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Crushing News…do NOT do this!

Crushing News…do NOT do this!

I feel bad asking when so much is going on around the world, but I would really appreciate your prayers this coming week or two. I have been struggling with pain & have just received some pretty bleak news to do with my spine. Just when I thought things would be looking up too.  

I won’t go into details here, but I need God’s strength just to get through each day, let alone face the long term. I have written more details on our blog that you may find encouraging / helpful – especially if you are a pain sufferer (link in comments below). 

Some of you may know that a few months ago, I lost a 25 year very determined battle to avoid spinal surgery (fusion).

After doing 22+ years managing fairly well,  another disc started collapsing. I was confined to laying flat on a table all day, unable to walk without crutches, doing permanent damage to my nerves / spinal cord and unable to cope with the pain, I finally had no choice.  

Initially I was told a 3-6 month recovery for the bulk of the healing: for the bone to regrow over the cages they have bolted in and the intestines to resettle after being removed for the operation. This week however, I was told that the injury was worse than initially thought & the initial recovery will be at least 12 months and up to 5 years. A bit of a kick in the guts, but even more difficult to accept: the fact that the pain may never relent from what it is now.

Don’t get me wrong – I am thankful that I can walk without crutches (albeit awkward and slowly) and can be present with the family a lot more than the last couple of years. But if I am honest, I am finding it incredibly difficult at times and also reeling at the reality that now, me at (just!) 45, am eligible for disability pension. Whaaat? no no no NO!

In my head I still think I am about 25, independent and physically capable…but that is no longer even close to the truth. Even small movements are excruciating at times and I am told the rest of my spine is very susceptible to further damage. 

Today, struggling with pain and feeling exhausted after just waking up, I have an intense (almost burning) desire to warn other precious souls (like you!) to avoid the same fate… Seriously, it disturbs me that others may have to go through similar, all because of some (very simple & common) mistakes  

Seriously I would hate to think anyone would have to go through this. So: 

“Please please please, learn from my mistakes:” 

  • Lift correctly with your back straight (even being slightly bent loads up the discs)
  • Exercise your legs, so they are strong enough to lift correctly (otherwise you will overload your spine)
  • Eat healthily, don’t drink, smoke or use drugs (they all have a toll on your body) 
  • Deal with your emotional issues (it has a huge impact on more than ‘just’ your feelings)
  • Submit to God, turn from your sinful ways, trust Jesus and follow what the Bible says. 

I can’t overstate the last one. Seriously, if I had done that at an early age, the rest would not have been a problem. The God who created us knows what is best for us. He has a way of life that is good for us – where we will avoid the problems, pain & consequences of much of what I have and do experience constantly. 

As a stubborn, proud and angry being, I did much harm to myself and others. Hopefully somehow my mistakes can help others, maybe you. 

Maybe you are angry, don’t know how any ‘god’ could allow you (or others) to suffer or are in chronic pain unable to cope at times, please reach out, let people know what you are going through – don’t do it alone. I know what you are going through – I really do – and it is a constant battle that can be crushing without help.

Feel free to reach out – maybe read a bit more of my journey…it could help 1 (You can do so here [My Back is Killing Me: ] . Start addressing your buried issues, get counselling, cognitive therapy or Prayer Ministry

But by far, the most important: submit to your Maker! He knows what is best for You, He cares about what you have gone through (He is the One who brought you through each valley!) and He has your best at heart. Always. 

That’s right, He wants what is best for you, every single second. Each moment of your life has led you to this point, right now, to read this – and God is is stretching out His hand towards you. How do I know this? Simple – it’s written in the Bible! 

Yep the same one you have likely been told is an old religious book or fairytale. But in reality it is the most read, most purchased, most stolen, most accurate book known to man. It’s the one that said: 

  • The Jewish Temple would be torn down, despite the fact it was virtually impossible. [Prophecy Fulfilled!]
  • The Jews would re-inhabit their land, again a seemingly impossible event. [Prophecy Fulfilled!]
  • East & West Germany? [Prophecy Fulfilled!] 
  • In the end times all would be focussed on the Middle East. Famines, Floods, Fire, Disease and of course, the Mark of the Beast. [Prophecy being Fulfilled!]

While there are literally thousands of pinpoint accurate prophecies in the Bible that have been verified (unlike every other religion and book), the most incredible prophecies revolve around One strange historical character: Jesus of Nazareth. 

Thousands of years earlier, there were many prophecies about this man…maybe the most incredible was that He was not merely a man! 

This Jesus was the very Son of God, having the same image, same power, same deity as God Himself! He was to be born of a virgin, which is mind blowing, but that is nothing compared to what He would accomplish… 

It was foretold that He would be sin-free (unlike any other human before or since), would live a perfect life, would heal the sick, open the eyes of the blind and raise the dead. Again, incredible accomplishments, but not the main event… 

This perfect God-man, was being sent to earth to save ordinary, rebellious, pride-filled, sinful beings like you and me! Save from what you may ask? Not from a boring life, not from sickness or boredom, not even from physical pain…but from the Judgment that will face us all. 

Each and every sin we have ever thought, said or done, is enough to condemn us to hell. That sin attracts the judgment, justice and actual wrath of God. He created us so He gets to choose what the rules are – what the standard is. Do you measure up to it? Are you safe? It’s easy to check by looking at His laws: 

• “You must not lie” (Liars will be thrown into the lake of fire)
• “You must not steal.” (The value of the item is irrelevant: theives are condemned)
• “You must not commit adultery.” (Lust / Pornography / premarital sex are the same to God)
• “You must not murder.” (God views hatred as the same!)
• “You must not covet (envy) your neighbour’s house or wife or car or boat or holiday or clothes or ANYTHING (advertising is based on this sin!). 

God’s standard is perfect – and leaves us in desperate need. Not in need of a religion or distraction, but we are in need of a Saviour… If we are judged according to these things, we are doomed – He will not allow any sin to go unpunished. But there is Good News! 

There is a Saviour… to the whole world. His name is Jesus Christ. His life and message are recorded accurately only in the Bible. I encourage you: get one, read it, re-read it, digest it, meditate on it, study it, live it, breathe it, share it.

Turn away from your sin, and trust what Jesus did for you.

He died on the cross to pay your fine – in full. Without Him you will be sentenced to hell.

You likely have a Bible in your house, maybe within reach. Pick it up! Read it regularly. Like your life, your soul depends on it. Talk to the author, trust Him, follow Him – He knows the future and is calling you to His Kingdom. 

Knowing what you have been saved from will help you go through any battle and every valley. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus Christ, He will never let you down. 

Follow Him today, the sooner you submit – the less consequences you will have. Trust me. I know! 

Lord, I pray that Your Spirit will convict us for everything we have done. Open our eyes to Your truth and the things that we have done to violate your law – change our hearts and give us Your joy, because we know we are completely forgiven. And help us to look after our bodies so that we will not have to suffer pain. 



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    (You can do so here [My Back is Killing Me: ] 

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