Why are leftists up in arms about Palestinian babies dying?
If only their mothers had used their #choice to abort, there would be no problem right?!
#prochoice #evil #hypocrisy #abortion #atheism
It’s actually quite sad when I look back… Tonight, I was sharing with someone some elements of my former life (before Jesus), and specifically, my love of old Holdens / Toranas. I loved them so much I had ‘shrines’ in my house with all kinds of rare collectibles. I owned literally hundreds of them and built a business around them: selling parts & repairing them. At one stage, I wouldn’t even allow people to park on my property if they weren’t in a Holden. It seems *so* ridiculous now – I mean *WHO CARES??!!* Sure I still like the look …
So, we need to protect, pardon and provide housing, food and legal expenses to those who choose to rape and kill in the community, but innocent babies who have never made a bad choice or hurt anyone, they can be murdered by their ‘mother’?! #pureevil #hypocrisy #lastdays #life #protectinnocents What sorrow for those who saythat evil is good and good is evil,that dark is light and light is dark,that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter.What sorrow for those who are wise in their own eyesand think themselves so clever. Isaiah 5:20-21 (NLT) The law forces a man to provide …
Surprised at Donald Trump being elected? Wonder how people could be against ‘clean energy’? Amazed that some would refuse the Covid jab?Fail to understand the support of Israel? Angered at transphobia, racism or xenophobia? The below may explain why… Recently, the New York Times ‘fact-checked’ Robert F. Kennedy Junior. This famous senator and His family have a long history in the Democratic party in the USA. Fed up with what he saw happening in His country & community, he broke ranks, risked family relationships and came out publicly to support Donald Trump, a republican. After Trumps’ landslide win, Robert F Kennedy …
Far from the statement from Kindness Day (“Kindness is a fundamental part of the human condition which bridges the divides of race, religion, politics, gender and location.”) it is only true love and forgiveness that can bridge the hatred and selfishness that is intrinsic to all of us. It has been in all humanity, and has been since the beginning. Kindness is an admirable goal, but often gets distorted by the insidious self: this is why so many ‘acts of kindness’ are video’d, often adding shame of the receiver but building up the givers ego. It makes us ‘feel’ nice, but …
SO confronting…. Today, I attended a brief lecture by @collectiveshout, hearing some of the statistics and ways that young children are being targeted, attacked and affected by what our culture has declared ‘normal’ for far too long… Speaking from experience, having a wrong view of women / sexuality wreaks *havoc* on the brain, on your sense of fulfilment and your chance at meaningful relationships. It has led to many issues and hardships, that really didn’t need to be. Not surprisingly, it has the same affect on the brain as illicit drugs. And as many of you know, once the damage is …
Leftist Logic: I don’t know what a woman is, but it DEFINITELY should have the right to kill his/her baby. It’s not human in the womb, but let’s kill it & harvest HUMAN organs. It’s my body, my CHOICE, no one should have rights over me…but I want rights over anyone inside me. Even if I made the decision to create it. Women can do anything, but the best woman of the year is a man. Everyone should be accepted for who they believe they are, but not if you are white male or transracial (yet). No one should have …
A phrase that is issued by the diametrically opposed: “This is MY body!! I am going to kill you, so I can ‘live’ ” (Mother to baby) “This is My BODY, broken, bruised & killed, so YOU can live” (Jesus to sinners, like you and me) The first phrase originated from Gods opponent: the liar, the accuser, satan. he continually issues lies and half-truths designed to leave you trapped, disillusioned, depressed, addicted and worse. Killing your baby will not make your life better or more fulfilling. It may seem easier right now, but you were designed to be fulfilled by motherhood. You were …
Another round of outrage as illogical and depraved rules leave an elite athlete, a woman, forced out of her rightful place and injured. “I have never been hit that hard in my life” As devastating, demeaning and despicable as this situation is (allowing biological males to fight females), it is only one of a countless number of wrongs that will mount up without a solid standard of ‘Truth’… We as a nation have rejected God & voted for ‘subjective reality’. Because of our ‘superior knowledge’ (and pride), we thought we could have the benefits that came from God without the …
