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Category: <span>for thought</span>

Category: for thought

7 Traits of successful children…according to the Bible PART 1

[This is Party one of a 7 Part Series] I recently read an article that stated the ‘7 traits of successful children’ written by a psychologist. Of course I wanted to see what was classified as ‘successful’ and whether I was doing a good job or not.  Of course, I logically know that most psychologists operate from a secular world-view, but I clicked anyway…  The first point confirmed my suspicion: Self Confidence!p This is what most of the world chases and what is associated with ‘successful’ people. From a Biblical point of view though, Self Esteem is just selective pride. …

The night I nearly killed two daredevils…

I had been drinking heavily and had had an absolute gut-ful… Seriously, this guy was going on and on about all the crazy things he had done on a motorbike and in a car.  “That’s it – time to go!” I shouted as I picked up my helmet and threw a helmet towards this guy, who I will call Grant. I did it in a way so he couldn’t back out – everyone at the ‘party’ heard. He followed me to my bike and climbed on as I started it.  Before I even put it in gear he was pushing …

Will magnifying the lefts hypocrisy slap down Hollywood?

Cancel Culture: any white man that even looks at a woman the wrong way or – who could believe it – is ever alone in a room with her is canceled, attacked, dropped and sacked. A white mans career and life can be destroyed DECADES later on the testimony of a drunk or drug affected woman.  But, Will Smith, who is ok for other people to have sex with his wife, physically assaults a comedian for a mild insult… but then, something much more telling happens. Minutes later he gets a standing ovation from hundreds of famous and influential people, many …

What is your TRUE worth?

I’m often amazed at the seemingly insignificant events that cause long term and deep emotional pain to people. A common one is what someone’s parents treated as more important than them.  Parents take note: the holidays, the money, the friends or parties, the toys, the job you have time for but not your child…it is causing incredible damage.  So what was it that communicated your value? Or, what was it that communicated a lack of value to you?  “What is the event or thing that communicated the most value to you?”  For myself, my biological father leaving when I was born had …

Easter – an annoying inconvenience.

If Easter is just an extra day off, family / holiday time, chocolate eggs or a slightly larger hang-over: you’re missing out… BIG TIME!  It still blows me away, how, as an acute alcoholic with a house set up like a pub with beer on tap, how many times I ran out of alcohol on a Good Friday. Driving for hours trying to find anything open, desperate to get more off my face – it was about the only ‘meaning’ Easter had for me: an annoying (but predicable) inconvenience.  But now, this Easter morning, too sore to drive to church, …

Disneys Despicable Depiction…Targeting vulnerable children

This week, details made public have confirmed what many have long known: Disney is no longer child friendly. I would go further and say it is positively dangerous for children and also aggressively anti-parent… Disney seems determined to remove all rights from parents and push their far-left (and in my opinion toxic) view of sexuality, gender fluidity and racism on to unsuspecting children. Many will have picked up these undertones increasingly in their recent movies and removal of gender language (including in their theme parks , but still may be surprised by the advertised minimum quotas of particular minority groups …

The Bible – the book we love to hate…

Today, while listening to the Bible, it hit me: “No wonder people hate the Bible!!”   “No wonder people hate the Bible!”  Seriously, it’s no wonder it get’s so much negative press…it deserves it! While 95% of what is presented is completely false, no one cares: it’s a book we all love to hate…  I did too. Anyone who dared to try direct me towards it would get an instant and angry attack: those who had represented it to me while young had hurt me, so NO WAY! But today, I see things very differently.   Here’s the verse that I was …

Crushing News…do NOT do this!

