Tomorrow may never come – but Jesus definitely will…are you ready?
Spiritual and Emotional food for thought. Encouragements and insights to help you live!
The Procession – will you be in it?
Yesterday, I saw a glimpse of something very powerful: It was of a day that is actually coming. A day where there will be a great procession of people. A GREAT procession… It will leave the (even the pre-Covid) Olympics for dead, it will be VAST in size! The people in this procession will be from every country, every nation, every type, every tribe, every colour. In the middle of this procession, the Creator of the universe – Jesus – in human form. Every human who has ever lived on the planet – past, present and future – will be …
John, Angie & Jesus
Recently, someone we met at church years ago, passed away. She was an incredible lady, happy, loving and full of beans. Although very slight in build, she came across as very strong and was certainly brave. She would talk to anybody about Jesus and often handed out Gospel tracts. We had only run into her once since Her husband, John, passed away – she was still full of love for her Saviour. As my parents had attended her funeral, they bought us a booklet printed by the family, chronicling parts of her life. Two parts had me riveted: 1) Angie’s …
In 2021, Think about Number ONE!
What a crazy year! No one would have believed that in Western countries, the police would be forcing people in and out of lockdowns. That the government would be issuing rules to ban families to see each other. That a sickness would spread through the world, reportedly causing millions to die, yet the symptoms of which often need a government purchased test from the country of origin of that said disease to be detected. The list of worldwide events this year that are incredibly significant and impact is nearly endless. But I am guessing that for many reading this, there …
A Bong, a lung and a bucket!
Why I was thinking about drugs at church today. I was thinking this morning about how participation in an activity can make all the difference in our experience of a situation. In the setting I was in (‘church’), it might seem very strange for my mind to be on drugs, but it was, at least briefly. My mind went to times where I have been in large groups of people, all standing around smoking drugs, playing pool, darts or whatever just having a ‘fun’ time together. One regular picture came to mind, where I had come to a group of …
The Fatherless Find Rest
Singing a song this morning at ‘church’ (front room with the family and some songs playing a recorded sermon), I was getting in ‘the zone’: You know, thinking about the One who has given us life and approaching His throne. My family present, including my sisters children, I am quite composed until very early in the first song the lyrics went: ‘the fatherless find their rest at the sound of your name’. No longer fully composed, my mind understands in part, yet again, what my soul has been experiencing now for nearly 19 years…REST! So, so thankful that my soul …
No nurse is perfect
Last night I was thinking of a movie where a doctor was meant operate on a crook who had just killed another doctor and then tried to kill her. As could be expected, she didn’t treat him the same as her normal patients – and who could blame her? It reminded of a time when I was lying on a hospital gurney, skin missing off most of the left side of my body, the blood dried so the blanket that was on me was stuck fast. The bone in my big toe was visible – the road had ground through …
Is your King a Lamb Palm Sunday 2020
We are living in world that is rapidly changing, sometimes hour by hour. Rules and regulations from government, health and safety advice, food, work and travel is constant change. At this point in time, we have to go through a police checkpoint that is manned by state emergency service and army personnel. If we do not have written documentation from government to say we can pass, we get turned around – we are not allowed to our nearest food shops or the metro area. Public opinion has swiftly changed from that of freedom to that of quarantine (and anger at …
Isolation. Fear. Helplessness. Depression. Uncertainty. Grief. Panic. Paranoia. Despair. These things are rampant at the moment and the best advice people give is generally ‘remember this will pass’, ‘be prepared’ or ‘avoid the bad news’… But really the remedy for fear is not avoidance of bad situations. Neither is it ‘faith’ in the sense of believing everything will be ok. Rather it is a heart (not just a mind) connected with the One and only true God. Not the god of our own understanding, not the god of religions that say you must earn this or that by good works, …
God’s Love Letter to you.