It’s old news that a group of trans people decided it was ok to deliberately try to offend Jesus and His followers. I’m sure they never imagined the response and I’m not talking about city-wide blackouts, rail sabotage, constant rain, mayhem at the soccer or even the (fake report) of tens of thousands that worshipped Jesus on the streets in response. I’m talking about the way that the event has piqued the interested of millions of people wondering what ‘the Last Supper’ is all about. Even generic terms like “Jesus” have spiked… You see, God can not be mocked. …
So a group of transexuals / homosexuals think it is ok to deliberately and knowingly offend billions of people publicly. Shaking ‘their’ fist at the God who created humans, defined marriage & assigned the genders…What could go wrong?! Even if you have no understanding that virtually every benefit & blessing we have in our Western culture is because of Jesus and His impact (welfare for the underprivileged, comprehensive healthcare, value of all human life, universal education, science & hygiene etc etc), *surely* you don’t think it is ok to deliberately offend a group of people on their beliefs? Aren’t these …
No matter how hard you try as a parent, you can never: protect your children from everythingensure your good intentions (or lessons) will be interpreted correctlyimagine the highs & lows you will experience as they grow upforce God to open their eyes, convince or convert them… Far from trying to brain wash them into religion, we have always wanted our children to *know* the Truth for themselves. (The Truth is Jesus, the living King of all, *not* a set of religious beliefs or doctrines). Tonight was one of those times where I saw evidence that He was revealing Himself to …
7000 people, Christians and Jews included, standing side by side, legally, against racism & terrorism. You’d think in this day & age it would be non-news… However: Pro Palestinian supporters arrive, try to get around police barriers, carrying signs written in ‘blood’, stamping on Jewish symbols and start chanting ‘from the river to the sea’ (a universally condemned phrase calling for genocide). This happened today in Victoria. As of yet, no mention on ABC, 7 or 9. (Link to Sky news article in the comments.)Is this the ‘progressive’ society we are building? Is this the unity we can expect under …
Watching a movie on companies that sued and indebted farmers to further their profits. It brought me to tears – it’s horrific to think there are people, companies and even a culture that thinks it is ok to force people off their land, split up communities and allow people to literally die instead of help them.Buts it’s not isolated- this is more than Monsanto or James Hardie or any singular entity. It goes to core of our culture (and human nature) and accuses each one of us who refuses (at any level) to serve God.That is not my opinion, but …
If you are an atheist, a thinking person, you should be able to read to the end…experiences tells me you won’t. I just saw a post that something like: “Besides religion, what else is a scam to trick people” Well, what about: Culture telling you money, success & selfish gratification will be fulfilling. Virtually every politician (or political party) that lie to get your vote. Climate ‘specialists’ who tell you tax will save the planet Known hoaxes in science lessons being used to support evolutionary theory Atheists telling you religion causes death & is illogical Scientists acknowledging all evidence points towards an Intelligent Designer, …
Does anyone else find all the ‘best mother in the world’ posts funny? They always make me laugh (same as ‘best wife / husband / dad’ posts)… More than just funny, I think it points to the fact that there *has* to be a God: Think about it – you’ve met some of these ‘best’ people haven’t you? If you’re honest, you don’t want to spend 20 minutes with them let alone 20 years!! 😝 But for that person, that marriage, that family, those kids, they *are* perfect. How could this be? With all the variety, intricacies and quirks that …
Do you know that the Australian government recently threatened to fine a certain social platform U$500,000 if they did not remove a specific news video? They refused, while Meta (Facebook) and X complied right away, meaning those users (here), did not get to see what the government didn’t want you to see. This is a regular occurrence from a supposedly transparent government in a supposedly progressive society. Talk about shady!! What else have you been denied? One thing is sure: the current Labor government has plans for *far* worse… #communism #duped #freespeech #puppets
Today marks a milestone for me: today I have been a Christian for exactly HALF of my life! The first half: A lack of identity led me to believing that our culture had the answers for happiness: money, success, relationships, alcohol, drugs – live it up – party on! The problem is – our culture lied. All the fun, all the easy relationships, all the getting what I wanted, all the money & ease of life, the feeling good… It didn’t fulfil but left me trapped, disillusioned, depressed, oppressed by evil & with no desire to live. The Bible says …
Why are leftists up in arms about Palestinian babies dying?
