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Tag: <span>God</span>

Tag: God

What is wrong with Murphy?

So today, a piece of celery (filled with peanut butter of course!) was thrown to someone across the kitchen bench.  It landed face down and someone joked:  “Murphy’s Law!”  It got laughs all round, then a barrage of people trying to prove it: crackers were tossed into the air, avocado… well you get the idea!  Murphy’s Law is often boiled down to:  “If something can go wrong, it will!”  For thinking minds, you know this is crazy! Imagine is everything that could go wrong did!  Heart attacks, stroke, seizure, fire, pulled muscles… In everyday situations, millions of things would happen, brakes …

Is your King a Lamb Palm Sunday 2020

We are living in world that is rapidly changing, sometimes hour by hour. Rules and regulations from government, health and safety advice, food, work and travel is constant change. At this point in time, we have to go through a police checkpoint that is manned by state emergency service and army personnel. If we do not have written documentation from government to say we can pass, we get turned around – we are not allowed to our nearest food shops or the metro area. Public opinion has swiftly changed from that of freedom to that of quarantine (and anger at …