I feel bad asking when so much is going on around the world, but I would really appreciate your prayers this coming week or two. I have been struggling with pain & have just received some pretty bleak news to do with my spine. Just when I thought things would be looking up too.   I won’t go into details here, but I need God’s strength just to get through each day, let alone face the long term. I have written more details on our blog that you may find encouraging / helpful – especially if you are a pain …

How Discipline Proves Love

I recently wrote an article looking at the ‘Death of the West’: how history reveals that we can not survive the next 40 years. (Article is Here)   All through history, powerful, educated, military nations that should rule the world have ceased to exist. However, it is small, insignificant, uneducated nations like the Jews, have survived through the ages (despite concerted efforts to the contrary!) . It just does not make sense… Unless of course there is some supernatural power at play. Interestingly, the Bible describes this very scenario: a God who punishes nations who violate His law. According to this incredible book, the …

My back is killing me – Adam Keegan

I received some bad news this week… After being told that recovery from spinal surgery would take 3 – 6 months, I have now been informed that it will be 12 months to 5 years, and the level of pain I am in now, may never decrease.  That was hard to hear, especially when I have been struggling to cope wth the pain I am in the last few weeks. I also find it incredibly difficult not being able to do much physically. I am in a state worse than I would imagine I would be if I made it …

When FiRE nearly takes the lot…

Yet another near disaster: today this wire started to smoulder and caught fire during one of the hottest days of the summer, though we didn’t know it.  We could smell the burning plastic during the day and looked high and low for the source. I exhausted my search after four attempts and the temperature of the day started to drop. The next morning, I went back into the power shed and started to look again.  This time, I had the thought to pray…  I kid you not, within seconds something caught my eye – burn marks and in the shadows, …

Brandon Sanderson – Start Kicking the false fantasy and embrace TRUTH!

I just read that the largest backing for a Kickstarter project ever is for a set of four books from Brandon Sanderson.  Let that sink in – Over 32 MILLION dollars has been pledged by people who want to read the books on a fantasy world created by a Mormon with a creative, though agenda-driven, imagination.   I find it so incredibly telling that in this culture, that elevates supposed knowledge and rational thought so much, we have lost the very notion of truth altogether.  We should not be surprised, as history has universally shown that for cultures that embrace …

Floods, Fires, Famine, Earthquakes, Wars…APOCALYPSE much?

It is not a surprise that I have been asked a number of times recently:  “Is the Covid [ jab / mandate / passport ] ‘the mark of the Beast’ the Bible talks about?”  The answer is incredibly alarming, but likely in a totally different way than you might think…  First, the ‘Mark of the Beast’ as described clearly in the Bible:  He required everyone—small and great, rich and poor, free and slave—to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. 17 And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either …

How to please ‘God’ in two easy steps…

Nearly everyone who accepts there is a ‘god’ wonders how to please it / him / her / them…and normally tries to.     It makes sense that any wise human who understands a more powerful deity exists, would try to please / appease the Being that made them.    We see the same trait in animals – horses with their owners, dogs with their masters, dolphins with their trainers: the animal does what it has learned, i.e. what the the human wants (or rewards).    Even in these limited examples, we can see a large variety of different types …

The Truth about Lies!

The TRUTH about lies: 

  • Lies can be incredibly powerful.
  • Lies only hold power if they are believed. 
  • Lies don’t have to be true to be believed.
  • Lies cause the same result as if it were true. 
  • Lies are often hidden from the one who believes them. 
  • Lies can be illogical and contradictory. 
  • Lies are normally learned by experience (as opposed to logic). 
  • Lies can be believed internally (and can be couter to the persons logical belief). 
  • Lies held internally are far more powerful than those held mentally. 
  • Humans can hold to two opposing beliefs at the same time. One is obviously a lie! 

There is only one defence against lies = Truth! 


– Jesus

JC Quotes I AM Truth Set Free

To learn more about LIES…Click Here or if you are ready to deal with the lies you believe, Click Here

How many who think they have a good religion are hiding from the true God

False religions are everywhere. It is a bizarre reality – with so many different camps believing they are the ones that are correct. Who is right? Who is wrong? The answer is quite simple, but will likely surprise you… Make sure you are in the right camp!