If only their mothers had used their #choice to abort, there would be no problem right?!
#prochoice #evil #hypocrisy #abortion #atheism
Speaking to a friend the other day they quoted something simple but profound:
“Poms are not friendly, but they are your friends. Aussies are friendly, but they are not your friends.”
Having lived in both locations, I found the phrase is incredibly accurate.
But disturbingly, I have witnessed this from Christians (and been guilty of it myself).
Are we quick to smile at people and have a nice chat, but walk away unconcerned with their salvation, growth or the valley they are going through, maybe to think bad or even to slander and avoid them latter?
Or do we genuinely and intimately care for people, whether we like them, whether they are weird, whether they agree or have the same theology as us, whether they can return the favour or whether it will cost is?
Do we uplift them in prayer, encourage them, serve them, help them and stand up for them in any way we can?
Or does it end the second they are not in front of us?
This is a challenging thought for myself. At times I don’t have the emotional, spiritual, mental or physical strength in myself for the day ahead, let alone for others!
As a husband, anything I have more than enough goes to my wife first, then my children. I would love to have more for others, to be a good son, brother, nephew, uncle or friend – to input in the lives of others, but I regularly withdraw, acutely aware I have nothing left to give. That I need to ‘save’ what little I have for those God has commanded me to love, serve, lead and wash.
Priorities matter.
But it doesn’t give me (or any of us) a free pass. Our Lord & Master has given us parables and commands to love, genuinely love, everyone, including the unlovable.
We need to put the love He has shown us (the least deserving) into action for our neighbours (who is more deserving than us). And maybe, just maybe, we can (and should) do that as part of our marriage and family life.
Yes indeed, it is good when you obey the royal law as found in the Scriptures: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” But if you favor some people over others, you are committing a sin. You are guilty of breaking the law.
James 2:8-9 (NLT)
Suppose you see a brother or sister who has no food or clothing, and you say, “Good-bye and have a good day; stay warm and eat well”—but then you don’t give that person any food or clothing. What good does that do?
James 2:15-16 (NLT)
Lord, give us the strength we need to make it through today. Keep us close, draw us closer to yourself so we can draw what we need from You. Use us for those close to us and for those we would naturally avoid. Have Your way in us and through us.
“We will attack, injure, rape kill and kidnap people but then blame their home country for it.
We will refuse to come to peace agreements unless we can get the upper hand by breaking them.
We will hide in schools and hospitals making it impossible to get to us without civilian casualties.
We will use women and children as part of our arsenal and use families to ‘house’ hostages.
We will kill anyone who does not agree with our cause or follow our religious rules stringently.
We will fire rockets into civilian areas so often that 50% of Israeli children will have serious stress disorders.
We will reframe and lie to gain support from those we would quickly kill if we were in power.
We will try to convince and brainwash the ignorant to fight our popularity battles. We are so convincing that they will actually believe the victim is the aggressor.
We are so blinded by hatred (and the need to dominate) that we will never surrender nor be at peace with people from our own religion let alone others.
We will commit cowardly acts to fight ‘allahs’ battles as set out in the Quran”
– Hamas
If you support Hamas or the ‘Palestinian’ chants for ceasefire, while hostages are still be held, tortured, raped and killed, you are a puppet for an agenda that has no place in a modern, stable or advanced society. #stopsupportingterrorism
Passing through Leederville (W.A) the other night, I briefly took my two youngest through the skate park. All over the place was blatant antisemitism.
These people seem oblivious to the fact they are falling for terrorists propaganda & spreading hatred & racism. Talk about hypocrisy! So sad that one people group has so much racism directed against it that it has its own term.
It seems that many leftists are quite ok with terrorism, kidnapping, rape and murder if it is against those they disagree with.
Thankfully, for now at least, our culture is based on what Jesus modelled: that all humans have intrinsic worth as they are made in the image of God.
I hope we continue to listen otherwise genocide, war and collapse of culture are all that remain.
