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Will magnifying the lefts hypocrisy slap down Hollywood?

Will magnifying the lefts hypocrisy slap down Hollywood?

Cancel Culture: any white man that even looks at a woman the wrong way or – who could believe it – is ever alone in a room with her is canceled, attacked, dropped and sacked. A white mans career and life can be destroyed DECADES later on the testimony of a drunk or drug affected woman. 

But, Will Smith, who is ok for other people to have sex with his wife, physically assaults a comedian for a mild insult… but then, something much more telling happens. Minutes later he gets a standing ovation from hundreds of famous and influential people, many of whom take the vocal moral high ground on many, many issues. 

Hard to believe, but needless to say that every person in the room that clapped, stood or did not leave in protest, just condoned physical violence against, heaves forbid, a black man!  Their ‘moral’ stance, their opinions on ethics or political persuasion, is obviously totally worthless. But let’s see if they refrain from their hypocritical and condescending points from here on in…not likely! 

Meanwhile, African American female Supreme Court justice nominee (Ketanji Brown Jackson) this week: she can’t (or won’t) define what a woman is! That’s right, a woman who is wanting to hold one of the highest and most intellectual positions in the land can not define what a woman actually is!! You can’t make this stuff up…

What about the boy (Kyle Rittenhouse) who tried to defend himself from aggressive BLM activists, widely defamed around the world and charged with murder. Of course he was finally acquitted as he had not committed a crime which was clear from the video evidence. Compare that to any number of people with progressive ideals, BLM members and such who have planned and carried through on premeditated plans to kill innocent people…the media virtually bury the story and re-frame the narrative. NO, of course their ideals could not be put up to scrutiny!

The Left, wants to (and does) let gun criminals out of jail, who in turn, just weeks later kill innocents. So what? We are being compassionate right? Cancel the police they cry – these racists – these violent white males who love to shoot blacks. The evidence says the exact opposite, the number of police officers shot is climbing dramatically, but still the false narrative is bellowed loud and clear around the regimes’ echo chamber. 

In fact, anything that may seem to challenge the status quo is lowered, sidelined, deleted and banned. Control the message, cancel the rest – it’s pretty easy – even in a democratic nation with supposed ‘freedom of the press’… nothing more than propaganda. 

Toxic white males! Jail the preachers – they need to be in solitary confinement…for weeks on end.  Seriously, religious people who are only speaking can and will do far more damage than those gun criminals who re-offend with actual weapons! 

So, let’s make sure that confused men can compete against women in sport. Let’s destroy real women… whatever they are. Equal rights remember? Women can do anything a man can, so why not let any man pretend to be a woman & do the same? Sure, that will be *fantastic* for women rights. Imagine when men can give birth too! Surely we will have reached utopian perfection?! 

Take from the rich & give to the poor. But donations on left leaning websites is tiny. They have hypocritical ideals and are happy to give OTHER peoples money away. But when it comes to themselves? Crickets. 1As an example, the Fox News Ukraine fund quickly hit U$12 million, while the liberal CNN with supposed higher readership could only claim $6million in the same time. And that fund was joint with other liberal outlets.   

Unless of course it is for animals…THEN the wallets come out. Well, except if police horses are involved, then it is the boots that come out. 2 Even the highly biased and liberal outlet (which can hardly be called a news outlet now) Perth Now reported the use of Trip Wires against police horses. The protestors did not want a highway to go through an area where some birds sometimes nested….but were fine to commit an act that could lead to the death of an innocent horse!   

If you class yourself as a leftist, a feminist, a progressive…you are part of a massive problem with our nation. More than that – our very culture is in imminent danger thanks to your ridiculous notion of history, morality, justice and equality. You need to return to rational thinking, and the only Way to be able to do that? 

Listen to Jesus! 

That’s right – He is *THE WAY* – and only with Him can you know the Truth. Without Him you will remain deluded and deceived. Open yourself to the possibility that everything you have been conditioned to hear and think is false… 

Jesus is Truth. 

Jesus is King. 

Jesus is the Author of all Life. 

The further we get from what He said, the more we live in contradiction to the way He said to live, the worse it gets. In fact history says the West can’t survive much longer, but regardless, He is the only Way to Heaven. 

If you have ever sinned (told a lie, stolen anything, looked with lust [ie porn], blasphemed etc), then you are under God’s wrath and in need of a Saviour. And there is no alternative – Jesus and Jesu alone can save! 

Lord, please help us to understand the gravity of our sin. Convict us and show us the the result. Please forgive us, not because we are good or deserve it, but because Jesus went to the cross to pay our debt. Please change us so that we don’t want to sin any more and help us live for you…forever. 



  • 1
    As an example, the Fox News Ukraine fund quickly hit U$12 million, while the liberal CNN with supposed higher readership could only claim $6million in the same time. And that fund was joint with other liberal outlets. 
  • 2
    Even the highly biased and liberal outlet (which can hardly be called a news outlet now) Perth Now reported the use of Trip Wires against police horses. The protestors did not want a highway to go through an area where some birds sometimes nested….but were fine to commit an act that could lead to the death of an innocent horse! 

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