This letter reflects the truth of God’s love for you. If He could fulfil one thing, it would be that you know and experience His great love for you. He has already done a lot for this to happen: including sending His Son to die for you… Hello My child, this is Me, God: your real dad. I formed you in your mothers womb, creating you just the way I wanted. With care and deliberate thought, I fashioned you. I loved what I saw and I still do. I made you to be a little like Me. You’re made in …
Mango Picking and Deviant Devil Ants
The Deviant Devil-Ant! On a recent trip to pick mangos in Kununarra, I encountered what I started to call ‘devil ants’, though their correct name is actually the “Weaver Ant” (genus Oecophylla). These little green ants, according to Wiki: “ inflict painful bites and often spray formic acid directly at the bite wound resulting in intense discomfort.” I don’t think this is quite accurate – the bites do sting but I would say they are only around a pain level of 2-3. As a frame of reference, the the bite from the big bull ants on our property would be …
Are you hungry?
Or do you just want food? Matthew 15:29-39 Not many educated people would deny the birth and life of Jesus Christ. History shows clearly He existed around 2000 years ago and was indeed killed. His actions made a huge impact on His society and to those around Him – especially the miracles He performed. His fame spread far and wide – people travelled for miles to come and get the healing they could not find anywhere else. And He healed them *all*. Here and now, today, it’s so easy to get discouraged when we don’t get the healing we want …
Dont contact me again son
‘Dad I’m getting married – do you want to come?’ “Adam I never wanted children – I still don’t – please don’t contact me again” The above was a real conversation I had with my dad over the phone a week or so before I was married in 2003. It is the last time I have spoken to him – I don’t know if he is still alive, in jail or whatever. I have respected his wish and, unfortunately, I understand his desire…
Another example how ridiculous God is at a garage sale after church… I saw an office printer that I thought might be a good deal, but decided I would wait before asking him the price to get a good deal. Before I had a chance he tried to sell it to me, offering it at a song – but I was more interested in talking to him about Jesus. He shared how he used to be a drug addict and was quite sure he had found freedom. After talking for a while it was evident he had just exchanged addictions …
Australians have reason to rejoice.
Today, we were Invited to a BBQ, bonfire & concert of someone I had never heard of at short notice. We didn’t know what to expect, but it was our weekly ‘family fun’ day so the resulting vote was to go along. My wife and I with 6 children and my niece arrived to a flashing arrow directing cars and large ETERNITY sign on the gate. This humble entrance was hiding something…
The many faces of THANKS
Spreading Joy at Christmas to some who need love, from those who have received it.
The Silent Shout – Christmas Comet 2018
The skies declare that Jesus is God…just like this comet near Christmas…
Hope Less
If it were possible to have less hope… After a long, hard week with many failures, this morning I lay with pain in my body, a mild headache and a huge day ahead filled with activities I *really* didn’t want to face. I reflected on how different things are… With deadlines approaching and the never ending list of jobs to do – completion of this project seems impossible – even futile. How different things used to be! I had numerous desires, goals and aspirations – and I worked *real* hard at attaining them. I had every expectation that I would …
Don’t go home!
I turned the car the other way – meaning at least an extra 20 minutes to get home.
I explained…
I don’t think God wants us to go home…
The stupid / non existent potter
Does a jar ever say,“He didn’t make me”?or“The potter who made me is stupid”?Nope – but that’s exactly what I did… Convinced there was no ‘god’ based on the actions of others (if ‘he’ existed why would ‘he’ let me suffer) – I determined to do *whatever* felt good. Chasing good feelings, fun – adrenaline – wild times and being drunk / drugged up seemed like the only option and a mostly enjoyable one. “If it feels good do it – and do it some more…” Problem was, the more I did ‘it’ in various and copious forms, the less …
Indian date night with a difference.
