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Disneys Despicable Depiction…Targeting vulnerable children

Disneys Despicable Depiction…Targeting vulnerable children

This week, details made public have confirmed what many have long known: Disney is no longer child friendly. I would go further and say it is positively dangerous for children and also aggressively anti-parent…

Disney seems determined to remove all rights from parents and push their far-left (and in my opinion toxic) view of sexuality, gender fluidity and racism on to unsuspecting children. Many will have picked up these undertones increasingly in their recent movies 1Disney executive producer Latoya Raveneau stated that the new  “not-at-all-secret gay agenda” would be implemented. “Adding queerness” to children programming was part of this agenda. 

Production coordinator Allen Martsch said his team had created a “tracker” to make sure that they were adding enough “canonical trans characters, canonical asexual characters, [and] canonical bisexual characters.” 

Corporate president Karey Burke confirmed the pledge that Disney would be making at least 50 per cent of it’s on screen characters would be sexual and racial minorities. 

and removal of gender language (including in their theme parks 2In Disney’s Anaheim and Orlando theme parks the use of the words “ladies,” “gentlemen,” “boys,” and “girls” is now not allowed by staff.  , but still may be surprised by the advertised minimum quotas of particular minority groups in their shows. 

For an entertainment corporation to have any involvement in morality, sexuality or political persuasion should be warning sign enough, but Disney has gone far far further… 

They have now made clear that they do not believe that the parents of these minors should be the main educators or conveyors of morality to these precious souls! They have recently opposed a law that simply disallowed teachers of underage children holding classes on sexuality or gender identity. 3  Any conservative would argue the law goes nowhere near far enough – it shouldn’t even be up for debate. 

But Disney thinks we should be passive bystanders in the vital area of our children’s sexuality and gender identity! And they obviously believe that the children are theirs to indoctrinate the way they desire. 

As always, the progressive left leaves a whole subsection of our culture alienated and open to more (and ongoing) hurt. Encouraging a child’s gender confusion does nothing to help the child: it should be alarming that these precious confused souls are being encouraged towards puberty blockers, mutilation and a lifetime of discontentment with who they have been designed to be. 

The whole situation of gender confusion and transitioning magnifies our cultures wider problem: we have lost rational thinking as a basis for morality and for legislation. It fits within the expected pattern for a culture in unstoppable decline…headed towards unavoidable annihilation. And while anthropologists who read that comment know it’s historical basis, those who don’t may be surprised where all of this started: sexual revolution! 

That’s right, people ‘simply’ deciding to live a more ‘free’, ‘fun’ and promiscuous life are the ones that have allowed this tragic situation to arise. 4And in this, I point to myself as well. I have long followed the physical cravings and lust of this earthly bag of bones. It is only Jesus who has enabled any kind of deviation from the trap of this way of life. He offers forgiveness, freedom and healing from all sin, not just those of the sexual variety.   

No matter how strong your opinions are against conservative or Biblical values, no matter how ‘wowserish’ or old fashioned you think these rules are, they represent God’s way of living. His way is love that gives, not lust that takes. 

Throughout history, cultures that we incredibly powerful, successful and intelligent have all been wiped out after they abandon God. Every single time. We are next. 5For more on the death of the West read here 

Listen to the prophet Jeremiah talking about his nation after it was crippled due to this same deviation from God’s ways: 

She defiled herself with immorality
and gave no thought to her future.
Now she lies in the gutter
with no one to lift her out.
“LORD, see my misery,” she cries.
“The enemy has triumphed.”
The enemy has plundered her completely,
taking every precious thing she owns.

Lamentations 1:9-10 (NLT)

It wasn’t the first time God had allowed this to happen to His own nation, His chosen group of people, when they abandoned Him. He warned His people years in advance – it’s one of many things that gives credibility to the Bible. But they ignored Him.

Hundreds of years later, Jesus walked past the temple in Jerusalem and issued a similar warning: that not one stone would remain on top of each other. People, like today, thought that it was a physical impossibility: the stones were huge, their placement secure. But sure enough, less than 100 years later, down it came, never to be rebuilt again (despite multiple attempts). 

This is the predicament of the West. Jesus offers life, perfect forgiveness, if we turn from our sins & trust in Him. But He also offers a warning: that those who claim “yes”, but live “no” will be cast out and condemned. 

Having sex with people before you’re married? Looking at pornography? Lust, Envy, Hatred, Lying, Stealing – they are all opposed to God – sin against Him. 

And His wrath is coming – not just towards a culture that is doomed, but against individuals who love themselves or sin more than their Creator. 

Where do you stand? Secure, forgiven and adopted in Christ, abandoned to His love and dead to sin? 

Or deceived and headed for destruction, reveling in the fleeting pleasures of sin unaware of what is about to hit? 

Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you. 16 For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world. 17 And this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever.

1 John 2:15-17 (NLT) 

“Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” 

Acts 2:38 (NLT)


Lord, open our eyes to Your truth. Convict us of our sin and enable us to turn from it to receive Your forgiveness and grace. Empower us in these end times to do Your will, share Your Truth and walk with those who are precious to You. Thank You for Your love. 



  • 1
    Disney executive producer Latoya Raveneau stated that the new  “not-at-all-secret gay agenda” would be implemented. “Adding queerness” to children programming was part of this agenda. 

    Production coordinator Allen Martsch said his team had created a “tracker” to make sure that they were adding enough “canonical trans characters, canonical asexual characters, [and] canonical bisexual characters.” 

    Corporate president Karey Burke confirmed the pledge that Disney would be making at least 50 per cent of it’s on screen characters would be sexual and racial minorities. 

  • 2
    In Disney’s Anaheim and Orlando theme parks the use of the words “ladies,” “gentlemen,” “boys,” and “girls” is now not allowed by staff. 
  • 3
  • 4
    And in this, I point to myself as well. I have long followed the physical cravings and lust of this earthly bag of bones. It is only Jesus who has enabled any kind of deviation from the trap of this way of life. He offers forgiveness, freedom and healing from all sin, not just those of the sexual variety. 
  • 5
    For more on the death of the West read here

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