Pesky Hell-fire Bible Bashers

Ever wondered why some people talk about ‘sin’ and hell so much? The answer may not be what you think… People who talk about hell generally don’t do it because they want to – far from it – they often feel scared and would rather say nothing about it. It’s not because they think you will like it or like them for it – far from it – they often no it will be taken offensively. It’s not because they are religious or have to – most of the groups that have to go out getting people to join their …

I am not a thief anymore!! Oh what a feeling…

Sometimes it is the strangest things that remind me I am living a *different* life… Like the other day, I was struck how it is an amazing feeling to walk into a shop and NOT steal something… Or even want to. That might sound like a crazy statement to some people (maybe even most!), but for some, like me, you understand. At around the age of 11 or 12 I started to steal. First from my step dad, then at 13 from my first employer, then occasionally from certain shops or businesses.  By the time I was 18, I found …

Lotto – can you afford to win?

I still have memories of hearing the lotto numbers in my grand parents house around dinner time on the few occasions I was there. My granddad bought tickets every week, sitting in his armchair with a rug over his legs crossing off numbers. I had no real care for it at that age – In fact I wouldn’t even have known what the prize pool was. Some have been huge…what is the biggest prize you know of? 6th Nov 2012 in Australia – Oz Lotto jackpot tied at $112MILLION!! That was nothing compared to $1.3 BILLION in the USA!! But …

Don’t follow the dead…

Death is a tragic thing. The death of a loved one has such a deep and lasting effect – in fact it is actually hard to believe just how much it can affect someone. The closer you were to the person, the harder it can be. The more open you are and connect emotionally, the more painful it is. The regrets can be crushing, leaving people to try to cope in many different ways. Through all the pain and tears, regrets, hopes and grappling with my brother in laws recent death, there is one thing that was never tempting:I haven’t …

Investigating Arrogance – Lee Strobel and baseless Atheism

Today we watched a movie about the true story of a guy called Lee Strobel. He was an investigative journalist who had a loose relationship with the truth. He would have fit in with the current legacy media, where truthful reporting seems to be a thing of the past. Today, most journalists have sacrificed truth in order to tow the company line. Western Government incentives (in supposed democratic countries) achieve a level of censorship any communist government would be proud of.  But something happened to Lee that would rock his world. As a result, his determination to prove something false …

Worse than the death of a child: Lindy Chamberlain and the Dingo

Suffering the loss of a child is one of the most painful human emotional experiences for a parent. But imagine, knowing it was a violent death and then being accused of being the one who did it.  That was the plight of Lindy Chamberlain: after witnessing a dingo take her baby from a tent, she was found guilty of murdering her baby and then spent 4 years in jail before new evidence led to her release.  It would be 26 years later before the real cause of death to her beloved baby was a dingo. What a tragic and emotionally crushing …

Do you love mercy – or just do it?

Forgiveness is an incredibly important part of the human experience. It is important for a persons mental health, emotional well being and spiritual experience.  Many Christians take serious their Masters’ command to forgive others  and think they have done a great job. Some even have – maybe even following some of this advice!  But even then – do they, do you, do WE, LOVE forgiving people or is it just something we try to do?!  That sounds absurd – what an incredibly high – unreachable – standard!  But that is the heart of our God. He doesn’t forgive under coercion, …

How to fully forgive the UNFORGIVABLE!

Many religious people (and those with a more advanced knowledge of psychology), know the importance of forgiveness. Many know that harbouring unforgiveness is very damaging mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  For this reason, a lot of people try to forgive – they really do try – and many would say they have succeeded in ‘letting this person go’, ‘moving on’ or ‘put that behind them’.  While the intent may be good (or even great!), it normally does not even start to address the real depth of forgiveness that is needed. And even if it does, it is virtually always missing a …

Australia Day 2022 – Are you ready for the end of Australia as we know it?

