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How to know if Elon Musk REALLY cares about Free Speech

How to know if Elon Musk REALLY cares about Free Speech

Do you want to know how to tell if this whole Elon Musk / Twitter thing REALLY is about free speech? I’ve got 3 simple ways for you to tell for sure. 

I don’t know about you, but I find it pretty amazing when I see the reaction of so many people on the sale of Twitter. Obviously I understand the position of those who run it: the board: they want to make money and to do so they need to cater to the masses of the online community. They want the perception of being progressive, but not too much. Maybe left but with the perceived centre still in view.

Obviously they have failed this dismally! They have gone far too far & have being secretly willing to not only influence or control the narrative but even going as far to censor and delete information. I mean what is this? North Korea? Now that’s the Board.

But to me it speaks volumes that millions of people who use this platform are so fragile, so scared of hearing a differing opinion. They are literally scared of free speech! They are obviously hypocritical too…they were fine for that to happen when the Board was left, but now that Elon Musk wants to take over they are saying how dangerous it is to have censorship. I mean if that not hypocrisy I don’t know what is. 

But this is particularly sad for a nation or culture that started with such a strong basis and claims to champion free speech. 

But what should be very concerning is that the censoring and even canceling of people – peoples accounts are getting cancelled – is happening over things that are factually true. It’s not people inciting riots or hatred or violence or racism. It’s people saying factual statements. 

Just yesterday, a top performing, world class athlete’s account was cancelled for correctly stating that she was unfairly beaten by a man! As that was a couple of days ago there is now some doubt the account was genuine. But it is not an isolated incident. Journalist Savanhah Hernandez was cancelled over her coverage of the same issue when she interviewed a team mate of someone who lost a position to biological male Lia Thomas.

Now I am not transphobic (I will not attack any marginalised group) and I don’t think that things are as simple as xx / xy chromosomes in the debate. What these people are experiencing is real and can not be dismissed – I feel for them I really do. But there are conversations we need to have on the topic – how can that happen if people who state one side are censored or cancelled? It just can’t happen. 

Now if what they say is medically and physically true why should they be canceled?! Many doctors state that biologically, physically, a man is a man no matter what or who he feels or thinks he is. No matter what blockers or hormones he takes, his bone density, his muscle structure, his organs are all different to that of a female. 

How can that be silenced in an open debate? Isn’t that the definition of bigotry? 

Many believe that condoning and giving hormones is adding to the pain and torment the said person goes through. Obviously it presents the false notion to other young people that maybe their own feelings of discontentment or despair can be fixed by ‘transitioning’.

It can be argued that logic and statistics say the exact opposite of this. Pro trans countries (who champion transitioning) are reported to have suicide rates of trans people far above the rest of the population. They are over represented. Why aren’t we talking about this? So, if changing yourself to be who you think / feel you are doesn’t work – and being accepted for who you think or feel you are doesn’t help in the long term – what does? 

If we look at the way we treat other disorders, can we get any clues?  

Take someone with Anorexia or Bolemia they come to you and say they are fat / overweight, (which is what they actually genuinely believe in their heart of hearts, w their whole being they are convinced, they know it to be true, they think and believe and would say they know it to be true they would say that they are fat). Should we agree with them?

If we do, that could literally lead to their death. When they don’t eat any more. They are dangerously thin. They are malnourished. We need to loving & carefully help them to see that they have a real condition and they need help – they need to eat! 

I personally believe that we need to treat all people with love and care – to meet them where they are at and be respectful no matter their disorder, habit, addiction or whatever it is. But we don’t have to agree on everything. In fact, showing love, may involve saying the things that do cause a reaction & is painful to start with. 

We do a prayer ministry & we love to see the way Jesus brings healing to people with a wide range of issues. We don’t judge them – we love them and we understand that the pull and power of an addiction or any disorder or wound is very, very strong. It is also not an easy thing to deal with – Psychology and Psychiatry have very little to offer in genuine, lasting change for a lot of these disorders. But I have personally witnessed Jesus do incredible things – make lasting changes in me when Cognitive Therapy – Psychology – none of that had answers no matter my trying. 