A brief look into our crazy world…Tonight it was date night so I was cooking a special meal for myself and Sharmini that she has arranged. The children are looking after the babies and buying / selling goods as part of their new business venture. We are running late, and the phone rings with “No Caller ID”. It can only mean one thing: telemarketers. I normally answer and tell them about Jesus, but today I was going to ignore due to time restraints. But Sharmini decided she would answer this time… “Hello” “Hello sir, Do you know that your business can not …
Bethesda Palliative Care
It’s just over two weeks since my mother in law passed away. After a 6 year battle with cancer, the intensity and the difficulty mounted. In the last two weeks she was admitted into Bethesda hospital / palliative care as the cancer overtook her body. Although this was a gruesome reality and very very difficult time, it was made much more bearable by the care she received at Bethesda. It wasn’t just the sense of peace in the place or the amazing views either… Every one of the staff showed genuine care and compassion both towards my mother in law …
Made in the Image of God
I find it far easier to believe that God created humans over the alternative…and I am always amazed at Gods signature that can be seen in everyone. Sure, it is often hidden under copious layers of sin-riddled masks, boundaries and hurtful behaviour, but it is always there. When you take the time and listen, really listen to what people are continually revealing about themselves, you find incredible wealth, value and creativity – however you will also find hurt, pain, anger, illogical beliefs, depression and addictions. But the root cause is always the same – sin. It is exhilarating to be …
How wanting to be served leads to SO much dissatisfaction…
How wanting to be served leads to SO much dissatisfaction
A Clean Skin admits: “I smoked drugs”
Admitting that to the police was probably not the best thing to do… I was reminded this morning of the first time I was arrested for dealing drugs, some ‘trivial’ events stood out in my mind. It wasn’t so much the police, the handcuffs, the being locked in the paddy wagon. But the actions of a ‘clean skin’ – a person who had never used drugs but was present and essentially dobbed himself in. Let me back up a bit. This morning I had a ministry session… When weakness is strength… I had been feeling slightly tense and irritable yesterday – …
One Crazy Day in our life – and the end of our Bus?
Ted: The new name for our bus[riddle]A day in our life – no this is not made up… Our life can be very varied day to day. Whether it is family issues, the business, our living ‘camp’ or building – things can change dramatically from one moment to the next. Today, I thought I would give a small insight into our day: 6:30 Perusal Bible & Reading & send a message on the scripture message thread we have for the family. 6:50 Sorting the freight parcels 7:00 Sharmini gets back from her run asking for ministry. An argument between us escalates – not normal, and could …
Erly Kerly – how this drawing brought me to tears
🎶You are my freedom – You are the reason…I kneel at Your throne once again. 🎶🎶Where would I be without You…here in my life? 🎶The words of this song were playing as I pulled out a picture given to me by my daughter last night… To set the scene: for Jesus time this morning we imagined the depiction of Heaven in Revelation 4: thinking about each line – what is actually described. Amazing, powerful and glorious beings that surround God’s throne. Lightning, Thunder, pillars of fire, the glow of Emeralds, a glass sea, Elders / Kings bowing and strange but powerful creatures worshipping. Then …
How God can use a STOLEN laptop
When god told me to give a thief an EXTRA $50 – I didn’t hesitate…find out why
Dear Homosexual Friend: Why Marriage re-definition won’t work
Why marriage redefinition will never accomplish what some hope it will
Smoking the Seeds: When you REALLY don’t want to be a dad…
When smoking the mull seeds DOESN’T work!
Happiness is not an act of the will…
Don’t trade happiness for joy: one lasts, the other eludes, traps, enslaves
So THIS just happened IN CHURCH…
What can happen to someone who fails and sins a lot in a Church when Jesus shows up…
The only way all the ‘bad’ can be turned into good…
No matter how low or painful life gets, there may be an unexpected benefit if you can understand this One, major but simple reality…
Let the ‘magic’ of the Wise Men give you Joy this Christmas!
There are so many aspects to the story of ‘Christmas’ – so many things that are heart warming, but there are also many things we can learn and apply to our own lives. It’s not just the history or beliefs of others. According to the Bible, the planning of the Christmas story started before the world even existed, and the result will last long after the world is gone. But today we are going to look at the Wise Men of the story..
Happy HOLIDAYS! to everyone, especially you…
CHRISTMAS is actually about a guy called JESUS. You know: born in a stable, born sin-free, lived to love, healed the sick, made the lame to walk, raised the dead? Was tortured & killed by crucifixion. Then after 3 days He rose from the dead, surprising everyone. The most amazing thing though – He did it for you & me!He didn’t have to & most of us believe He didn’t need to – but the truth is, every person that has sinned, would be in huge trouble if He hadn’t. Have you ever sinned? Told a lie? Stolen anything? Lusted? Hated anyone? Jesus said if you look with lust you are guilty of adultery, and to hate is the same as murder!We all know that these things are wrong, but normally try to justify them. The problem is, our attempts at justifying only fool us. And sin is not against other people, but against God. And the hard to accept and everyone wants to avoid truth is that God will judge every single one of us by the 10 commandments. Oh O!Religions all have the same incorrect ‘solution’ = do. Do this, do that. Do it some more, pay some money, then don’t do it again. But we all do. We are on the Titanic, heading for the ice berg…but dancing in ignorant ‘bliss’.Jesus told us a different way…trust Him. Trust that He was sent by God to pay the price for your sin. Without Him you are helpless. Trust it and He makes you a son of God! he opens your eyes & you get to *know* Jesus. wow.Follow Jesus – only He has the key to Eternal Life.