This Australia Day, I gleaned a little from some of the mainstream media across the country and world. It is quite interesting to see just how clear the agenda of each news outlet is: many owned by the same umbrella company or person. They are very clever at the way they reach their target market and influence them towards the set agenda.  Of course, the position of the vast majority is that of the left, liberal or progressive ideals that will chop away at the country we love. (If you can’t handle that truth – I suggest you stop reading!) …

A side of God you may have never heard about

There are many places where you will hear about ‘God’, or at least one side of the entity that people believe represents Him… From public figures, movies, mega churches and cults – the difference in messages can be dangerous no matter which side of the fence they sit. I hope this clears things up for you! 

Steve Jobs kicked out of Apple – Never give up!

Steve Jobs was kicked out of Apple because of the famous super bowl advert shown on the 22nd January 1984. Imagine that – the company he co-foundered and poured his life into, booted him out. It seemed futile … he would have been forgiven if he had walked away and got on with the rest of his life. People expected that there was no other option. But no, he eventually worked his way back, took the reins again and turned the failing company into a massive success – the momentum of which is still surging. An incredible visionary and great leader – there was one thing he could not claw his way back from, his death. Understandable – no one could right?!
Well One person did… 

What you focus on today will affect all your tomorrows

It is amazing how easy it is to put things off: until tomorrow, next week, next month, next year…  Whether it is eating healthier, exercising (more), education, time with God, spouse, children, parents etc, there is only one time to start: NOW!  Let’s be clear: what you put your time and effort into today, will be reflected in all your tomorrows.  If your time and focus is on your friends, your friendships will grow, maybe at the detriment of your career.  If you spend more time with this person or that than your spouse, your marriage will be at risk.  If …

Life, talking with John, Bill and Joy

I spent some time this morning listening to an elderly man talk about his life.  As he talked about his exploits, mishaps, property sales, business ventures, children’s careers etc – At times I was thinking how long I would need to be here and what else I need to do. But at some point I was confronted with a thought process: “This man, with all his memories and achievements, was a mere breath away from eternity. All of it, every single second of it means *nothing* if he dies in sin.” He uttered a phrase at some point, exclaiming that …

the Gospel: more and less than you think!

The Gospel – the message about Jesus as King – can be stated in many, many ways. At best, what we often hear are just short summaries – small snippets – of different aspects of the Gospel.  But the truth is, despite being easy to understand, the Gospel is incredibly complex, unbelievably powerful and incomprehensibly large. Oh, and it is Eternal!  In a million years from now, those who are saved will still be amazed, humbled, empowered and driven by the Gospel.  Simple enough for a child to recite, amazing enough to captivate the most distracted, intellectual enough to engage the …

Silent Night 🎶 Holy Night 🎶

Silent Night, Holy Night  It’s a great carol – but it’s a *crazy* reality… Seriously, the first time I understood & experienced who Jesus was, everything else went eerily silent. And I mean EVERYTHING!  The loud chatter of ‘success’, fame, fortune, self, substances and even the demonic? Silenced immediately! May we all experience more & more of who He is this Christmas… “Silent night, holy night, Son of God, love’s pure light; radiant beams from thy holy face with the dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus, Lord, at thy birth, Jesus, Lord, at thy birth.”  #thankYouJesus

Unbelievable sacrifice: 8 year old dies saving sister from fire.

17/9/1966 Dianne Keidel 12-year-old Susie and 8-year-old Kelly I just learned today about Kelly, an 8 year old girl, who showed incredible love. She saw her sister, (Lori), go back into their house that was on fire to get a cuddly toy. So she follows her sister back into the burning house.  Things only get worse from there…  Lori starts screaming as the fire burns her body. Kelly, knowing they can’t get out of the house, lies down on top of her younger sister.  She comforts her: “they are coming to help us, you will be ok. I love you. …

What is wrong with Murphy?