But Jesus makes lasting changes people who had all but given up. The change is incredible – I will put a link to what I am talking about. When Jesus does it, it is effortless. 

[Link to Website ]

But my main point is this: you can disagree with me. You might think that Jesus is just religion figure or you might be an atheist. 

My main point is that whatever my position on any topic, I am open to discussion and learning and debate and change. I want to hear your point of view. I want to learn from others. I don’t want to close opposing views, opinions, experience, reasoning or research or anything down. That only leads to error – every single time! 

Look at all the major social platforms – they have become echo chambers – any differing view is closed down / deleted or cancelled. They all have there own algorithms to lower the coverage of posts or stories that show evidence against their chosen narrative.  

There is something that is far far worse in the bigger picture. What is happening on social media is magnifying part of the issue so that people are starting to see a deeper underlying problem. It’s something that should be every persons biggest worry: you should be deeply concerned about this: 

We, (the West) we as a culture, have lost rational thinking! So much so that people who have rational thinking and present facts, they stand out from the crowd! People go ‘oh wow that is a bit shocking’. No, that’s just a fact. That is just a simple, baseline fact. 

The fact that we have lost rational thinking of our culture should worry you, because it indicates that our cultures days are numbered. That’s right – our culture can not survive past 2070!

If history is anything to go by, if all the other known cultures that have existed on the planet are anything to go by, we can not survive as a culture more than 50 years from now!

This is not my conspiracy theory – This has never happened in all of history. No culture in all of history has ever been able to turn itself around from where we were as a culture in 1970. In 1970 we hit the trifector of social stances that indicate a culture can not survive for 100 years!

Now that is long past now. What’s going on now in social media, is magnifying, it is just further evidence that this end to the West is certain and approaching even faster than predicted. I will link to the an article will be in the comments. I may post another video about the West. That is not my main point. 

What’s happening now is showing that the ending is coming a lot faster than predicted. 


A lack of free speech (and the medias narrative control) is accelerating our very cultures decline. I personally wonder, does Elon Musk know this? Is this why (or is he) trying to slow down or even reverse? But here is the 3 ways to see if he actually values free speech… 

1) First one is pretty simple -you’ll see this happening right away. You might have already seen it happening. Free Speech will demand that all previously cancelled accounts (that didn’t break the law), are re-instated. Pretty logical.

Welcome back hordes of dissenters! OH PLEASE Everyone but TRUMP!!  No matter whether you love or hate him – his account will be back on twitter. So will lots of people’s that you may disagree with. The drawback is that there will be more people with stupidity, rudeness and deliberate hoax – false information – but that is a small price to pay. As annoying as these people are, they need help – they have their own issues going on & they need attention, they are generally fairly easy to spot aswell. But we should get a more complete picture a more informed debate a more balanced ‘centre’. Pretty clear. 

2)  You might be able to debate this one – Will he cancel the twitter account that tracks his private jet? Some might say this more a privacy, confidentiality or security issue & that is why he might cancel it. I personally definitely would not want someone tracking / stalking me . But surely if the law allows it, free speech would demand that Musk doesn’t cancel the account once he has full control.  Only time will tell. Is the jet tracking account still open? 

3) Now this is one where we get down to the real test – and it will take time. But if Twitter stays on the Apple App Store and/or Google Play in the months or years to come, you know that Twitter is still not free speech. Why do I say that? Because Apple & Google are opposed to free speech and they will not allow true free speech apps on their respective stores. This should concern you. A lot. 

Should listen to Andrew Torba’s journey trying to start a free speech alternative to Twitter. He saw this years ago.

It’s hard to believe the resistance & push back he got. Now he has what I think is the best free speech platform available. Look up Why sis he get such a big push back? 

Hi journey showed clearly that it wasn’t just the App Stores…. He was harassed and cancelled by Banks, Payment processors, domain registrars, hosting providers, mainstream (or legacy) media – EVERY LINK IN THE INFORMATION CHAIN is locked down! IS controlled – the narrative is controlled. All are opposed to free speech. Everything you see, everything you read, everything you hear is controlled. 