I was *so* close to getting scammed…they nearly got me!! To save money while building, we often fill up a large diesel tank at a discount fuel station. I had filled the maximum once, and so hung up the fuel hose and swiped my card again… A loud beep indicated that this second transaction did not go through. This is a fairly common occurrence – we regularly run out of money so need to be careful in how much we spend… As I removed my card, my phone started ringing… “We are are ringing to see if you authorised a …
It matters what you have as your source for Truth. Unfortunately many will have a terrible awakening as they have been gullible to believe government, Hollywood, the media, religion… “Be not afraid, for in the kingdom of God, there is no man nor woman, as all are one in spirit. The gates of my Father’s kingdom will open for those who love and are loved, for God looks not upon the body, but the heart.” – ChatGPT [not what the Bible states!] Here is what God *actually* says: – We all only live once, then will face Judgement. ¹ – …
I only watched a little of the highlights of King Charles’ coronation – but of the few bits I saw… 1) Even though a lot of the ceremony was very subdued and for some quite boring, *nobody* else in the room got any attention. Live video coverage around the world from every angle, yet no mention of any of the ‘super important’ people in the room. In fact, if the *most* well known had dropped dead we wouldn’t know – the only thing important in the room? The king! And so it will be at the end of time – …
There would be no hospitals at all in Australia if it were not for Christianity. So it should be alarming, that the Government has just forcibly taken over a *private* hospital run by an order of nuns from the Catholic Church! No, not in Indonesia or Saudi Arabia or WW2 Germany, but in Australia’s own Capital Territory! Surely that isn’t legal? Well it wasn’t so guess what – they are changing the law to allow it. Ponder the implications… And if you are wondering what horrendous thing they did…nothing. They didn’t want to sell out to a new hospital – …
There would be no hospitals at all in Australia if it were not for Christianity. So it should be alarming to, that the Government has just forcibly taken over a *private* hospital run by an order of nuns from the Catholic Church. No, not in Indonesia or Saudi Arabia or WW3 Germany, but in Australia’s own Capital Territory! And before you wonder if they have done something horrendous – no. It is likely due to etc fact that they treat life – all life – as sacred. That means they serve and love people and do their best to offer …
It has been incredible, that, after the latest USA shooting in a school, there has been *very* little talk of how evil guns are. It’s a stark contrast to the normal news cycle after a shooting, so I thought I’d look at why… Surprise, surprise, it comes down to what they are trying to get you to believe. And it turns out there is something more evil than guns (or gun laws) they want you to blame. No, no NO certainly NOT transgender people (or transgender activist / terrorists) – don’t be CRAZY! That must not be your conclusion, no …
My heart grieves, not only for the victims’ families, but also for the masses of precious young people being duped into a lie. I know what it is like to live with self-hatred, depression, and addiction. I know what it is like to be ostracised and rejected and bullied. I know what it is like to have questions and confusion about who I am / was (identity). But, speaking from experience, I can honestly say it was when my eyes were opened to who God made me to be, who I *actually* was, (not what other people thought, not what …
Yesterday I watched an incredibly powerful play put on by a group of homeschoolers. It traced just a few events in history that had a dramatic effect on the world I grew up in and still live in today. They are events that still clearly reveal that our current world would be in a *much* worse place if our current cultural attitudes were allowed to flourish. It showed how certain practises (like torture killing of criminals, forced sale of young girls for sex), perceived as fine by the culture, were ended due to the influence on One person. The ramifications …
Be encouraged fellow pilgrims… Many of you know that for over a year I have been telling my children that they need to be sure about where God wants them as our culture is doomed. In fact, according to history, our cultures demise is sure in our life time let alone theirs. But that said, I am not worried or discouraged – Jesus the King is on the throne, God’s will is being fulfilled and can not be thwarted. While our culture may be nearing the end of its road, this is not a new phenomenon. The vast Herodian empire, …
It was 22 years ago today that I was suddenly confronted with the fact that I had a Father who cared about me. Maybe this seemed so powerful because my biological father was quite different. When he learned of my existence, he left: no words, no care, no contact, no protection, no provision and no explanation. I wasn’t sad about it – it was all I knew – no dad? No worries! I had no idea of the damage to my soul, no idea of the difference a role model could make, no idea how a father could teach, model, …