Fathers Day – How God’s love breaks through in marriage
Fathers Day is the day I count as being born again – a short article on how God’s love continues to transform and help
Who is Alive – Jesus or Jack?
JACK LIVES HERE: I had this sticker on my car, and in the bar. I loved Jack Daniels (like loved Jacks!) – but I didn’t know something that was of vital importance… He’s actually dead. One day he forgot the combo to his safe…he got angry, kicked the safe & died from gangrene! Seriously! Jack is not alive he is dead…and you will be too one day. If you keep drinking Jacks you will likely be sooner than you expect. Maybe you’re like me & don’t care that memory loss, anger & death will result. Maybe you think that it …
Lawyers prove that the resurrection didn’t happen
Lawyers who tried to prove the two main events of the Bible to discredit Christianity, find the facts actually give credit to the Bible. Follow the facts!
Christmas – Jesus: Fact or Fiction?
Proof that Jesus was more than just a baby: that Jesus’ birth, celebrated at Christmas, is relevant to YOU…
Bus – to be or not to be
With both vehicles off the road, we were stranded. What could be an intense and stressful time was far from that…In the past, we would have had at the very least a few hours, though more likely a number of days of stress in thsi situation. Sharmini had failed to tick a box on the change of address form leading to the car being unlicensed. This would either be the end of the road for this vehicle or it would be time and money to fix – both of which are in short supply. And I had failed to check …
Protecting life, getting strife!
Part way through a hectic and problematic week, a trip to Perth turns ‘sour’ – but it is just the beginning… The good in the ‘bad’… Scripture(s): Psalm 32, 51 A day of prep for a long drive to the pro-life rally yesterday, didn’t quite go as planned… If there is one event of the year that I believe all Christians of all denominations and theological backgrounds should attend or be part of – it would be on the theme of defending the lives of precious children and standing against their mass, legal, murder. To say I was excited …
JW Something the Jehovahs Witnesses are missing
Some brief notes on a conversation and some scripture verses that can help with evangelism… Notes: Below are a number of verses that I recently printed out for an (unsaved) family member who has had a slight JW indoctrination – they can be helpful when evangelising. There is also some notes that may be helpful… Description:This family member has had contact with the JW’s and therefore has some serious flaws in his thoughts about God & salvation. I recently went through a number of things in the scriptures with him about Who Jesus is, ‘Jehovah’ and salvation. When he was …
Two Blokes walk in to a Church…which one are you?
One walks to the front, sits down…. Modern day Bible parables… Scripture(s): Luke 18:10-14 Description:Today for Jesus time I talked of two men, Timothy & Phillip. Tim was quite rich, looked nice, was polite & kind & helped people all the time. He was a ‘good christian’. He went to church & was very thankful for what God had done & who he was. Philip, the other guy, was rough & rude – and sometimes stole things. He went to church only occasionally & didn’t talk to anyone. I talked of the way they prayed and then asked the younger …
Beer, Cones, Spirits
Sometime early in 1999… One day in my sisters community housing flat in Balga I had a group of friends over – drinking & smoking cones in my room – I never smoked any. I had become what some would call ‘paranoid’ when smoking dope… (Some names have been changed to protect identities.) I was a chronic user to start with, dealing and having cones / buckets at every stop when selling / picking up, joints along the way and then social sessions too. To put it in perspective I remember one night after standard sessions during the day and …
Strange ways the Joy of Following comes….
Sometimes following can be…The Joy of Following Yesterday we received a sales order through one of the sales websites we run. Attached to the order was a lovely note: “We have several of your Australian laminated posters, much love and thanks!!!” It is nice to get little personal notes – especially when they are as nice as this. However, within 5 minutes we received the below email from the same person: Subject: YUCK!!! you twisted sickos Message: after processing a payment for an item I WAS TOLD yebus is alive go to hell!! mat devils swarm upon you …
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