And people think religion is controlling!


Religion can be controlling, Catholicism, Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses – there are many cults that are very controlling. Some will even force you to disown your own family if they don’t agree with you. Most religions have a basis in works – doing x,y,z, a,b,c to earn ‘god’s’ favour. From the Mayans to the Egyptians to the Romans to Catholics, the ceremony looks different but the basis the same. 

Jesus came along & threw a spanner in the works & said there is no way we can earn our way to God – that He is so perfect & we all have sinned so we are all under His wrath & doomed. But because God didn’t want all of humanity to be lost, because He loved us so much, He sent His Son to die on the cross to pay our debt. So those who turn from their sin & trust Jesus are saved – not by doing the right thing, but by trusting in what Jesus has done.

I personally think that this exact thing is the One and only thing that can save our culture. I believe that unless we as a culture turn from sin (what God calls sin, not just what we want to be sin!) and follow Jesus, we will not exist past 2070. 

Again all of this should horrify you – what is it that the big players have to control so completely and securely? Why can’t we have access to information? Isn’t it communism when the Government tries to control what we think or have access to in the way of information? 


Here and now – in 2022, the truth is, you no longer can get accurate or trustworthy news on anything. The war in Ukraine – is it really a big bad bully bombing inhumanely causing as much death as he can?

Before this war everyone was certified of Covid. Then all of a sudden this war comes and that is all we hear. Be honest – before the war when it was a rumour what did you think would happen is Russia invaded Ukraine? A few days of incredibly intense bombing – a few hundred thousand people dead and it’s all over. You know like the Afghanistan withdrawal. Russia is HUGE. But instead we get dribs & drabs of social media posts that mostly turn out to be fake. 

The tank running over a car, snake island heroes, the war planes that were actually at an airshow, the explosions that were not even in the Ukraine from years earlier – the numerous completely false statements by Zelenski — what are the actual facts?

There are bio labs Ukraine – how relevant is this? What are they there for? What about Nato’s backflip on how close they will be to Russia? If I were Russia I would be concerned too – do they even have the right to defence themselves? If they are as obviously bad as what we are being told, why is the death toll 100x as much? Why have they not stepped in? 

The fact is, no one really knows what the truth is as the narrative is being controlled. A lot of the mainstream reporting has been shown to be completely false. But you won’t find it on your news program or on these controlled platforms. You will see the fake reports before they are disproved, but then? Nothing – the narrative is what they wanted you to believe so mission accomplished. 


Covid 19, the covid jabs, what are the facts? No one really knows as the narrative is being controlled. Doctors and research that doesn’t line up with the government / leftist narrative is simply deleted. Fear controls people. Covid 19 was a great fear campaign. And when it is found to be true later on, what then? Nothing. And then they try to claim they follow the science!! Absurdity. 

Would Biden be president if Twitter had not deleted the Hunter Biden laptop story? Insisting it was false news, they deleted it instantly. Now it has proved to be absolutely true and likely only the tip of the iceberg. There’s proof coming to light that Joe Biden directly lied, stating he had no knowledge of Hunters business dealings. But now, emails show he paid off around $1million of Hunters debts including to the Chinese. Pretty big deal right! But now it is too late and leftist news networks still fail to report on it honestly. 

There are thousands of examples. 

The media is not trustworthy. There is a wide chasm between the left and the right, each not reporting on the stories that don’t fit their narrative or support their position.There is a bigger problem. 

But that is throwing fuel on a divided society and is decreasing our rational thought, leading to declining rational though / debate and loss of truth itself. 

Elon Musk might be trying to help this, but will it be effective? 

Will he stick to his guns & get Twitter canceled off all the app stores? Or will he tow the line and start to censor as well under the perceived guise of freedom of speech? Or will Apple & Google change their terms? 

Will all the leftists / snowflakes / those who can’t handle a differing opinion leave? 

Will it be good for honest debate and getting closer to the truth? 

I doubt it – but only time will tell. 

Peace Guys! 


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