I am not sure why so many Christians are up in arms about a woman saying Mary should have aborted Jesus. What do we expect from people who love sin and are spiritually blind / dead? Did we not love sin & hate what was good before Jesus opened our eyes / changed our hearts? I know for one I did. The Bible is so clear on how confused and blind people are: He literally abandons them to their own foolishness. (Scripture below). When I think back at how ridiculous my own beliefs were before Jesus changed me I am …
So how does humanity survive from MONKEYPOX? a) A ‘vaccine’ that doesn’t actually stop you getting it b) 3 – 5 boosters that don’t stop you getting it c) wearing a mask and don’t visit people d) put everybody in lock down e) all of the above f) all of the above PLUS a monkey tax If you think the government overreach has been bad…wait & see what happens if Labour / Greens get in. Seriously the WHO (who get so much wrong) want total unhindered control over you and your kids. The fact that many haven’t even heard about …
31 – it’s the age I was 15 years ago! Hard to believe, but 31 has a lot more significance than that… It’s also the number of babies that have survived an abortion attempt in Western Australia: Born alive and able to live, they were left to slowly die. That’s right – in this world where people are up in arms if you smack a child, or kill a fox, or cut down a tree that a bird might live in… trained doctors and nurses stood back and did nothing as a helpless babies struggled in pain and slowly died. As …
A news reader happy to segregate society and declare that the Saviour of the world should have been killed in the womb. A successful Christian filmmaker whose whole catalogue of film was deliberately erased by Google. The Breastfeeding Association investigating the use of the supposedly offensive term of ‘mother’. A veteran police officer under the same for stating biological facts on his personal Facebook page. Christian bakers, conservative judges, teachers, professors and sports people: all fair game. The laws of the land are quickly sliding down a slippery slope they said did not exist. It is now virtually impossible to …
Ten years ago, if I anyone had said that we would see the things we have in the last few, they would have been labelled a conspiracy theorist at minimum, but more than likely they would be labelled a complete nut case. A few examples are below, they all magnify the fact that our culture has completely abandoned rational thinking and objective truth. While some are alarmed and others are waking up to the warning signs and dangers of complete control, we haven’t seen anything yet. Imagine if Labor / the Greens get in: Mothers & Fathers Day gone for …
It should not surprise you that Molotov cocktails are being thrown into the offices of pro life groups. Violent & threatening protests outside of DEMOCRATIC JUDGES HOUSES are just the beginning. If someone is willing to defend the right to crush an innocent babies skull & suck out it’s brains, then cut it up & sell it’s organs… why wouldn’t they be violent or try to kill those they disagree with? What is the difference? Where is the line? There is no length people will not go to to ensure their chosen way of life is not affected. My life, …
The outlook was bleak and there were many risks. This was the worst time to fall pregnant – no income, already two children to care for and the bills were mounting. It was clear that the father was bad news – sure enough he left as soon as he heard the news. No support, no income, no house, no financial security, no child support. The choice for many reading this would be simple: have it killed. Thankfully, my mother had come to believe that life was precious and sacred, even before birth. This is what she had read in the …
I will never forget the memory of an intense argument. It affected my soul so much – my stomach was tense, my whole being in desperate fear. I actually thought I was going to die. Looking back – most people I know would say that I should have died. More accurately, they would say I should have been killed. I was going to be born to a woman who’s partner was an alcoholic. He was bad news, offered her nothing – no support, no care. The woman already had two children to a previous relationship. This baby would push her …
I went to a country fete the other day. There was a raffle to raise money for animal welfare. I hadn’t planned to participate, but I LOVE raffles: so many great prizes – and surprises. And this one certainly was a surprise…I won a puppy! I hadn’t taken much notice of the prizes being drawn, but this little fella was sooooo cute! His tail wagged the whole way home… My excitement was short lived though: As I passed a park I started thinking of all the things that would change. I would have to walk it every day – feed it …
Just watched a movie / documentary about the end of the slave trade with African Americans and John Newton. Looking back at this point in time I think that if I was alive during this time, I would have lost it in rage and killed those who were abusing and torturing people for their own benefit. I imagined fighting back and saving the slaves. But then I had a sobering thought: before Jesus arrested me on a cliff, I was willing to do anything to anyone for a small amount of gain. I would lie to people. I would rip …
