your child immunised and let them go to a child day care,
the children who are immunised are at risk from contracting life-threatening illnesses.

Hang on - isn’t the vaccine supposed to protect people from these diseases? If it protects them
why are they at risk? Doesn’t a vaccine actually infect a person so they carry the disease? If so, the ones vaccinated are the carriers!! As stated I am no expert, but I encourage all of you to do your research.

What you read, hear and see in the media is often not based in facts, but in the dollar. In control. And that is brought about by emotional persuasion.

But let’s leave the actual vaccine / no vaccine debate for a minute.

There are two other areas that need urgent addressing.

1) Should the Government be able to force a parent to do anything in the way they parent their child?
2) Is the Government actually forcing people by it’s “No Jab No Pay” policy?

First off in whether the Government should be able to force
any parent to do anything is a discussion that needs to be taken seriously.

For those who would argue no Government involvement at all:
There are those that would happily neglect, abuse and even murder their children - should the Government be able to step in?

For those who would think that the Government should have this power:
Where should the line be? Should all children have to go to public school? Should it be illegal to give them sugar? Or refuse it? What about sex education? What is best for the child? Punishment? Values? Religion?

There are so many areas where the parents have the responsibility to make good decisions for their children and the Government has no right to know let alone control the decisions.

As a Christian, the decisions I make for my children are based in what God wants, what the Bible says. I will talk a little bit more about this, specifically to do with the vaccine debate below.

But is the Government actually forcing people to vaccinate their children by refusing
Childcare Payments? I don’t believe they are. They are forcing you to examine your motives and responsibility. Let’s look at it this a different way:
I don’t care that the Government has a rebate or incentive for my children to attend a terrorist training group (they don’t it’s an illustration!), I believe terrorism is wrong so I don’t go. The money is not the issue.

An extreme example that many will say doesn’t relate. But it does. If you don’t vaccinate
how will you protect your children and the children of this around you - in society?

If you look at the heart of the matter and where we started - we
all want to protect the children from disease. So how will you do it? The Government offers it’s way…vaccine. And for those who choose that way there is also a rebate to help you pay for other people to look after your children so you can do your own thing, earn money or what ever.

But if you disagree with this way -
it is your responsibility to find another way for your child. And the child must (according to the Government) be removed from those who have a weaker immune system (the immunised according to them) in Child daycare centres. I would extend this to hospitals as well.

These people are weaker so should they control our children in where they should go?

But here’s my main point:
It should not have gotten to a point where this was required. If your child was sick, you should have already removed them from School, Child daycare, Church, Sunday school etc Why? Out of respect for others! To help protect other children! You wouldn’t take your sick child to see a cancer patient undergoing chemo would you? Why? It is dangerous for the patient. The other person becomes the important factor.

Far too many times have I seen in the shopping centres, the schools, the playground, the church etc -
sick children. A lack of consideration from the parents towards other parents and children. The Government is now saying ‘we will not pay you to put your sick child in day care’. Maybe it is backwards, but it raises the point - we should all be taking responsibility for our children. Even when it is inconvenient. Especially when they are sick.

I realise that there are another group who like to have sickness around their children to help their immune system etc - and I don’t necessarily disagree, though again this needs to be thought through, researched and ‘policed’ so that
all involved are willing participants so that the children are protected.

I believe the Biblical stance on this issue is respect for others (moral), hygiene and quarantine (physical). And the responsibility falls on…the parents.

Are we looking to God as the source of our provision, as the one who sustains life, the One who has our health and healing in His hands? Or is it the Government, the vaccine, the food we eat, the decisions we make?

As with all issues, God expects us to trust Him fully. Thankfully He is loving and forgiving enough to walk with us and give us the opportunity to deal with the issues that hinder this deep trust. But He does not force us. It is easy for us to turn away, ignore thee (often painful) things and trust our own ‘solutions’. He calls the things we trust other than Him “broken wells” - water tanks with holes in them. It needs continual filling, continual effort and is focussed in self.

“It is rampant in this society and we will never be able to experience (or offer others) His true life if we go along with the flow - we need to stand apart, rooted in His love, empowered by His Spirit, prepared by His Word and walk confidently in His grace on His path - not our own."

If we fail to do that, we will only see and worry about the physical, and we may put our trust in the things that really do not help. Our children may suffer and so might the children of those around us who may, or may not, have vaccinated their children.

I welcome anybody thoughts, ideas and arguments on the above - if there is a chance it will help my children or others around them I am
all ears!

Conclusion: Take responsibility for your child, their health and the health of those around them!

PRAYER: Lord thank you that you have given us life! A body that heals and reproduces and a planet with a vast array of healthy foods that come right out of the ground. Let us receive with thanks and look to you as the source of our health, provision and protection. Please give us wisdom as we want the best for our children and the children of those around us. Let our live reflect what you have for us and the love you show for us. Amen.



The Encyclopedia Britannica documents that in 1845, a young doctor in Vienna named Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis was horrified at the terrible death rate of women who were dying after giving birth in hospitals. As many as 30% of those giving birth died. The Doctor noted that doctors would examine the bodies of those who had died, then, without washing their hands, go straight to the next wards and examine expectant mothers. This was their normal practice, because the presence of microscopic diseases was unknown. Doctor Semmelweis insisted that doctors wash their hands before examinations, and the death rate immediately dropped down to 2%


“When the man with the discharge is healed, he must count off seven days for the period of purification. Then he must wash his clothes and bathe himself in fresh water, and he will be ceremonially clean
(Leviticus 15:13 NLTSB)
As can be seen, there is a difference with ailments - for skin diseases the person was not to stay at home but to be removed from the camp until healed. THe Bible has a lot to say on this topic!



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