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Why are leftists up in arms about Palestinian babies dying? 

If only their mothers had used their #choice to abort, there would be no problem right?! 

#prochoice #evil #hypocrisy #abortion #atheism

Friend or just friendly?

Speaking to a friend the other day they quoted something simple but profound:

“Poms are not friendly, but they are your friends. Aussies are friendly, but they are not your friends.” 

Having lived in both locations, I found the phrase is incredibly accurate. 

But disturbingly, I have witnessed this from Christians (and been guilty of it myself).

Are we quick to smile at people and have a nice chat, but walk away unconcerned with their salvation, growth or the valley they are going through, maybe to think bad or even to slander and avoid them latter? 

Or do we genuinely and intimately care for people, whether we like them, whether they are weird, whether they agree or have the same theology as us, whether they can return the favour or whether it will cost is?

Do we uplift them in prayer, encourage them, serve them, help them and stand up for them in any way we can? 

Or does it end the second they are not in front of us?

This is a challenging thought for myself. At times I don’t have the emotional, spiritual, mental or physical strength in myself for the day ahead, let alone for others! 

As a husband, anything I have more than enough goes to my wife first, then my children. I would love to have more for others, to be a good son, brother, nephew, uncle or friend – to input in the lives of others, but I regularly withdraw, acutely aware I have nothing left to give. That I need to ‘save’ what little I have for those God has commanded me to love, serve, lead and wash. 

Priorities matter. 

But it doesn’t give me (or any of us) a free pass. Our Lord & Master has given us parables and commands to love, genuinely love, everyone, including the unlovable. 

We need to put the love He has shown us (the least deserving) into action for our neighbours (who is more deserving than us). And maybe, just maybe, we can (and should) do that as part of our marriage and family life. 

Yes indeed, it is good when you obey the royal law as found in the Scriptures: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” But if you favor some people over others, you are committing a sin. You are guilty of breaking the law.
James 2:8-9 (NLT) 

Suppose you see a brother or sister who has no food or clothing, and you say, “Good-bye and have a good day; stay warm and eat well”—but then you don’t give that person any food or clothing. What good does that do?
James 2:15-16 (NLT)

Lord, give us the strength we need to make it through today. Keep us close, draw us closer to yourself so we can draw what we need from You. Use us for those close to us and for those we would naturally avoid. Have Your way in us and through us. 

We are Hamas:

“We will attack, injure, rape kill and kidnap people but then blame their home country for it.

We will refuse to come to peace agreements unless we can get the upper hand by breaking them.

We will hide in schools and hospitals making it impossible to get to us without civilian casualties.

We will use women and children as part of our arsenal and use families to ‘house’ hostages.

We will kill anyone who does not agree with our cause or follow our religious rules stringently.

We will fire rockets into civilian areas so often that 50% of Israeli children will have serious stress disorders.

We will reframe and lie to gain support from those we would quickly kill if we were in power.

We will try to convince and brainwash the ignorant to fight our popularity battles. We are so convincing that they will actually believe the victim is the aggressor.

We are so blinded by hatred (and the need to dominate) that we will never surrender nor be at peace with people from our own religion let alone others.

We will commit cowardly acts to fight ‘allahs’ battles as set out in the Quran”

–  Hamas

If you support Hamas or the ‘Palestinian’ chants for ceasefire, while hostages are still be held, tortured, raped and killed, you are a puppet for an agenda that has no place in a modern, stable or advanced society. #stopsupportingterrorism 

The Truth about Lies!

The TRUTH about lies: 

  • Lies can be incredibly powerful.
  • Lies only hold power if they are believed. 
  • Lies don’t have to be true to be believed.
  • Lies cause the same result as if it were true. 
  • Lies are often hidden from the one who believes them. 
  • Lies can be illogical and contradictory. 
  • Lies are normally learned by experience (as opposed to logic). 
  • Lies can be believed internally (and can be couter to the persons logical belief). 
  • Lies held internally are far more powerful than those held mentally. 
  • Humans can hold to two opposing beliefs at the same time. One is obviously a lie! 

There is only one defence against lies = Truth! 


– Jesus

JC Quotes I AM Truth Set Free

To learn more about LIES…Click Here or if you are ready to deal with the lies you believe, Click Here