So it seems that the Supreme Court in the US (@SCOTUS) is about to overturn Roe versus Wade. So years after incomplete information allowed / condoned people to murder babies that can feel in womb, there is some justice for these, the most vulnerable, the truly voiceless, in our society. And now, wait to hear the reaction of those who demand the right to stamp on the rights of the one they were responsible in creating. I won’t be surprised if there are angry mobs and death threats towards those who have rightfully voted on this stain on our society. …
Do you want to know how to tell if this whole Elon Musk / Twitter thing REALLY is about free speech? I’ve got 3 simple ways for you to tell for sure. I don’t know about you, but I find it pretty amazing when I see the reaction of so many people on the sale of Twitter. Obviously I understand the position of those who run it: the board: they want to make money and to do so they need to cater to the masses of the online community. They want the perception of being progressive, but not too much. …
It’s hard to imagine the sacrifices, the hardship endured by others to try to ensure our freedom. But did they die in vain? Months or even years away from family, friends, parents or children. No showers, cleanliness or dry socks. That’s right – itchy, infected feet swollen in boots – that was normal. Sickness, disease and experimental ‘medicine’. High stress environment: continually being shot at, attacked and killed. Watching friends and allies die regularly. Being commanded to kill other humans. Seeing horrible and disgusting acts that haunt them for life…if they survive. Many, too young to know any better, had …
Cancel Culture: any white man that even looks at a woman the wrong way or – who could believe it – is ever alone in a room with her is canceled, attacked, dropped and sacked. A white mans career and life can be destroyed DECADES later on the testimony of a drunk or drug affected woman. But, Will Smith, who is ok for other people to have sex with his wife, physically assaults a comedian for a mild insult… but then, something much more telling happens. Minutes later he gets a standing ovation from hundreds of famous and influential people, many …
This week, details made public have confirmed what many have long known: Disney is no longer child friendly. I would go further and say it is positively dangerous for children and also aggressively anti-parent… Disney seems determined to remove all rights from parents and push their far-left (and in my opinion toxic) view of sexuality, gender fluidity and racism on to unsuspecting children. Many will have picked up these undertones increasingly in their recent movies and removal of gender language (including in their theme parks , but still may be surprised by the advertised minimum quotas of particular minority groups …
Today, while listening to the Bible, it hit me: “No wonder people hate the Bible!!” “No wonder people hate the Bible!” Seriously, it’s no wonder it get’s so much negative press…it deserves it! While 95% of what is presented is completely false, no one cares: it’s a book we all love to hate… I did too. Anyone who dared to try direct me towards it would get an instant and angry attack: those who had represented it to me while young had hurt me, so NO WAY! But today, I see things very differently. Here’s the verse that I was …
I recently wrote an article looking at the ‘Death of the West’: how history reveals that we can not survive the next 40 years. (Article is Here) All through history, powerful, educated, military nations that should rule the world have ceased to exist. However, it is small, insignificant, uneducated nations like the Jews, have survived through the ages (despite concerted efforts to the contrary!) . It just does not make sense… Unless of course there is some supernatural power at play. Interestingly, the Bible describes this very scenario: a God who punishes nations who violate His law. According to this incredible book, the …
I just read that the largest backing for a Kickstarter project ever is for a set of four books from Brandon Sanderson. Let that sink in – Over 32 MILLION dollars has been pledged by people who want to read the books on a fantasy world created by a Mormon with a creative, though agenda-driven, imagination. I find it so incredibly telling that in this culture, that elevates supposed knowledge and rational thought so much, we have lost the very notion of truth altogether. We should not be surprised, as history has universally shown that for cultures that embrace …
It is not a surprise that I have been asked a number of times recently: “Is the Covid [ jab / mandate / passport ] ‘the mark of the Beast’ the Bible talks about?” The answer is incredibly alarming, but likely in a totally different way than you might think… First, the ‘Mark of the Beast’ as described clearly in the Bible: He required everyone—small and great, rich and poor, free and slave—to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. 17 And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either …