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Tag: <span>speed</span>

Tag: speed

The night I nearly killed two daredevils…

I had been drinking heavily and had had an absolute gut-ful… Seriously, this guy was going on and on about all the crazy things he had done on a motorbike and in a car.  “That’s it – time to go!” I shouted as I picked up my helmet and threw a helmet towards this guy, who I will call Grant. I did it in a way so he couldn’t back out – everyone at the ‘party’ heard. He followed me to my bike and climbed on as I started it.  Before I even put it in gear he was pushing …

Shoulders Forward – the sign of a death wish…

So driving through the wind & rain after a long day on the road, my back is hurting, I have a headache and the effects of a cold are becoming more noticeable. I contemplate overtaking someone slowing down due to the conditions, but it’s only a short hop to the overtaking lane… As the lane opens I have been accelerating for about 500m to give the bus & trailer enough momentum to pass up the hill. My shoulders are forward as I pass and it becomes obvious that roos are a real threat tonight. I narrowly miss one that is …