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The KEY to Sharmini (and maybe others!)

The KEY to Sharmini (and maybe others!)

So yesterday I get a text from a private number

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My wife had locked her keys in the car while down in Perth…

Oh No!

I am currently unable to walk or sit so driving is out of the question. In fact, right now at 7am I finding it hard to think straight as I am in so much pain.

One thing that I do think: poor thing! Here she is driving for an hour at 6am each Saturday to doing training so she can lead a Bible Study group. No pay, no future certification, just the desire to help people. Never mind that she has a crippled husband at home, that she has had very little sleep all week, that the house she lives in is not finished, that her 6 children are in in need of her attention….

And, unbeknownst to me, she had prepared gifts for the ladies she was meeting, but now unable to get in to the car where the gifts , her notes and her phone were now stuck.

I would not be able to contact her for a few hours, so I had to sort something. She had suggested me to to post of Fb in case anyone in etc area was going down to Perth so I started there.

Before I had even gathered my thoughts enough to go do the parcels, a friend had rang offering to drive down for me – incredible! I felt bad so said I would see if someone was already heading that way first, got my sticks and went to do the parcels.

Fast Forward 2 hours – I am still not able to think clearly but have at least ruled out the RAC. We’re not members, though with me out of action, it may be useful – but for an immediate call out: too expensive.

I am downloading apps type apps thinking that I could pay to get the keys down to her when I get to the gate. Someone who has picked up parcels semi regularly but is now a friend is there. Straight away they offer to take the keys down. – Amazing. Again I feel bad, this friend especially has helped us so much I really don’t him to have to drive so far for me.

We start talking as per usual, and another regular has come to pick up a parcel late… They had wanted to pick up late and I had arranged, but forgotten. Due to me talking for so long, I ask this other friend if he is heading to Perth.

“Yes I will take the key to her in Woodvale no worries” – Amazing!

I ask where he is heading (Alkimos) so I ask Sharmini to arrange with him. As it turns out, he dropped the key off at another friend in Butler, who then took it to another friends house in Kingsley. Another of Sharmini’s friends was already taking her to friend #3 so the spare key and her were united.

Later, I finally get back and remember to check FB where two other friends who we have met in the area were offering to take the key down for us.

It seriously blows me away – I am humbled by people’s helpfulness.

Although I find it incredibly hard to accept I am currently being forced to on so many fronts. It’s killing me, but I am incredible grateful. To those of you who were involved (or are in other ways), a huge Thank you.

This situation also highlights the attitude, desire and efforts of my amazing wife. The way she thinks of others is extraordinary and, to be honest, at times tiring! But the way Jesus has captivated her heart and empowers her, truly reflects His goodness. And, even when people have taken advantage of her giving nature, she has responded in love, grace, and forgiveness – working through any bitterness that may arise.

Unfortunately for me (especially in my current state!), I am slow to recognise her effects and fail to use the key to her heart: Encouragement.  

Encouragement is so powerful, it is amazing. It is a tool that is equally powerful in the sports arena

I remember clearly one of the mandates of a father in the Growing Kids God’s Way curriculum. I did the course close to 20 years ago, and way back then this was one of the mandates I knew I needed to work on.

My inner dialogue does not naturally include encouragement: I see problems, I see solutions, I see systems, I see where things can be better: encouragement does not fit! But encouragement should be regular. As the Bible states:

Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them. Eph 4:29

Pray for me as I need to change in this area. And fast!

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