So today, a piece of celery (filled with peanut butter of course!) was thrown to someone across the kitchen bench.  It landed face down and someone joked:  “Murphy’s Law!”  It got laughs all round, then a barrage of people trying to prove it: crackers were tossed into the air, avocado… well you get the idea!  Murphy’s Law is often boiled down to:  “If something can go wrong, it will!”  For thinking minds, you know this is crazy! Imagine is everything that could go wrong did!  Heart attacks, stroke, seizure, fire, pulled muscles… In everyday situations, millions of things would happen, brakes …

Christmas Play 2021 Galilee Far Away

So today, my 4 youngest children we singing / dancing in a Christmas play.  It was set on a spaceship that travelled back in time to visit earth when Jesus was born.  It was incredible to see how our kids have grown & the way they participated, but there was something far more powerful…  The younger 4 all had different things that they were working on this year. Areas they recognised that were not their strong suit but were willing to try and grow, despite it being uncomfortable. What an encouragement – firstly that they were willing, able and dedicated …

Jesus – the reason for the season!

He Created the world simply by speaking. He emptied Himself and came to earth as a helpless baby.  He taught teachers and gave the most astounding moral advice He healed the sick and raised the dead.  He submitted to unjust treatment and false allegations.  He willingly died for those who ignored and hated Him (you and me). He rose again, defeated sin, death and hell.  He went back to Heaven in front of witnesses.  He rules from Heaven in victory.  And He’s coming back as King of the Universe!  Are. You. READY?  When Jesus is revealed to the world, everyone will …

Nativity 12 White Big Headed China Kids!

The photo of this delicate set does not do it justice – one of our cutest sets…  The fact that all the characters are children, reminds us that all the people in the scene (and us as observers) are all God’s children.  It also captures what Jesus focus is: children! While the adults were concerned with ‘important things’ Jesus directed their attention back to what was valuable: “let the children come to Me!”. We have set up this set in front of our largest set, meaning it actually takes effort to not get distracted by the larger, more colourful backdrop. …

Bees, Bee suits and Beekeepers

The last few days, the warmer weather has excited a hive of bees that had moved into an old dead blackboy a couple of years ago… It has resulted in a few bee stings, and some of the smaller children are fairly allergic. One poor fella’s hand quite badly swollen for a couple of days.  Having visitors coming, we thought it best to try to do something about them today. Our local bee keeper David McCormick kindly offered to come and help, right on dark.  It’s rare to come across someone who loves their profession as much and is friendly enough …

The time for being LUKEWARM is over! Twitters Purge & Jesus’ vomit

Many of you will have some idea that you are being slowly conditioned by volume of God-less and opposed-to-God posts you see on a day to day basis.  Some of you may be aware that the algorithms of social media deliberately filter out certain topics to make sure you are the influenced, not the influencer.  But not many of you will realise that most platforms are actively banning people from their platforms – discriminating – on the basis of belief in Jesus.  You heard that right, but likely have not seen any report of it: While fake and contrived attacks …

The disgusting house fly & why you would be STUPID to ignore it!

Sometimes inspiration comes from the strangest places!  Being in acute pain, sleep can be really difficult. It was made worse last night by a single fly that kept landing on me and waking me up. So tonight, I was showing one of the younger children how to catch it: make the house dark and turn one light on… the fly would head towards the light.  How amazing is it that we can learn from these disgusting creatures?!  Make out like a fly…and head towards the Light! The Light, is Jesus! The one who is the true light, who gives light …

Are you obeying God or satan? Quick way to know!

This post is going to be brief, hard hitting and you may hate. I do!  It’s because it’s so simple, yet reveals sooo much of what we would prefer to ignore, condone or justify.  But knowing the answer, no matter how harsh, can be the start of positive change…that lasts!  So here it is:  You are either following God, or following satan… there is no third option!  Now you may believe that neither God nor satan exists, but that doesn’t change a thing. There is ample evidence for God and He states clearly that satan is alive and active. If …