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Allegiance to the Taliban…

Allegiance to the Taliban…

I can’t help but think that many of us Westerners are going to be caught out far worse than the Afghans we are seeing on TV at the moment. 

Do I think that the Taliban are about to storm Australia? No, not even close. As calculated and deliberate as I see the political and militant arm of Islam, I think there is far more chance of something from China eventuating – but that is nothing to do with the risk I am talking about. 

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To think that we as Australians could suffer the same fate as these poor Afghans – is ridiculous. Being driven from our homes and at risk of death? Not likely! 

But this is the reality for many Afghans: they are now un-homed and fearful of their lives. Why? One word: Allegiance

Most of them believe in the same ‘god’ as the Taliban – they even read the same ‘holy’ book. They just have a different interpretation of some of the passages. (It could be argued that the Taliban are simply better Muslims than those at risk of death. 1 The Taliban believe in a literal (accurate) interpretation of the Quran and follow what it says to the letter.  


It may be worrying to some that many around the world hold to the Taliban’s literal interpretation of the Qu’ran. Even more worrying that many agree to it’s commands to lie in order to gain position within a culture, and then when dominant, attack 2 According to the Quran, Muslims are to lie to gain superiority (taqiyya 3.28, 3.54, 40.28, 66.2),  , then subdue or attack the infidel (Suarh 9.5, 9.29).,, But that is not the point…

Holding to the same view as the Taliban is not enough. For the Afghans left in Afghanistan, Muslims, who believe in the Quran, believe in ‘Allah’, their lives are still in danger…why? Allegiance

Unless these Afghans (or Westerners for that matter) have an allegiance with the Taliban, they are at risk. Unless their life, their goals, their actions line up, they are not safe, not counted among the ruling Taliban fighters. 

And this is where things get very confronting for some here in Australia. Some people I know personally. Maybe you… 


You see, it is only those whose allegiance is in the right place that are safe. 

Not just those who are connected in name or ideals only, those who give lip service, but those with actual allegiance

What is it we need allegiance to?

If we are to believe the world’s most studied, most tested, most verified and most accurate book…our allegiance has to be with Jesus. Not a religion or denomination or church or political power, but with the Creator of the universe. 


Anyone who isn’t with me opposes me, and anyone who isn’t working with me is actually working against me. 



Where is *your* allegiance? If it is not with Jesus, He states clearly you are against Him! 

Here is where the situation with the Taliban illustrates something very clearly: 

Saying you are a Christian, Going to church, saying a prayer: these things do *nothing* to keep you safe come Judgment Day. You are either with the Taliban or your are against them. 

Being part of the Taliban means you train for war, you bear arms against innocent ‘infidels’, and risk your life for your cause, going long bouts without seeing your family or having a shower…for no pay. 


What does it mean to have your Allegiance to Jesus? 

Being willing to say “I am a Christian” if someone threatens you with a gun (a Taliban officer for instance)? 

Having a Jesus sticker on your car? Saying a prayer to ‘accept Jesus into your heart’? Having moral ideals that are based (loosely) on the 10 Commandments? Going to a ‘church’ x times a month? Showing up for a political cause? Homeschooling your children? 

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If this is what you think, Jesus says you are in for a *very* big, (and bad) surprise – and the consequence will last forever. We don’t want that to be your reality – we want Judgement Day to be great for you, not terrible.

On that day, when the books are opened, when everyone’s lives & sin is laid bare before God for all to see,  where your allegiance has been will be evident to all. On that day, your justifications and arguments will all dissolve before the Almighty…

  • The King, the Creator of all, the One who gave you life will demand an account for what you have done with the life God gave you:
  • How did you love & serve Him above your own desires, goals, hobbies, addictions?
  • How did you break His laws (Putting God first, Not lying, Lust / Adultery, Stealing, Hared / Murder, Mis-using His name, Envy etc).
  • How did you treat others?  Your classmates, workmates, boss? Your parents? Your children? Brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles? Those who wrong you? Those who are deliberately unkind or rude? 


How well did you love God and how well did you love others? 


Putting God and others first is *very* difficult if you are not saved. In fact, it likely won’t cross your mind. If it doesn’t it just shows you need God

Some people who are brought up in religious families fall into this trap: trying to please ‘god’ by their actions. 

But once Jesus invades and changes your life, the result is that the fallible, fallen, wretched human (you) understands their sinfulness, their complete forgiveness and have a completely new direction in life.

It is nothing to do with religious observance, but a life willing (and even wanting!) to serve the One who set them free. 

Old habits, addictions, past times, hobbies, relationships, goals, desires, dreams, holidays…they all take a very distant second place in our new Life for Him. Our Allegiance demands it 

Allegiance to what?

  • Worshiping the One who Created everything and forgave us
  • Developing relationships that challenge and refine us. 
  • Sharing the truth & love of Jesus with others. 
  • Putting effort into serving and using our gifts in groups of other believers 
  • Helping others, giving up personal rights and loving people – even those who hate you
  • Teaching, encouraging and modelling waling with Jesus – they call it discipleship
  • And many, many more seemingly crazy, normally hated activities, that God uses to refine us. 

None of these things earn anything, many mistakes are made, but these transformed beings keep making decisions motivated by their new Master and their Allegiance to Him…


So what about you? What is your allegiance to?

Is your Allegiance To Jesus? 

Are you active in, with and for Him? 

Or does your ‘life’ here & now choke out the things you logically know are more important to the Creator? 



Lord, please convict us of anything that hinders our allegiance to Jesus. Please prompt us to use our gifts for Your purpose, following His example and seeing others rescued from their eternal fate. Please, have Your way in our lives. 


  • 1
    The Taliban believe in a literal (accurate) interpretation of the Quran and follow what it says to the letter.  
  • 2
    According to the Quran, Muslims are to lie to gain superiority (taqiyya 3.28, 3.54, 40.28, 66.2),  , then subdue or attack the infidel (Suarh 9.5, 9.29).,,

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